http://1glr.cn 來源:考試吧(Exam8.com) 點擊: 更新:2004-11-23

中山大學(xué)外語學(xué)院 陳劍波

Part Ⅰ
Section A
Directions:In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the 8 four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
Example:You will hear: 
M: When shall we start our work, Jane?
W: Tomorrow at 9 o’clock. But we must work quickly, for we have to finish everything before 2 in the afternoon.
Q: For how long can they work?
You will read:
A) 2 hours.
B) 3 hours.
C) 4 hours.
D) 5 hours.
From the conversation we know that the two are talking about some work they will start at 9 o’clock in the morning and have to finish at 2 in the afternoon. Therefore, D)“5 hours” is the correct answer. You should choose [D] on the Answer Sheet and mark it with a single line through the center.
Sample Answer [A] [B][C] [CD2][KG-1*4/5][D]

1. A) Because he reads too many books.
B) To learn how to seperate the important from the unimportant.
C) To be wellinformed.
D) Because he always wastes his time.

2. A) The food spoiled.
B) The group was shameful.
C) The weather was bad.
D) The program director wanted to have it on another day.

3. A) He wanted Mary to come, but she couldn’t.
B) He invited Mary to the party.
C) He didn’t invite Mary to the party.
D) He didn’t want to have a party because of business.

4. A) No one knows how Mary gets to work.
B) She doesn’t think the record player works.
C) She throws the old record away.
D) It’s surprising that Mary could repair the record player.

5. A) 12∶15. B) 1∶00.
C) 1∶10. D) 12∶30.

6. A) The woman doesn’t like orange juice.
B) The woman didn’t come to see Everett.
C) The man was in a car crash this morning.
D) The man broke the container of juice.

7. A) $ 39. B) $ 35.
C) $ 4. D) $ 5.

8. A) Next year.
B) Soon.
C) When he finishes writing.
D) After he visits her.

9. A) Air plane. B) Bus.
C) Subway. D) Car.

10.A) A traffic guard. B) A sociologist.
C) A student. D) A salesperson.

Section B
Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear one question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Passage One
Questions 11 to 14 are based on the following passage: 
11.A) He thought that he would either find a good job or he would be a thief.
B) He said that he would become rich by way of robbing the bank.
C) He said that he could rob the rich of their money.
D) He might be rich if he worked harder.

12.A) Because he had a letter of thanks.
B) Because he feared that he might be killed if he refused.
C) Because he gave him a demand note.
D) Because he showed him a cheque payable at sight.

13.A) The raid had been photographed by hidden cameras.
B) Some watchman had seen the raid.
C) The bank teller proved that Joe was the robber.
D) Some monitors had been installed nearby.

14.A) Funny. B) Clever. C) Brave. D) Stupid.

Passage Two
Questions 15 to 17 are based on the following passage: 
15.A) How John Milton Wrote Paradise Lost.
B) How John Milton Became a Poet.
C) How John Milton Studied Latin.
D) How John Milton Became Famous.

16.A) It had a strange accent.
B) It was difficult to understand.
C) It had a strong Italian accent.
D) It was easy to understand.

17.A) He was wellknown in the world.
B) He was very strange.
C) He was clever and hard working.
D) He was quick at Latin and poems.

Passage Three
Questions 18 to 20 are based on the following passage: 
18.A) Films provided more melodrama.
B) Films provided longer programs.
C) Films provided emotional appeal.
D) Films provided greater spectacles.

19.A) They were silent.
B) They didn’t tell a complete story.
C) They were too expensive.
D) They were too short.

20.A) The world war Ⅰ.
B) The fact that films were less expensive.
C) The fact that films were silent.
D) The fact that films were shorter.

