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CET46.exam8.com 來源:考試吧(Exam8.com) 更新:2008-6-17 8:43:25 英語四六級考試


  An Invitation for a Visit


  The International Education Service

  New York State University

  July 28, 1999

  Professor Cheng Zhao

  Presidents’ Office

  Beijing Institute of business and Economics

  Dear Professor Cheng,

  I was so happy to meet you recently in New York as a member of the Chinese delegation attending the international conference. I would like to learn more about your institute and I hope we might be able to cooperate in the future. Could you please send me more information about your interest in business administration, accounting, and other areas that you think we might have in common? I will then discuss the possibilities for exchanges with the dean of our School of Business and Economics.

  I hope you had a safe trip home and that you enjoyed your visit to New York. Now I invite you to return to the State later this year with the vice president of your institute. I would be happy again to set up a meeting here at our university and to show you our campus. I look forward to seeing you soon.

  Sincerely yours,

  John James


  Congratulations on One’s Published Words

  March 14

  Dear John,

  Your new book entitled“Western Economics” is very interesting and instructive. You deal with the subject skillfully and comprehensively.

  The details you present and the way you present them captured my attention. It was so fascinating that I could not tear myself away before I finished reading the last word. I think now I have a better understanding of such subject.

  It’s certain that more and more students and research workers will read your book and derive great benefit from it.

  Congratulations on such a good book!

  Cordially yours,



  Tactful Refusal to an Invitation

  Dear Mrs. James,

  I’ve been putting off this note until the last possible moment, hoping Mr. Jackson would get back from London in time for your dinner party. But now I must regretfully write that he’ll still be out of town on Thursday, the fifth; and we therefore cannot accept your kind invitation for dinner on that day. It was sweet of you to invite us; and I know Mr. Jackson will be as sorry as I am to miss an evening with you and Dr. James. We know how delightful such evenings at your house usually are.

  Sincerely yours,

  Susan Jackson

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