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CET46.exam8.com 來源:考試吧(Exam8.com) 更新:2008-6-17 8:43:25 英語四六級考試


  Application for a Position of Stockbroker

  The Senior Class 2

  Dept. of World Economics

  Beijing University

  Personnel Department

  South Securities Agency


  Your advertisement for stockbrokers in China Daily of May 8 has interested me very much. I feel I can fill one of the vacancies you have.

  I am twentytwo, and male. I will graduate in July. My specialty at university is securities and business. I have gained some practical experience in brokerage in recent two years acting as a parttime broker for Beijing Commodities Exchange. At university, I have participated in a lot of conferences on the business of stock broking. I am young and energetic and maintain good personal relations with people. Should this application meet with your favorable consideration, I will do my utmost to satisfy the confidence. I look forward to seeing you as soon as possible.

  Faithfully yours,

  Wu Ming


  Application for a Position of English Editor

  Dept. of Journalism

  Beijing Broadcasting College

  Dingfuzhuang, Beijing 100024

  May 10, 2001

  Personnel Department

  Beijing Youth Paper

  Dear Sirs,

  Having heard from one of my friends that your editorial board is in need of an English editor responsible for editing the English Page, I would like to offer my services for it.

  After I received my B.A. in English from Beijing University, I worked for two years as a staff editor with “China Daily”. In 1998 I began to pursue a M.A. degree in Mass Communication at Beijing Broadcasting College. I expect to earn the degree by the end of the coming July. I think my education and professional experience will enable me to offer helpful services for your newspaper. The enclosed resume will tell you more about my personal information, including my references. Should you entertain my application favorably, I would spare no trouble to acquit myself to your satisfaction. I look forward to your early reply.

  Sincerely yours,

  Wang Ping


  Thanks for Seeing Off

  Dear Eve,

  It was certainly great of you and Kevin to come and see me off! I know it wasn’t easy for you to get to the airport at such an early hour, so I appreciate it all the more.

  Flying over water can get dreadfully boring after the first few hours, and your book of detective stories came as very handy. It was sweet and thoughtful of you to think of it.

  The flight was uneventful and we arrived in London on scheduled time. My friend met me at the airport, and we went straight to her charming little house. I know I am going to love it here; I’m looking forward to the two marvelous weeks with my friend!

  I’ll write to you again, Eve. In the meantime, thanks again to you and Kevin for your kindness to me, and my love to you both, always!

  Yours faithfully,



  An Invitation for a Short Stay at Home

  Dear Angela,

  I wonder if you have made any definite plan for the coming Summer Vacation. If not, I want you to come and stay with us for a few days. Every member of my family wants to get together with you. I am certain that you will also have a nice vacation in that case. Would it be all right?

  We cordially hope you will be able to come. With best wishes.

  Sincerely yours,


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