Part Ⅱ
Reading Comprehension (20 minutes)
Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 

Passage One
Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage: 

African elephants have been slaughtered at alarming rate over the past decade, largely because they are the primary source of the world’s ivory. Their population has been dwindled from 1.3 million in 1979 to just 625,000 today, and the rate of killing has been accelerating in recent years because many of the older, bigger tusked animals have already been destroyed. “The poachers now must kill times as many elephants to get the same quantity of ivory,” explained Curtis Bohlen, Senior vicepresident of the World Wildlife Fund.
Though its record on the environment has been spotty so far,the government last week took the lead in a major conservation issue by imposing a ban on ivory imports into the US.The move came just four days after a consortium of conservation groups,including the World Wildlife Fund and Wildlife Conservation International,called for that kind of action, and it made the US the first nation to forbid imports of both raw and finished ivory.The ban,says Bohlen,sends avery clear message to the ivory poachers that the game is over.
In the past African nations have resisted an ivory ban, but increasingly they realised that the decimation of the elephant herds poses a serious threat to their tourist business. Last month Tanzania and several other African countries called for an amendment to the 102nation Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species that would make the ivory trade illegal worldwide. The amendment is expected to be approved at an October meeting in Geneva and to go into effect next January. But between now and then, conversationists contend, poachers may go on a rampage, killing elephants wholesale, so nations should unilaterally forbid imports right away. The US government brought that argument, and by week’s end the twelvenation European Community had followed with its own ban.

21.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A) African Elephants and the Ivory Trade.
B) A Bid to Save the Elephant.
C) The Poachers.
D) Elephants In Danger.

22.According to the passage, “dwindle” means ____.
A) decreaseB) enlarge
C) weakenD) elimilate

23.Since many of the older, bigger- tusked animals have already been destroyed, what did the poacher do?
A) They gave up poaching.
B) They killed more elephants to get the same quantity of ivory.
C) To them, game is over.
D) They realized it was illegal to slaughter elephants.

24.Why did the African nations welcome an ivory ban?
A) The rate of killing has been accelerating.
B) The US government forbids imports of both raw and finished ivory.
C) They realised that the killing of elephants is a serious threat to their tourist business.
D) African people advocated an ivory ban.

25.What’s the author’s attitude?
A) Subjective. B) Neutral.
C) Possimistic. D) Active.

Passage Two
Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage: 

In 58 million homes, the VCR has become nearly as much as the family car. But despite the VCR’s advantages, video buffs complain about its limits. To duplicate prerecorded movies, for instance, requires two VCRs awkwardly cabled together. No wonder, then, that fans at Chicago’s Consumer Electronics Show last week were excited by a new machine that eliminates the drawback. Moreover, its appearance was a triumph over wellwired opposition in Tokyo and Hollywood.
The center of the excitement was the first dualdeck videotape recorder available to US consumers, the VCR2, made by the tiny Arizonabased GoVideo company.The VCR2 enables its users to make highquality duplicates of prerecorded tapes easily. It also lets viewers watch a tape while simultaneously recording off the air. GoVideo hopes to have a limited supply of the VCR2 in stores by Christmastime, priced at just under $1,000.
But the machine’s move from freezeframe to fasterforward has not been easy.
For starters, GoVideo could find no Japanese companies, which control manufact
ure of crucial VCR parts, willing to provide needed components. For another thin
g, US movie studios opposed the machine. So the company sued 15 Japanese and Kor
ean makers, plus the Hollywood studios, claiming restrain of trade. Several manu
factures have now settled with GoVideo, and Korea’s Smsung, is tooling up to produce the VCR2. Meanwhile, Hollywood has modified its opposition because GoVideo agreed to install circuitry that will prevent the VCR2 from copying movies protected by antitheft coding. Still movie makers may see double for a while. Many of the films on store shelves, including hot new rentals like Coming to America and Crocodile Dundee Ⅱ, do not contain the coding.

