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kaoyan.exam8.com 來源:清華在線 更新:2008-7-8 15:45:40 考試吧考研

26. According to the forecast,           

Kansas City will be warmer than Toronto
Temperatures will be the lowest in Seattle and Minneapolis.
The weather will be fine in most of the listed cities.
More than half of the listed cities are cloudy or rain likely
27. Among the following four cities. The difference between the afternoon high and the evening low is smallest in        

Kansas City
28. Which of the following cities is closest to Miami in weather conditions?

29. The difference between the afternoon high and the evening low is greatest in       .

A.     Seattle

B.     Los Angeles

C.     Las Vegas

D.     Phoenix

30. The differences between the afternoon high and the evening low are the same in .

E.      Seattle

F.      Los Angeles

G.     Las Vegas

H.     Phoenix

30. The differences between the afternoon high and the evening low are the same in       。

A.Chicago. Dallas, Kansas City, and St, Louis

B. Atlanta, San Francisco, New Orleans ,and Seattle.

C.Cleveland, Dallas, St, Louis, and Washington.

D.Pittsburgh, Miami, Houston, and Boston.


Part Three     Cloze

For each blank in the following passage, choose the best answer from the choices given below. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet by drawing with a pencil a short bar across the corresponding letter in the brackets.

In November of 1992, President Theodore Roosevelt was on a hunting trip in Mississippi. His hunt was going     31    that day, and he couldn’t seem to find anything worthy of    32    his rifle . Then his staff captured a black baby bear for the President to shoot, but he could not . The thought of shooting a bear that was tied to a tree did not seem sporting, so he   33    the life of the baby bear and set it free.

Based on this story, a famous political cartoonist for the Washington Star drew a cartoon. Which showed Teddy Roosevelt, rifle  the life of the baby bear and set it free.

Based on this story, a famous political cartoonist for the Washington Star drew a cartoon. Which showed Teddy Roosevelt, rifle   34    ,with his back turned on a cute (可愛的) baby bear. Morris Michtom, owner of a Brooklyn toy store , was   35  

By the cartoon to make a stuffed baby bear. Intending it only as a display. He placed the stuffed bear in his toy store   36   , and next to it placed a copy of the cartoon from the newspaper. To Michtom’s surprise, his store was flooded by customers     37    to buy . He asked for and received President Roosevelt’s    38    to sue his name for the hand-sewn bears that he and his wife made ,and the “Teddy Bear” was born! Michtom was soon manufacturing Teddy bears    39    the thousands. The money from the sale enabled him, in 1903, to    40    the Ideal Toy company.

31. A. hastily               B. poorly          C. punctually                     D. steadily

32.A. supporting          B. opening                 C. shouldering                   D. firing

33.A. spared               B. protected             C. saved                            D. checked

34.A. in his hand          B. in the hand           C. in hands                        D. in hand

35.A. encouraged        B. inspired                 C. urged                            D. pictured

36.A. window             B. door                    C. table                             D. counter

37.A. eager                 B. reluctant               C. interested                      D. straight

38.A. order                 B. permission            C. argument                D. file

39.A. at                       B. of                         C. by                                 D. for

40.A. sell                     B. change                 C. form                             D. invest

Part Four    Dialogue completion                  

There are ten short incomplete dialogues between two speakers, each followed by four choices marked A, B,C, and D, Choose the answer that appropriately suits the conversational context and best completes the dialogue. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet by drawing with a pencil a short bar across the corresponding letter in the rackets.

41. Karen: Hello. Could I speak to Justin, Please?


A.     Yes, you could.

B.     Speaking.

C.     Who are you?

D.     Speak, Please.

42. speaker A: Well, it’s getting late. Maybe we could get together sometime.

Speaker B:      

A.     sounds good. I’ll give you a call

B.     Take it easy

C.     Nice to see you back

D.     Yes, I’ve enjoyed it

43. Jack: Hey. how are you, Susie? Gee, we haven’t seen each other in …it must be close to three years!


A.     How do you do ?

B.     Nice to meet you.

C.     Fancy meeting you here.

D.     Well, French fries.

44. Waiter:      ?

 Customer: Yes, I’ll have a cheeseburger, medium rare, with French fries.

A.     What do you want to eat

B.     Have you decided what to have yet

C.     Excuse me , are you ready to order now

D.     Excuse me , but who’s like to order

45. Speaker A; I’ve got a fever and a really bad headache.

Why are you so careless about yourself?
This kind of thing happens to everyone.
You should take good care of yourself.
Oh, that’s too bad. Why don’t you take some aspirin?
46. Man: That’s a beautiful dress you have on !


A.        Actually, I don’t like it very much

B.         Oh, thank you. I just got it yesterday

C.        Yes, I think so

D.        No. it’s not that beautiful . Yours is better


47. Speaker A: Mind if I call you Albert?

Speaker B:      

A.     Yes, just call me A1

B.     Yes, you may do that

C.     Of course not. But just plain “A1”will do

D.     OK. Everyone does

48. Student A: May I use your computer this afternoon?

Student A: I’m sorry, but I have to finish typing this term paper today.

Student A:       .

A.     Do as you please

B.         It doesn’t matter

C.         Thank you just the same

D.         Never mind

49. Nancy: Have you heard about Dana? She is going to get married with Graham!


You’re kidding!
Is it a real thing?
Good luck!
50. Grandpa: Robbie, we’ll go fishing soon, and we’ll take your dad with us.

   Grandson: I’m ready, Grandpa.       

You name the day
Enjoy yourselves
You can’t miss it
Take your time 



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