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Unit 35
Assistants in record shops are used to receiving "humming queries": a customer comes into the store humming a song he wants, but cannot remember either the title or the artist. Knowledgeable staff are often able to name that tune and make a sale. Hummers, though, can be both off-key and off-track. Frequently, therefore, the cash register stays closed and the customer goes away disappointed. A new piece of software may change this. If Online Music Recognition and Searching (OMRAS) is successful, it will be possible to hum a half-remembered tune into a computer and get a match.
OMRAS, which has just been unveiled at the International Symposium on Music Information Retrieval, in Paris, is the brainchild of a group of researchers from the Universities of London, Indiana and Massachusetts. Music-recognition programs exist already, of course. Mobile-phone users, for instance, can dial into a system called Shazam, hold their phones to a source of music, and then wait for the title and artist to be texted back to them.
Shazam and its cousins work by matching sounds directly to recordings, several million of them, stored in a central database. For Shazam to make a match, though, the music source must be not just similar to, but actually identical with, one of the filed recordings. OMRAS, by contrast, analyses the music. That means it can make a match between different interpretations of the same piece. According to Mark Sandler, the leader of the British side of the project, the program would certainly be able to match performances of the same work by an amateur and a professional pianist. It should also pass the humming-query test.
The musical analysis performed by OMRAS is unlike any that a musicologist would recognise. A tune is first digitised, so that it can be processed. It is then subject to such mathematical indignities as wavelet decomposition, multi-resolution Fourier analysis, polyphase filtering and discrete cosine transformation. The upshot is a mathematical model of the sound that contains the essence of the original, without such distractions as style and quality. That essence can then be compared with a library of known essences and a match made. Unlike Shazam, only one library reference per tune is needed.
So far, Dr Sandler and his colleagues have been restricted to modelling classical music. Their 3,000-strong database includes compositions by Bach, Beethoven and Mozart. Worries about copyright mean that they have not yet gained access to company archives of pop music, though if the companies realise that the consequence of more humming queries being answered is more sales, this may change. On top of that, OMRAS could help to prevent accidental copyright infringements, in which a composer lifts somebody else's work without realising his inspiration is second-hand. Or, more cynically, it will stop people claiming that any infringement was accidental. There is little point in doing that when a quick check on the Internet could have set your mind at rest that your magnum opus really was yours.
注(1):本文選自Economist;10/19/2002, p77, 2/3p, 1c;
注(2):本文習(xí)題命題模仿對象2000年真題text 3第1題(1),2001年真題text 4第2題(2),2004年真題text 3第4題(3);2003年真題text 1第4題(4),2002年真題text 3第5題(5);
1.       The passage is mainly__________.
[A] a comparison of two music-recognition programs
[B] an introduction of a new software
[C] a survey of the music recognition and searching market
[D] an analysis of the functions of music recognition softwares
2.       According to the author, one of the distinctive features of OMRAS is________.
[A] its ability to analyze music
[B] its large database
[C] its matching speed
[D] its ability to match music of different pieces
3.       The word “upshot” (Line 4, Paragraph 4) most probably means_________.
[A] last step
[B] final result
[C] goal
[D] program
4.       We can learn from the last paragraph that__________.
[A] OMRAS will facilitate copyright infringements
[B] OMRAS researchers are fans of classical music
[C] composers can get more inspiration with the help of OMRAS
[D] music companies are yet to realize the value of OMRAS
5.       From the text we can see that the writer seems__________.
[A] optimistic
[B] uncertain
[C] indifferent
[D] skeptical
query[] n. 詢問
off-track 唱錯曲子
unveil[] v. 使公諸于眾
symposium[] n. (專家、學(xué)者的)研討會,專題討論會,座談會
retrieval[] n. 檢索;從內(nèi)存或其它存儲設(shè)備中獲取信息的過程
brainchild[] n. 腦力勞動成果(指計劃、發(fā)明等)
text[] v. 以文本形式發(fā)送
musicologist[] n. 音樂學(xué)者
digitize[] v. [計]將資料數(shù)字化
wavelet[] n. 微[子, 弱, 小]波
decomposition[] n. 分解
multi-resolution  n. 多重分辨率
Fourier analysis  傅立葉分析
polyphase[] adj.多相的
filtering[] n. 過濾, 濾除
discrete[] adj. 離散的
cosine[] n. [數(shù)]余弦
transformation[] n. 變化, 轉(zhuǎn)化
upshot[] n. 結(jié)果
infringement[] n. 侵權(quán)侵害一項權(quán)利或特權(quán)
magnum opus[] n. <拉> 巨著, 杰作, 代表作, 主要作品
1. Worries about copyright mean that they have not yet gained access to company archives of pop music, though if the companies realise that the consequence of more humming queries being answered is more sales, this may change.
主體句式:worries mean that …
結(jié)構(gòu)分析:這是一個復(fù)雜句,句中包含一個that引導(dǎo)的賓語從句,這個從句中有一個詞組gain access to,意思是“可以進入”,此外,句中還有一個由though引導(dǎo)的讓步狀語從句,在這個從句里又有一個if引導(dǎo)的條件狀語從句,而在這個條件狀語從句里又有一個that引導(dǎo)的賓語從句。
2. There is little point in doing that when a quick check on the Internet could have set your mind at rest that your magnum opus really was yours.
主體句式:There is little point…
結(jié)構(gòu)分析:這是一個復(fù)雜句,句子主體結(jié)構(gòu)是一個慣用表達“there is little point in doing something”,意思是“做某事沒有意義”,在這個句中有一個when 引導(dǎo)的時間狀語從句,這個狀語從句的謂語采用了could have done這種虛擬形式,表示“本來能夠做某事”,另外還有一個成語動詞詞組set one’s mind at rest,意思是“讓某人放心”,rest后面則是由that引導(dǎo)的同位語從句。此外,主體結(jié)構(gòu)中的動名詞doing也帶了一個自己的賓語從句。
1. 答案為B,屬主旨大意題。一般來說,判斷文章主旨,要看文章第一段,最后一段以及各段的主題句的內(nèi)容。文章第一段作者以一個音像店顧客通過哼唱方式查詢想要的音樂可能遇到的困難開始,引出話題,一種新的軟件可能改變這一切。接著在下文里,作者介紹了這種軟件的功能,特點,原理,發(fā)展前景等?v觀全文,這是一篇介紹這種新款軟件的說明文。
2. 答案為A,屬事實細節(jié)題。答案見文章第二段第四行。
3. 答案為B,屬猜詞題。文中第4段介紹了OMRAS進行音樂分析的過程。用了first,then連接手段。經(jīng)過這兩個階段后就制成了一個聲音的數(shù)學(xué)模式?梢姼鶕(jù)上下文邏輯,upshot一詞應(yīng)該是“最后的結(jié)果”的意思。
4. 答案為D,屬推理判斷題。文章最后一段提到由于擔(dān)心版權(quán)問題,OMRAS的研究人員尚且無法訪問公司的流行音樂庫。但是,“如果公司意識到回答更多的哼唱問詢就可以帶來更多銷量的話,這種狀況也許會有所改變”。由此可見,音樂公司還沒有意識到這款軟件的價值。
5. 答案為A,屬推理判斷題。根據(jù)上文,作者介紹了OMRAS的相比其他產(chǎn)品的優(yōu)越性能,繼而提到它在防止侵權(quán)方面所能起到的作用。最后說,人們只需在互聯(lián)網(wǎng)上快速搜索一下就可以放心地發(fā)現(xiàn)自己的大作并沒有抄襲別人作品的痕跡。可見,作者對于這種新產(chǎn)持積極樂觀的態(tài)度。


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