26.VCR has many advantages, but it also has its limits which lie in ____.
A) it’s not easy to duplicate prerecorded movies
B) it can not duplicate prerecorded movies
C) it can not be operated easily
D) it takes too long to duplicate prerecorded movies

27.According to the passage, the suitable word which can replace “drawback” is ____.
A) breakthrough B) advantage
C) barrier D) function

28.What’s the advantages of VCR2?
A) It can make highquality duplicates of prerecorded tapes easily.
B) It can let viewers watch a tape while simultaneously recording off the air.
C) It can duplicate prerecorded movies clearly.
D) Both A and B.

29.Why did GoVideo company sue Japanese makers?
A) Because Japanese makers are tooling up to produce the VCR2.
B) Because no Japanese companies are willing to sell needed components.
C) Because Japanese makers like to cooperate with Korean counterparts.
D) Because Japanese makers compete with them.

30.Hollywood began to cooperate with GoVideo Company, because ____.
A) US consumers will have to pay rentals for duplicating movies
B) VCR2 will be installed circuitry to prevent it from copying movies protected by antitheft coding
C) with the help of VCR2, the movies are more popular
D) Govideo company can copy movies without the permission of Hollywood studios.
Passage Three
Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage: 

When Anwar out of the way, will Mahathir’s war against foreign speculators actually help turn the economy around? The view of international financial analysts-foreigners-was largely pessimistic. Paul Krugman, from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, has suggested that the kind of financial restriction imposed by the IMF may not always be appropriate—and that it might be necessary for countries like Malaysia to close the doors and pump up production to buy time for reforms. But after Mahathir took that advice, Krgman quickly addressed an open letter to the Malaysian leader, warning that capital controls can work only as a “stopgap measure(權(quán)宜之策)”while putting together more fundamental banking and business reforms. Capital control “put more power into the hands of administrators, and people are rightly worried about abuse of powers,” says Simon Flint of Independent Economic Analysis in Singapore. “Intervention just leads to corruption.”
Mahathir has heard and rejected such arguments before. Since his days fighting the British colonialists, he has dreamed of creating a Malays-assertive, competitive, hardworking who could stand up and be proud. If nothing else, Mahathir and his business friends have always thought big-developing the world’s tallest building, the biggest dam, an Asian Silicon Valley—anything to increase the sense of national pride. Two decades of big ideas and affirmative action policies have helped pull Malays up from poverty. Now Mahathir has lives to see the birth of his New Malay Man-and, in small irony, it has turned out to be Anwar. With all his confidence and worldly sophistication, Anwar epitomize (集中體現(xiàn)) the ideal Mahathir has sought all his life. Last week Mahathir moved to destroy his own creation, the rebel son who has stood beside the old nationalist as the answer to his dream.

31.Why did Paul Krugman regard capital controls as a stopgap measure?
A) Because he was largely pessimistic.
B) Because financial restrition is not appropriate.
C) Because it benefits foreign speculators.
D) Because in the long run, it will lead to abuse of powers.

32.What’s the reaction of Mahathir when he heard “Intervention just leads to corruption.”
A) He has rejected such arguments before.
B) He thought it right and accept it.
C) He regretted what he had done.
D) He moved to destroyed his own creation.

33.Mahathir has always thought something big to increase the sense of national pride which lies in ____.
A) the world’s tallest building
B) the biggest dam
C) an Asian silicon valley
D) A, B and C

34.How long did it take his big ideas to help pull Malays up from poverty?
A) 10 years. B) 20 years.C) 12 years. D) 24 years.

35.Why did Mahathir move to destroy Anuar?
A) Because Anwar did not embody his ideal.
B) Because Anwar turned out to be a total failure.
C) Because Anwar has stood beside the old nationalist.
D) Because his dream become true.

