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來源:考試吧 2007-6-29 10:17:23 考試吧:中國教育培訓第一門戶 模擬考場





Unit 36
"The creation of the PC is the best thing that ever happened," said Bill Gates at a conference on "digital dividends" in 2000. He even wondered if it might be possible to make computers for the poor in countries without an electric power grid. The answer is yes, and things are going even further. Villagers in a remote region of Laos that has neither electricity nor telephone connections are being wired up to the Internet.
Lee Thorn, the head of the Jhai Foundation, an American-Lao organisation, has been working for nearly five years in the Hin Heup district. The foundation has helped villagers build schools, install wells and organise a weaving co-operative. But those villagers told Mr Thorn that what they needed most was access to the Internet. To have any hope of meeting that need, in an environment which is both physically harsh and far removed from technical support, Mr Thorn realised that a robust computer was the first requirement.
He therefore turned to engineers working with the Jhai Foundation, who devised a machine that has no moving, and few delicate, parts. Instead of a hard disk, the Jhai PC relies on flash-memory chips to store its data. Its screen is a liquid-crystal display, rather than an energy-guzzling glass cathode-ray tube--an exception to the rule that the components used are old-fashioned, and therefore cheap. (No Pentiums, for example, just a 486-type processor.) Mr Thorn estimates that, built in quantity, each Jhai PC would cost around $400. Furthermore, because of its simplicity, a Jhai PC can be powered by a car battery charged with bicycle cranks--thus removing the need for a connection to the grid.
Wireless Internet cards connect each Jhai PC to a solar-powered hilltop relay station which then passes the signals on to a computer in town that is connected to both the Lao phone system (for local calls) and to the Internet. Meanwhile, the Linux-based software that will run the computers is in the final stages of being "localised" into Lao by a group of expatriates in America.
One thing that the new network will allow villagers to do is decide whether it is worth going to market. Phon Hong, the local market town, is 30km away, so it is worth knowing the price of rice before you set off to sell some there. Links farther afield may allow decisions about growing crops for foreign markets to be taken more sensibly--and help with bargaining when these are sold. And there is also the pleasure of using Internet telephony to talk to relatives who have gone to the capital, Vientiane, or even abroad.
If it works, the Jhai PC and its associated network could be a widespread success. So far, the foundation has had expressions of interest from groups working in Peru, Chile and South Africa. The prototype should be operational in Laos this December and it, or something very much like it, may soon be bridging the digital divide elsewhere as well.
注(1):本文選自Economist;9/28/2002, p76, 2/3p, 1c;
注(2):本文習題命題模仿對象2003年真題text 2第1題(1),2002年真題text 4地1、2題(2,4),text 3第4題(5),1998年真題text 2第4題(3);
1.       The author begins his article with Bill Gate’s words to________.
[A] show the great prospect of the PC in improving people’s life
[B] catch people’s attention to the importance of the PC
[C] reveal a project that creates miracle
[D] prove the PC can do things even beyond imagination
2.       From the second paragraph, we learn that_____________.
[A] villagers are isolated from the outside world
[B] Lee’s work is to improve the life of people living in the countryside
[C] the harsh environment keeps Lee from doing better job
[D] engineers have moved to far-away towns due to the poverty of the villages
3.       Which of the following is NOT a feature of Jhai PC?
[A] delicateness
[B] practicality
[C] simplicity
[D] low cost
4.       Which of the following statements is true according to the text?
[A] The Jhai PC has no expensive parts. 
[B] The Jhai PC is powered by solar energy.
[C] The project has gained support from non-resident Laotians.  
[D] The software that runs the Jhai PC is a local product.
