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(1)       每位演講者只講一次,并且在同一時(shí)間只有一次演講者。

(2)       三位演講者在午餐前發(fā)言,另三位在午餐后發(fā)言。

(3)       G一定在午餐前發(fā)言。

(4)       僅有一位發(fā)言者處在M和N之間。

(5)       F在第一位或第三位發(fā)言。


A.F                             B.G

C.L                             D.M


A.F或M                        B.G或L

C.L或N                        D.M或N


   A.F                              B.G

   C.J                              D.N


   A.G、J                       B.J、L

   C.F、G、J                    D.F、G、J、L


   A.第四位                     B.第二位

   C.第三位                     D.第一位




A. E或F有一人參加,但二人不能都參加。

B.  J或K有一人參加,但二人不能都參加。

C.  如果J參加,則G參加。

D. 除非F參加,否則M不參加。


A.E、F、H、K           B.E、G、J、M

C.E、H、J、M           D.F、H、K、M


A.F或M,或者二者兼具。       B.G或H,或者二者兼具。

C.H或J,或者二者兼具          D.J或M,或者二者兼具。


A.E和J                    B.F和G

C.E和M                   D.F和J


A.F和G                   B.E和M

C.F和K                   D.G和K


A.F和H                   B.G和J

C.G和M                  D.H和M


     第四部分   外語運(yùn)用能力測(cè)試(英語) 



Part One         Vocabulary and Structure


     Thee are ten incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence .Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.


1.       The bird flew upward and dropped the shellfish onto the rock to ___ it open.

A. cut    B. press    C. break    D. shake

2.  People who walk on the grass are ___ to a fine of $5.

   A. possible  B. likely  C. liable  D. reliable

3.  People do not always recall events as they ___ actually.

   A. are happening   B. will happen    C. happened    D. would happen

4.  The Mona Lisa,___ in Italy, is now in the Louvre, a museum in Paris.

   A. who painted    B. who was painted   C. which painted   D. which was painted

5.  Dr. Hawking has made much contribution to the theories of modern physics at the ___ of his health.

A. cost     B. disposal    C. mercy      D. expenditure

6.  John Smith, being a diligent student, never refuses to ___ more responsibilities that are assigned to him.

A. take up    B. take in     C. take off       D. take on

7.  Effective prevention against physical harms has never been ___ urgently needed, especially in schools.

A. more     B. as      C. such       D. quite

8.  A recent survey suggested that if money were not an issue, most mothers ____ not to work at all.

A. should prefer    B. prefer     C. would prefer      D. preferred

9.  The ATMs enable bank customers to access their money 24 hours a day and seven days a week _____ ATMs are located.

A. wherever       B. whenever        C. however         D. whatever

10.  Becoming aware of our mother’s age, not just in numbers of years but _____ her psychological and physical state, often helps us to understand her better.

A. in spite of      B. on account of       C. in terms of       D. by means of

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