Passage Four
Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage: 
The home service industry in Beijing is expected to become more attractive both as a job and as an industry.
Sources at the Beijing People’s Political Consultative Conference said resistance to home service work is melting away from minds of the city’s laidoff workers.The Conference suggested the establishment of municipal centers which supervise property management, household mending and installation, and house keeping services.Modern city life is creating a need for industrialization home services. This will create job opportunities for laidoff workers, said vice director of the Social Judicial Committee of the Conference.
Beijing residents have long desired a home service industry. The demand is expected to drive new economic growth. There are few high quality home help services in Beijing and customers are always complaining.
In the past, few laidoff workers in Beijing desired to work as home helpers, jobs largely taken by young women from the countryside. At the same time, some city residents have not felt safe trusting rural girls with modern household machines or with their small children. Many people would pay more for reliable house keepers who are more familiar with city life, but they have had no way of getting one, even though the city is home to thousands of laidoff workers.
By the end of June this year, there were 30,600 jobless workers in the city. Most of them are women in their 40’s, who are not blessed with particular skills and who have had their work ethics shaped by the planned economy. Many of them were at a loss when they first realized they had lost their jobs and a way of life they had got used to for decades.
They never imagined being laidoff by stateowned enterprises; they never considered other kinds of employment. For them, the private sector meant taking risks; housekeeping implied lower social status. Gao yunfang, 44, is a pioneer who is breaking the ice. She sells the Beijing Morning Post in the morning, and works at two households in the afternoon. She earns 1,000 yuan per month.
So she no longer worries about her daughter’s tuition at a university in Shanghai.
36.What is talked about in the passage?
A) Home service. B) Modern city life.
C) Laidoff workers. D) Social status.

37.What does the word “l(fā)aidoff” in the passage mean?
A) Heavilyburdened. B) Old.
C) Inexperienced. D) Jobless.

38.Why didn’t the laidoff workers like to do home services in the past?
A) Low salary.
B) Lower social status.
C) Dirty working condition.
D) Too much extra work.

39.Why were many laidoff workers at a loss?
A) Because they didn’t get used to the new way of life.
B) Because they are too old to find a new job.
C) Because they dislike being laid off.
D) Because they think they lost their social status.

40.In which ways is home service industry good for our society?
A) It meets the needs of modern life.
B) It provides work opportunities for the laidoff workers.
C) It is a new industry.
D) A and B.

Part Ⅲ
Vocabulary (20 minutes)
Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
41.He promised to put ____ a word for me.
A) out B) downC) forward D) in

42.The wheels stuck in the ____.
A) mud B) clayC) soil D) earth

43.His talent is quite ____.
A) mere B) uniqueC) single D) only

44.Miss Jane always buys ____ priced clothes.
A) highly B) highestC) high D) higher

45.She hit the chair and ____ the coffee.
A) spoiled B) pouredC) spilled D) splashed

46.Radio reception wasn’t very good because of a disturbance in the atmosphere; the announcer’s voice sounded very ____.
A) disputed B) discardedC) dismissed D) distorted

47.To his great joy he discovered that his ear was becoming ____.
A) sensational B) sensitiveC) sentimental D) sensible

48.A power failure created ____ in transportation.
A) emergency B) enclosureC) extension D) excitement

49.I don’t know if the story is true, but I’ll try to ____ it.
A) verify B) reinforceC) identify D) conform

50.Because Bob had stopped reading his technical journals he was ____ of new development in his field.
A) tedious B) subtleC) ignorant D) intellectual

51.The students showed ____when solving the difficult maths problems.
A) validity B) purityC) ingenuity D) reliability

52.I saw them bending with great ____ over the machines.
A) concentration B) endeavor
C) tolerance D) absorption

53.The purpose of the official inquiry is to ____ the true facts leading to the loss of the ship at sea.
A) come for B) come atC) come into D) come over

54.Poor health and lack of money may both be ____ to educational progress.
A) scarcities B) stainsC) restraints D) barriers

55.A system of strict discipline has a ____ effect on conduct.
A) automatic B) deliberateC) beneficial D) customary

56.The archaeologist ____that the vase was 3500 years old.
A) utilized B) estimatedC) sustained D) upheld

57.For a little while the girl ____ for her dead cat, but she got over it
after a few days.
A) ached B) depressedC) grieved D) upset

