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  1. 仔細審題


  2. 描述圖表時要抓住重點


  3. 分析要有一定的說服力




  The table below shows the number of road accidents which occurred in Britain in different places and the ages of the injured persons. Write a report describing the information shown below.

  Road accidents in Britain

  When/Where accidents







  Going to school21383127

  Going home from school21692231

  Playing in the street89812651202

  Cycling into the street110259247

  Shopping for their parents432132152


  The chart above organizes data about road accidents involving children in Britain by and by when and where the accidents occurred. It can be seen that the incidence of accidents decreases as the childrens age increases and that age correlates with the circumstances surrounding the accident.

  For all ages, the most common situation leading to accident is playing in the street but young children were particularly affected. Children between the ages of 5~7 seemed to get into accidents while engaged in activities appropriate to their age, such as shopping for their parents or going home from school. In fact, this age group accounted for the most road accidents of all. Children between 8 and age 11 had the most accidents cycling in the street. After age 11, the number of accidents dropped considerably in all situations.

  From the chart, we get to know that playing in the street is the most common and universal site of accidents of all ages, but the risks that other sites and situations present vary with the childrens ages.

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  Study the following pie chart carefully and write an essay. Your essay should meet the requirements below:

  1)Describe the pie chart.

  2)State the possible benefits brought about by the investment.

  3)Suggest measures helping to attract investment from outside.

  Investment in Beijing from Different Countries and Regions

  Hong Kong——44%



  Other 23 countries——21.8%


  Since China opened its door to the outside world in 1979, Beijing has made remarkable results in attracting foreign business to invest in joint ventures. According to the pie chart, the investors in different enterprises come from 26 countries and regions. Hong Kong investment ranks first, accounting for 44 per cent of the total. Japans investment makes up 19.2 per cent, putting it in second spot. Third is the United States at 16 per cent.

  It is generally believed that Beijing benefits a lot from the outside investment. In the first place, a large number of joint ventures have been set up, which contributes greatly to the development of Capital Economy. Secondly, the foreigninvested enterprises offer a lot of jobs to the residents in Beijing. This in turn relieves the problem of laidoff workers in the city. Finally, the hightech enterprises in the capital will grow rapidly as Beijing enjoys the same preferential policies as coastal cities open to the outside world.

  As far as the measures to attract outside investment are concerned, I think they are as follows. On the one hand, we should make special efforts to improve the investment environment. On the other hand, we should take advantage of this opportunity to run the present foreigninvested enterprises efficiently.


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