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    一座塑料大棚中有6 塊大小相同的長方形菜池子,按照從左到右的次序依次排列為:l 、2、3 、4 、5 和6 號。而且1號與6號不相鄰。大棚中恰好需要種6 種蔬菜:Q 、L 、H 、X 、S和Y 。每塊菜池子只能種植其中的一種。種植安排必須符合以下條件:
Q 在H 左側(cè)的某一塊菜池中種植。
X種在1或6 號菜池子。
3號菜池子種植Y 或S。
L緊挨著S 的右側(cè)種植。

41. 以下哪項列出的可能是特合條件的種植安排?
A. 1 種植丫;2 種植Q ; 3 種植S ;  4 種植L ; 5 種植H ; 6 種植X 。
B. 1 種植X ; 2 種植Y ; 3 種植Q ; 4 種植S ; 5 種植L ; 6 種植H 。
C. 1 種植H ; 2 種植Q ; 3 種植丫; 4 種植S ; 5 種植L ; 6 種植X 。
D. l 種植L ; 2 種植S ; 3 種植Y ; 4 種植Q ; 5 種植H ; 6 種植X。

42. 如果S 和Q 種植在奇數(shù)號的菜池中,以下哪項陳述可能為真?
A. H 種在l 號菜池子。         B. Y種在2號菜池子!  . H 種在4 號菜池子。         D. L種在5 號菜池子。

A. L緊挨著S左側(cè)種植。           B. H緊挨著S左側(cè)種植。 C. Y 緊挨著S左側(cè)種植。     D. X 緊挨著S 左側(cè)種植。

44. 如果H種在2號菜池子,以下哪項陳述必然為真?
A. Y 種在3號萊池子。            B. L種在4號菜池子! . L 種在5號菜池子。            D. X種在6號菜池子。

45. 以下哪項陳述不可能為真?
A.H緊族著X 的右側(cè)種植。       B. X緊挨著Y的左側(cè)種植!  . S種在Q 左側(cè)的某一塊菜池中。    
D. Y種在X右側(cè)的某一塊菜池中。


某街道綜合治理委員會共有6名委員:F、G、H 、I 、M 和P 。其中每一位委員,在綜合治理委員會下屬的3個分委會中,至少要擔任其中一個分委會的委員。每個分委會由3位不同的委員組成。已知的信息如下:
  F 不和G在同一個分委會任委員。
  H 不和I在同一個分委會任委員。
46. 以下哪項陳述可能為真?
A. F分別在三個分委會任委員。         B. H分別在三個分委會任委員。
C. G 分別在三個分委會任委員。         D. I任職的分委會中有P。

47. 如果F不和M在同一個分委會任委員,以下哪項陳述必然為真?
A. F和H在同一個分委會任委員。      B. F 和I在同一個分委會任委員。
C. I和P在同一個分委會任委員。       D. M和G在同一個分委會任委員。

48. 如果在M任職的分委會中有I,以下哪項陳述可能為真?
A. M是每一個分委會的委員。               B. I分別在兩個分委會任委員。
C. 在P任職的分委會中I。                 D. F和M在同一個分委會任委員。

49. 以下哪項陳述必然為真?
A. I只任一個分委會的委員。           B. F和H共同在某個分委會任委員。
C. G和1共同在某個分委會任委員。     D. F和M在同一個分委會任委員。

50. 以下哪項陳述必然為真?
A. 有一個委員恰好在兩個分委會中任委員!   . H或I 有一個分別是三個分委會的委員。
C. P或M只在一個分委會中任委員。       D. F或G有一個分別是三個分委會的委員。

第四部分  外語御用能力測試(英語)(50題,每小題2分,滿分100分)

Part One Vocabulary and Structure


       There are ten incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A,B,C and D .Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

1. Some persons ___fishing simply for fun.

A. make                B. feel    C. seek                 D. enjoy

2. In space, ___and equipment need many forms of protection.

A. pilots                B. astronauts         C. engineers        D. scientists

3. Living things can sense and ___changes in their surroundings.

A. respond to              B. make up       C. lead to             C. decide on

4. Minimum wage is the ____amount of money per hour that an employer may legally pay a worker.

A. little                  B. few          C. least                C. smallest

5. Sometimes, artists paint ____for their own enjoyment or self-expression, choosing their own subjects.

A. reluctantly        B. ccasionally       C. primarily          D. generously

6. When we arrived at the airport, we were told our flight___.

A. cancelled                B. had cancelled       C. has been cancelled     D. had been cancelled

7. Kathy hopes to become a friend of ____shares her bitterness and happiness.

A. whoever           B. whatever        C. whomever        D. whichever

8. The coat I’m wearing now cost about ___of that one hung over there.

A. twice price                 B. the twice price        C. twice the price    D. the price twice.

9. ___the flood, the ship would have reached its destination on time.

A. In case of            B. In spite of         C. As of                   D. But for

10. Without the sun’s light ____the earth’s surface, no life could exist on the earth.

A. warms                     B. warmed          C. warming               D. to warm

Part Two Reading Comprehension


       In this part there are passages and one listing, each followed by five questions or unfinished statements. For each of them, there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

 Questions 11-15 are based on the following passage:

  A mother dolphin(海豚) chats with her baby over the telephone! They were in separate tanks connected by a special underwater audio link.” It seemed clear that they knew who they were talking with” says Don White, whose Project Delphis ran the experiment. But what were they saying?

  Scientists think dolphins “talk” about everything from basic facts like age to their emotional state. “I speculate that they say things like ‘there are some good fish over here,’ or ‘watch out for that shark because he’s hunting.’” says Denise Herzing, who studies dolphins in the Bahamas.

  Deciphering(譯解) “dolphin speak” is also tricky because their language is so dependent on what they’re doing, whether they’re playing, fighting, or going after tasty fish. During fights, for example, dolphins clap(碰撞) their jaws to say “Back off!” But their jaws clap while playing, too as if to show who’s king of the underwater playground.

11. How did the mother dolphin talk with her baby over the telephone?

A. Two connected tanks were separated for the talk.

B. A special underwater audio link was set up for the talk.

C. Both the mother dolphin and the baby knew each other.

D. A clear voice could be heard in the two separate tanks.

12.Dolphins seem to talk to each other about any of the following EXCEPT___.

A. their age                      B. their emotional state       C. food sources                  D. audio link

13. Why is it challenging to interpret “dolphin speak”?

A. Because dolphins’ language heavily relies on their actions.

B. Because dolphins like to talk about their language.

C. Because playing and fighting are part of dolphins’ life.

D. Because tasty fish are difficult for dolphins to catch.

14. A dolphin might be saying “____” when it claps its jaws.

A. Go back to your home!    B. Who is playing here!   C. I am the king here!         D. Show me who the king is!

15. When scientists describe dolphins’ communicative skills, their tone is rather___.

A. affirmative          B. speculative    C. playful             D. negative

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