58.Although the arguments were ____, he was not convinced.
A) rational B) universalC) apparent D) exceptional

59.The ____ of the sun almost blinded them.
A) glitter B) flareC) sparks D) glare

60.Her hair was wet from the ____ tossed up by the huge waves.
A) surf B) latherC) foam D) spray

61.The house has remained ____ since its owner left for a foreign country
four years ago.
A) ruined B) hauntedC) uninhabited D) locked

62.A series of strikes have ____ many of the basic industries in that country.A) crippled B) damagedC) changed D) decreased

63.Martin lay____on the bed all night,turning over and over in his mind the great decision he might have to make.
A) wake B) awakeC) waken D) woke

64.A square is a flat area having four sides, any adjacent two sides of which ____ a right angle.
A) make B) advocateC) adjoin D) shape

65.Modern sonar makes it possible to ____ an underwater submarine.
A) communicate B) sinkC) search D) locate

66.I have looked all over the office for my jar of glue. It seemed to have
A) vapoured B) vanishedC) vibrated D) reduced

67.In no case will they ____ with folded arms.
A) pass by B) look onC) go by D) hold on

68.As he failed to win the first prize in the badminton match, he had to ____ the second.
A) settle in B) settle for
C) settle up D) settle with

69.The nurse was dismissed because she was found to be ____.
A) roundabout B) corresponding
C) vigilant D) negligent

70.The editor told me that if I could ____ my story to 5,000 words, they
would take it.
A) cut off B) cut down
C) cut across D) cut in

Part Ⅳ
Error Correction (15 minutes)
Directions:This part consists of a short passage. In this passage, there are altogether 10 mistakes, one in each numbered line. You may have to change a word, add a word or delete a word. Mark out the mistakes and put the corrections in the blanks provided. If you change a word, cross it out and write the correct word in the corresponding blank. If you add a word, put an insertion mark (∧) in the right place and write the missing word in the blank. If you delete a word, cross it out and put a slash (/) in the blank.

The place of the child in society has varied for thousands of years and has been effected by different cultures and religions. In ancient times unwanted children were occasionally abandoned, put to death, exploiting or offered for religious sacrifices, and in any event a large percentage of them didn’t survive their physically hazardous existence to reach to maturity.
In western civilization within the last few hundred years, there have been many changes in attitude with the young. In agricultural Europe, and later with the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, the children of the poor work long hours for little or no pay, and there was no public concern on their safety or welfare punishment could be brutal and severe.
By the eighteenth century the harsh and severe methods began to show any change. Society slowly accorded(給予) children a role of importance. Books were written expressly for them and gradually laws were passing for their protection. Efforts were made to create for them a life better than their parents!
In the past few decades parents have become more and more attentive for the needs of their children.Better health care is available and education is no longer reserving for the children from wealthy families.

1. time ____2.  ____3. the ____
71. ____
72. ____
73. ____
74. ____
75. ____
76. ____
77. ____
78. ____
79. ____
80. ____

Part Ⅴ
Writing (30 minutes)
Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Wealth and Health . You should write at least 150 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:


Section A
1. W: You spend all of your time reading books. How do you expect to be well-informed if you never read a newspaper?
M: It’s my opinion that reading the newspaper is a waste of time. A famous man once said that newspaper separate what is important from what is not important and then print that which is not important.
Q: Why should the man read newspapers according to the woman?
2. M: The program director said that we’d have to postpone the outing until Saturday because of inclement weather.
W: It’s a shame because all the food has already been ordered and will probably spoil.
Q: Why was the outing postponed?
3. W: There is a table for eight over there. I think Tom should have invited Mary to the party, don’t you?
M: It’s none of our business. If Tom had wanted to invite her, he would have.
Q: What did the woman say about Tom?
4. M: I was surprised to see Mary using that record player you were going to throw away.
W: Yes. It is very old. That she got it to work amazes me.
Q: What does the woman mean?
5. W: Don’t take too long at the snack bar. It’s a quarter after 12.
M: It’s OK. We have 45 minutes before the plane leaves.
Q: What time is their departure scheduled?
6. W: I just made up a quart of orange juice this morning, and now I can’t find it anywhere. Do you know what happened to it?
M: Did you hear a crash earlier? That was it. I’m just as clumsy as ever.
Q: What is the problem?