5.       We can draw a conclusion from the text that___________.
[A] Mr. Thorn’s project may produce a far-reaching influence
[B] the Jhai PC is revolutionizing the PC industry
[C] South Africa is as poor as Laos
[D] digital divide is something caused by pc and network
dividend[] n. 股息, 紅利, 額外津貼
grid[] n. 高壓輸電網(wǎng)
Laos[] n. 老撾(東南亞國家)
co-operative  n. 合作社
robust[] adj. 堅固的, 耐用的
flash-memory  n. 閃存
chip[] n. 芯片
liquid-crystal display  n. 液晶顯示器
guzzle[] v. 大量消耗
cathode-ray tube  n. 陰極射線管
processor[] n. 處理器
crank[] n. 曲柄
localize[] v. 使)局部化,(使)地方化
expatriate[] n. 移居國外的人
far afield  遠方, 遠處
telephony[] n. 電話
Vientiane[] n. 萬象[老撾首都]
prototype[] n. 原型;模型
1. Its screen is a liquid-crystal display, rather than an energy-guzzling glass cathode-ray tube--an exception to the rule that the components used are old-fashioned, and therefore cheap.
主體句式:Its screen is a liquid-crystal display
結(jié)構(gòu)分析:“rather than”這個連詞引導了一個比較狀語,意為“勝于”,在兩個進行比較時,否定其后者,肯定其前者,此外這一句中還含有一個帶有同位語從句的插入語。
2. Wireless Internet cards connect each Jhai PC to a solar-powered hilltop relay station which then passes the signals on to a computer in town that is connected to both the Lao phone system (for local calls) and to the Internet.
主體句式:Wireless Internet cards connect each Jhai Pc to a relay station
結(jié)構(gòu)分析:本句是一個復雜句,包含兩個定語從句,一個由which引導的修飾relay station,另外一個由that引導修飾computer。
1. 答案為A,屬推理判斷題。本文介紹了一個使老撾偏僻地區(qū)的村民可以不借助電話網(wǎng)和電網(wǎng)登錄國際互聯(lián)網(wǎng)的項目。文中對該項目的緣起,項目實施的過程以及該項目能給村民帶來的好處進行了全面的介紹。以蓋茨對個人電腦的溢美之詞來開始,是為了讓人們認識到電腦在改善人們生活方面的巨大前景。
2. 答案為B,屬事實細節(jié)題。根據(jù)文章第二段,Lee在該地區(qū)工作五年來為該地區(qū)作了很多工作,比如建學校,打井,組織合作社等。這些工作無疑是為了改善人們的生活。
3. 答案為A,屬事實細節(jié)題。從文章第二段最后一句話“Mr. Thorn realized that a robust computer was the first requirement”可以看出該項目需要的是一種非!皉obust”的電腦。robust的本意是“結(jié)實的,強健的”,在此轉(zhuǎn)義為“耐用的,不易壞的”。文章第三段提到這種電腦時說它內(nèi)部可移動的,“delicate”的部件很少!癲elicate”的意思除了“精致的”以外,還有“脆弱的”意思,可見這臺電腦是屬于結(jié)實耐用不易壞的那種。
4. 答案為C,屬事實細節(jié)題。文章第四段最后一行提到,該項目電腦的運行軟件正在由一些移居美國的老撾人進行本地化的工作?梢娺@一項目得到了非常住居民的支持。
5. 答案為A,屬推理判斷題。文章最后一段第一句話就說,這一項目也許會取得巨大成功。繼而講到了其他發(fā)展中國家也表現(xiàn)出對這一項目的興趣。最后一句說,這一項目及其類似項目可以填平各地的數(shù)字鴻溝。可見,這一項目也許會產(chǎn)生深遠的影響。
桑李是一個美國-老撾組織“Jhai基金會”的負責人,他在Hin Heup地區(qū)已經(jīng)工作了將近五年。該基金會幫助村民們興建了學校,打了井,還組織了一個編織合作社。但那些村民告訴桑先生他們最需要的是上網(wǎng)。為了在這樣一個條件惡劣,遠離技術(shù)支持的環(huán)境里找到一點滿足這種需求的希望,桑先生意識到一臺好用的電腦是當務之急。
村民們用這個新網(wǎng)絡可做的一件事情就是決定要不要走向市場。Phon Hong是當?shù)氐募?zhèn),距離村子有30公里,因此到集鎮(zhèn)上去賣大米之前了解一下米價還是有用的。如果能和更遠的地方相連,那么人們就可以更加理智地對待為國外市場種植莊稼的決定---而且這種聯(lián)通還有助于在銷售的時候討價還價。此外,人們還可以享受到使用網(wǎng)絡電話和在首都萬象甚至國外的親人通話的快樂。


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