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Unit 34
It is a devastating prospect. Terrorists electronically break into the computers that control the water supply of a large American city, open and close valves to contaminate the water with untreated sewage or toxic chemicals, and then release it in a devastating flood. As the emergency services struggle to respond, the terrorists strike again, shutting down the telephone network and electrical power grid with just a few mouse clicks. Businesses are paralysed, hospitals are overwhelmed and roads are gridlocked as people try to flee.

This kind of scenario is invoked by doom-mongers who insist that stepping up physical security since the September 11th attacks is not enough. Road-blocks and soldiers around power stations cannot prevent digital terrorism. "Until we secure our cyber-infrastructure, a few keystrokes and an Internet connection is all one needs to disable the economy and endanger lives," Lamar Smith, a Texas congressman, told a judiciary committee in February. He ended with his catchphrase: "A mouse can be just as dangerous as a bullet or a bomb." Is he right?

It is true that utility companies and other operators of critical infrastructure are increasingly connected to the Internet. But just because an electricity company's customers can pay their bills online, it does not necessarily follow that the company's critical control systems are vulnerable to attack. Control systems are usually kept entirely separate from other systems, for good reason. They tend to be obscure, old-fashioned systems that are incompatible with Internet technology anyhow. Even authorised users require specialist knowledge to operate them. And telecoms firms, hospitals and businesses usually have contingency plans to deal with power failures or flooding.

A simulation carried out in August by the United States Naval War College in conjunction with Gartner, a consultancy, concluded that an "electronic Pearl Harbour" attack on America's critical infrastructure could indeed cause serious disruption, but would first need five years of preparation and $200m of funding. There are far simpler and less costly ways to attack critical infrastructure, from hoax phone calls to truck bombs and hijacked airliners.

On September 18th Richard Clarke, America's cyber-security tsar, unveiled his long-awaited blueprint for securing critical infrastructure from digital attacks. It was a bit of a damp squib, making no firm recommendations and proposing no new regulation or legislation. But its lily-livered approach might, in fact, be the right one. When a risk has been overstated, inaction may be the best policy.

It is difficult to avoid comparisons with the "millennium bug" and the predictions of widespread computer chaos arising from the change of date to the year 2000. Then, as now, the alarm was sounded by technology vendors and consultants, who stood to gain from scare-mongering. But Ross Anderson, a computer scientist at Cambridge University, prefers to draw an analogy with the environmental lobby. Like eco-warriors, he observes, those in the security industry--be they vendors trying to boost sales, academics chasing grants, or politicians looking for bigger budgets--have a built-in incentive to overstate the risks.
Economist; 10/26/2002, Vol. 365 Issue 8296, p19, 3/4p, 1c

注(1):本文選自Economist;10/26/2002, p19, 3/4p, 1c;
注(2):本文習(xí)題命題模仿對象1999年真題text 2 (1,2,3,5)和2001年真題text 5第3題(4);

1.       We learn from the first paragraph that ____________.

[A] terrorists could plunge a large American city into chaos through electronic attack
[B] American people have no experience in dealing with terrorists
[C] the computer systems of utility companies are rather vulnerable
[D] the response of emergency services is far from satisfactory

2.       Speaking of the doom-mongers, the author implies that_____________.

[A] their worries are quite reasonable
[B] their warnings should be taken seriously
[C] they exaggerate the threat utility companies are facing
[D] they are familiar with they way terrorists strike

3.       In the view of Gartner consultant, ___________.

[A] terrorists may launch another “Pearl Harbor” attack
[B] terrorists have ample capital and time to prepare a stunning strike
[C] it is very costly and time-consuming to attack critical infrastructure
[D] it is unlikely that terrorists would resort to electronic means to attack critical infrastructure

4.       “Lily-livered approach” (Line 4, Paragraph 5) probably means an approach
characterized by________.

[A] flexibility
[B] boldness
[C] cowardice
[D] conservatism

5.       We learn from the last paragraph that__________.

[A] the computer industry suffered heavy loss due to the “millennium bug”
[B] doom-mongers care more about their own interests than national security
[C] computer scientists have better judgment than doom-mongers
[D] environmentalists are criticized for their efforts of protecting environment



valve[] n. 閥門
contaminate[] v. 弄臟;污染
sewage[] n. 下水道, 污水
paralyze[] v. 使無力[無效]; 使不活動
gridlocked[] adj. 交通擁堵的
scenario[] n. 預(yù)料或期望的一系列事件的梗概或模式;場景
invoke[] v. 借助求助于;使用或應(yīng)用:
doom-monger  n. 末世論者;散布恐怖威脅論的人
cyber-[] prefix. 網(wǎng)絡(luò)的
infrastructure[] n. 基本設(shè)施
catchphrase[] n. 標(biāo)語;引為標(biāo)語的短句;口頭禪
utility[] n. 公用事業(yè)
obscure[] adj. 難懂的
incompatible[] adj. 不相容的, 矛盾的, 不能和諧共存的(with)
authorize[] v. 授權(quán);批準(zhǔn);認(rèn)可
contingency[] n.
conjunction  n. 意外, 意外事故
consultancy[] n. 顧問(工作)
disruption[] n. 破壞
hoax[] n. 惡作。或_局
tsar[] n. 沙皇
squib[] n. 爆竹
millennium[] n. 千禧年
vendor[] n. 小販, 叫賣
analogy[] n. 類推;類比