7. M: I’d like to exchange this green table cloth that I bought last week for the red one.
W: Let’s see now. The red one is only $10.95, and the green one was $15.
Q: Approximately how much money does the clerk owe the man?
8. W: I’ll invite you to our country house as soon as I finish my thesis.
M: At the rate you write, that may be next year.
Q: When is he invited?
9. M: Can we travel to New York together?
W: Certainly. I’ll pick you up at 2∶00 and we should arrive in New York by 5∶00 is the traffic isn’t too heavy.
Q: What means of transportation are the man and the woman using?
10.W: I’m looking for a textbook for my sociology course, It’s called American Society at the Crossroads. Do you have it?
M: Yes, we do. You’ll find it in section 24, on the topshelf.
Q: What’s the woman’s occupation probably?

Section B
Passage One
Joe Smith had been brought up in an orphanage. He envied people who were rich and decided that when he grew up he could make a lot of money.
Unfortunately, Jee was not clever and he failed all his school exams. “I will either have to find a good job or I will have to become a thief.” Jue said to himself. He know he would never find on wellpaid job.
For several months Jue watched a bank out of town. He noticed when it had the fewest customers. He watched, waited and planned. 
One afternoon he found that only two tellers were on duty there. “I will either suceed and be very rich or fail and go to prison.” said Joe. He was willing to take the risk.
Then he watched in and pushed a demand note over the counter. The teller read it, turned pale and quietly opened a small safe behind him. He took out $50,000 and placed the bank notes in Joe’s open bag. Then Joe ran as fast as he could.
That night Joe had to bury money in case the police caught him. He chose a deser
ted piece of land near the house, he was glad when the money was safely hidden i
n the round.
The next day he was woken by bangs or his door. He answered and there came two policeman. “Joseph Smith, you are under arrest for robbing a bank!”
Joe protested in vain. The bank had hidden cameras and the whole raid had been photographed. Joe was caught and into prison.
Ten years later Joe was set free. He made sure no one was following him and quickly make his way to the spot where he had buried the money.
Neither happiness nor money waited for him, however. A big building had been built on the site.

11. By what means did Joe think he could become rich?
12. Why do you think the teller gave Joe the money?
13. How were the police able to prove that Joe had robbed the bank?
14. Which of the following adjectives can be used to descibe Joe?

Passage Two
When John Wilton, writer of Paradise Lost, entered Cambridge University in 1625, he was already skilled in Latin after seven years of studying it as his second language at St. Paul’s school, London, like all English boys who prepared for college in grammar school, he had learned not only to read Latin but also to speak and write it fluently and correctly. His pronunciation of Latin was English, however, and seemed to have sounded strange to his friends when he later visited Italy.
Schoolboys gained their skill in Latin the hard way. They memorized rules to make learning by heart easier. They first made a wordforword translation and then an idiomatic translation into English. As they increased their skill, they translated their English back into Latin without referring to the book and ther compared their translation with the original. The school master was always at hand to encourage them. All schoolmasters believed Latin should be beaten in.
After several years of study, the boys began to write compositions in imitation of the Latin writers they read. And as they bagan to read Latin poems, they began to write poems in Latin. Because Milton was already a poet at ten, his poems were much better than those painfully put together by other boys. During the seven years Milton spent at the university, he made constant use of his command of Latin. He wrote some excellent Latin poems which he published among his works in 1645.

15. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
16. Which of the following is true of John Milton’s pronunciation of Latin?
17. What kind of man would you say John Mitton was?

