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第四節(jié)  外語運用能力測試題



Part One Vocabulary and Structure


In this part there are ten incomplete sentences, each with four suggested answers. Choose the one that you think is the best answer. Mark you answer on the Answer Sheet b drawing with a pencil a short bar across the corresponding letter in the brackets.

1.  The news currency will get into _______ soon.

   A. circuit                            B. circulation

   C. circular                                                D. circle

2.  Shortage of capital is the main factor that _______ economic development.

   A. holds out                                              B. holds on to

   C. holds back                                           D. holds on


3.  The captain of the ship _______ the passengers that there was no danger.

   A. assured                                                B. ensured

   C. secured                                                D. insured

4.  Many old people in the cities find themselves unable to get used to the rapid _______ of city life.

   A. rate                                                      B. speed

   C. step                                                     D. pace

5.        The first Olympiad is said to have consisted _______ of a 200-yard foot race near

the small city of Olympia.

   A. nearly                                                  B. completely

   C. merely                                                 D. identically

6.  The issue _______ at the conference is very important and it will create a sensation nationwide.

  A. discussed                                               B. being discussed

  C. is being discussed                                   D. has been discussed

7. The extensive survey suggested that their assumptions _______ totally wrong.

  A. were                                                      B. be

  C. was                                                       D. would be

8. Undoubtedly, _______ wins the election is going to have a tough job getting the

economy back on its feet.

  A. anyone                                            B. who

  C. whoever                                                D. everyone

9. If they had sent a check to the telephone company last week, their telephone

_______ out of service at this moment.

   A. will not be                                            B. will not have been

   C. would not be                                        D. would not have been

10. Millions of Americans flock to their drugstores to buy vitamins and minerals,

            that these pills can help prevent serious illnesses.

   A. convincing                                            B. convinced

   C. to convince                                          D. to be convinced 



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