Like eco-warriors, he observes, those in the security industry--be they vendors trying to boost sales, academics chasing grants, or politicians looking for bigger budgets--have a built-in incentive to overstate the risks.
主體句式:those…h(huán)ave a built-in incentive
句子譯文:他發(fā)現(xiàn),就像那些環(huán)保衛(wèi)士一樣,從事安全工作的人---不論是想要促銷產(chǎn)品的商人,還是渴望得到補(bǔ)助金的學(xué)者,抑或是期望更多預(yù)算的政客--- 都有一種內(nèi)在的動機(jī)促使他們夸大危險。

1. 答案為A,屬推理判斷題。文章一開頭用了prospect一詞,可見所描述的場景只是想象中未來可能發(fā)生的情景。這一段描述了恐怖分子用電子手段發(fā)動對美國大城市的襲擊后的混亂場景:企業(yè)癱瘓,醫(yī)院爆滿,道路堵塞等等?梢,如果這種襲擊發(fā)生的話,美國的一座大城市就會陷入混亂。
2. 答案為C,屬推理判斷題。monger這個詞本身就是一個貶義詞,指一個持悲觀論調(diào),散布末世論的人。再看文章第三段,作者針對這種人散布的恐怖威脅論進(jìn)行了分析,認(rèn)為所謂公用事業(yè)公司的關(guān)鍵控制系統(tǒng)易受攻擊的說法站不住腳。第四段座作者引用一次模擬演習(xí)的結(jié)論說,電子恐怖襲擊可能造成巨大破壞,但襲擊的成本非常高,耗時也非常長,有遠(yuǎn)比這簡單有效的辦法。在文章末尾,作者引用計算機(jī)專家的話“those (people) … overstate the risk”?梢,作者雖然也承認(rèn)這種威脅有可能存在,但認(rèn)為這些doom-mongers夸大了威脅的程度。
3. 答案為D,屬推理判斷題。文章第四段分析了電子恐怖襲擊關(guān)鍵基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施的說法站不住腳的另一個理由:通過模擬演習(xí)得出結(jié)論,這種襲擊耗資巨大,耗時太長,恐怖分子完全可以采取更加簡單有效成本低廉的襲擊手段?梢,恐怖分子不太可能借助電子手段襲擊關(guān)鍵基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施的。
4. 答案為C,屬猜詞題。根據(jù)上下文,Richard Clarke針對如何保護(hù)關(guān)鍵基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施免遭數(shù)字化襲擊提出了人們期待已久的計劃,但這個計劃就好像一個受潮的爆竹,既沒有給出堅決的建議,也沒有提出新的規(guī)章或者法規(guī)。然后對作者對這種做法用“l(fā)ily-livered”一詞加以總結(jié),顯然只有“膽小”一詞最為貼切。
5. 答案為B,屬推理判斷題。本文最后一段將現(xiàn)在的恐怖威脅論和“千年蟲”恐慌加以對比,認(rèn)為這種人為制造恐慌的做法只是為了讓那些散布恐慌的人“stood to gain”。接著,作者引用一位專家的話,認(rèn)為這些人,“不論是想要促銷產(chǎn)品的商人,還是渴望得到補(bǔ)助金的學(xué)者,抑或是期望更多預(yù)算的政客--- 都有一種內(nèi)在的動機(jī)促使他們夸大危險!庇纱丝梢姡⒉伎植劳{論的人與其說是關(guān)心國家安全,不如說是關(guān)心自己的利益。






人們難免會把它和“千年蟲”以及由于把日期調(diào)整到2000年所引發(fā)的有關(guān)各地的電腦將陷入混亂的預(yù)言加以對比。當(dāng)時的情況和現(xiàn)在一樣,那些技術(shù)販子和咨詢師們發(fā)出警報,然后通過散布恐慌坐收漁利。不過劍橋大學(xué)的計算機(jī)科學(xué)家羅斯•安德森更傾向于將其與環(huán)境游說團(tuán)體加以類比。他發(fā)現(xiàn),就像那些環(huán)保衛(wèi)士一樣,從事安全工作的人---不論是想要促銷產(chǎn)品的商人,還是渴望得到補(bǔ)助金的學(xué)者,抑或是期望更多預(yù)算的政客--- 都有一種內(nèi)在的動機(jī)促使他們夸大危險。


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