Passage Three
Up to about 1915, movies were short and pragrams were made up of several works. Then, D.U. Griffith and others began to make longer films which provided the same powerful emotional appeal as did melodrama and presented spectacles far beyond what the theater could after. Consequently, after world war Ⅰ increasing numbers of spectators deserted the theater for the movies. This trend was accelerated in the late 1920’s as a result of two new elements. In 1927 sound was added to the previously silent film, and thus one of the theater’s principal claims to superiority vanished. In 1929 a serious economic depression began. Since audiences could go to the movies for a fraction of what it cost to see a play, theater going became a luxury which few could afford, especially as the depression deepened.
By the end of world war Ⅱ, the American theater had been reduced to about thirty theaters in New York city and a small number of touring companies originating there.

18. Why did movies do better than theater?
19. Up to the 1920’s, what was one objection to the films?
20. What made people choose the movie over the theater?

Part Ⅰ
Section A
1. 【答案】C。
2. 【答案】C。
【詳細解答】男士說道“我們不得不推遲外出,因為天氣很惡劣”,關(guān)鍵詞是inclement weather 由此可知答案為C。
3. 【答案】C。
【詳細解答】女士對男士說道“湯姆本應(yīng)該邀請瑪麗來參加派對。”關(guān)鍵部分是過去虛擬語氣 should have invited Mary to the party. 由此可知,實際上答案C才是對的。
4. 【答案】D。
5. 【答案】B。
【詳細解答】對話中提到兩個時間12∶15和45 minutes,由此可知答案為B。
6. 【答案】D。
【詳細解答】女士找不到她早上做的一夸脫橙汁,男士講到“你剛才有沒有聽到一聲碰撞聲,我總是那么笨手笨腳的。”關(guān)鍵部分是a crash 和as clumsy as ever,由此可知正確答案為D。
7. 【答案】C。
8. 【答案】C。
9. 【答案】D。
【詳細解答】關(guān)鍵部分是pick you up 由此可知正確答案為D。

Section B
Passage One
【詳細解答】文中提到“I will either have to find a good job or I will have to become a thief.”由此可知,正確答案為A。
【詳細解答】文中有這樣的句子“The teller...turned pale and quietly opened a smal
l safe behind him.”可知正確答案為B。
【詳細解答】根據(jù)文中的句子“The bank had hidden cameras and the whole raid had been photographed.”由此可知A是正確的。
【詳細解答】Joe 為了賺大錢想到搶銀行,Joe 將錢藏到荒地,由此可知他

Passage Two
【詳細解答】文中提到“His pronunciation of Latin was English, however, and seem
ed to have sounded strange to his friends when he later visited Italy.”由此可以
【詳細解答】文中提到的兩件事,首先“He was skilled in Latin”其次是“He was already a poet at ten”據(jù)此可知正確答案為D。

Passage Three
大約到1915年電影仍然很短。于是Griffith 開始拍長一些的電影,這些電影一樣有震撼人心的吸引力,而且有劇院沒有的景致。因此,一戰(zhàn)后,越來越多的人選擇電影,當(dāng)有聲電影出現(xiàn)時,劇院的優(yōu)勢沒有了。1929年經(jīng)濟大蕭條時,電影院低廉的價格吸引更多人,而上劇院成了一種奢侈。
【詳細解答】文中提到“presented spetacles far beyond what the theater could offer”. 由此可知,答案D是正確的。
【詳細解答】文中提到“In 1927 sound was added to the previously silent film.”由此可知,選項D是正確的。
【詳細解答】根據(jù)文中句子“Since audience could go to the movies for a fraction of what it cost to see a play, theater going became a luxury which fews could afford.”由此可知,選項B是最佳答案。

Part Ⅱ
Passage One
【詳細解答】文中提到“The poachers now must kill times as many elephants to get
the same quantity of ivory”.由此可知,答案B是最佳答案。
【詳細解答】文中有“...but increasingly they realised that the decimation of the
elephant herds poses a serious threat to their tourist business.”由此可知答案C

Passage Two
【詳細解答】文中提到“But despite the VCR’s advantages, video butts complain ab
out its limits. To duplicate prerecorded movies, for instance, requires two VCRs
awkwardly cabled together.”由此可知,答案A是對的。
【詳細解答】文中提到“l(fā)imits”,還提到“awkwardly cabled together”以及“elimin
ates the drawback.”由此可知,選項C是對的。
【詳細解答】文中第一段提到“The VCR2 enables its users to make high-quality d
uplicates of prerecorded tapes easily. It also lets viewers watch a tape while s
imultaneously recording off the air.”由此可知,選項D是最佳答案。

【詳細解答】文中提到“Go-video could find no Japanese companies, which control
manufacture of crucial VCR parts, willing to provide needed components.”因此選
【譯文】好萊塢開始同Go-video 公司合作,因為____。
【詳細解答】起初好萊塢也是Go-video公司起訴對象,后來“Go-video agreed to instal
l circuitry that will prevent the VCR2 from copying movies protected by anti-t
heft coding.” 因此選項B是對的。
〖WT5TT〗Passage Three〖WT6BZ〗
即使Anwar, Mahathir 眼中的兒子被毀掉,Mahathir 與外國投機倒把者的斗爭能使馬來西亞的經(jīng)濟好轉(zhuǎn)嗎?很多國家金融分析家都有些悲觀。他們建議采取金融限制政策,但這也是權(quán)宜之計。否則過度資金控制會導(dǎo)致權(quán)利濫用。
【譯文】為什么Paul krugman 認為資本控制不是權(quán)宜之計?
【詳細解答】文中提到“Capital controls put more power into the hands of adminis
trators, and people are rightly worried about abuse of powers.”由此可知選項D是對的。
【譯文】當(dāng)他聽到“干預(yù)導(dǎo)致腐敗”時,Mahathir 的反應(yīng)如何?
【詳細解答】文中提到“Mahathir has heard and rejected such arguments before.”
【譯文】Mahathir 總想做一些大事來增強民族自豪感,這表現(xiàn)在____.
【詳細解答】文中提到“Mahathir and his business friends have always thought big—developing the world’s tallest building, the biggest dam, an Asian Silicon Valley-anything to increase the sense of national pride.”由此可知選項D是對的。
【試題分析】數(shù)字題,在文中相應(yīng)段落找到數(shù)字,注意decade 的意思。
【詳細解答】文中提到“Two decades of big ideas and affirmative-action policies
have helped pull Malays up from poverty. 由此可知,選項B是對的!

【譯文】為什么Mahathir 提議毀掉Anwar?
【詳細解答】首先Anwar是Mahathir 的夢,他的兒子,后來則變成rebel son,因為“the rebel son who has stood beside the old nationalist as the answer to his dream.”由此可知,選項C是對的。

Passage Four
【試題分析】中心大意題。最先得知道通常在談?wù)撌裁。?BR>【詳細解答】文中第一段就點明了主題“The home service industry in Beijing is expected to become more attrative both as a job and as an industry.”由此可知選項A是對的。
【詳細解答】首先文中有“jobless workers”,又提到“they had lost their jobs.”
【詳細解答】文中提到“For them, the private sector meant taking risks; housekee
ping implied lower social status.”,由此可知,選項B是對的。
【詳細解答】文中提及“Many of them were at a loss when they first realized they
had lost their jobs and a way of life they had got used to for decades.”由此可
【詳細解答】首先我們可以知道“home service industry creates job opportunities for laidoff workers.”另一層我們從家政工作本身來看,因為家政工作有市場,滿足社會需求才會形成一種新的產(chǎn)業(yè)。

Part Ⅲ
【詳細解答】put in a word for sb. 為某人說(好話)
【詳細解答】mud n. 泥土,稀泥;soil n. 土壤,指長莊稼的地方;clay n. 粘土;能做陶器等的泥土。earth n. 大地,散落的泥土。
【詳細解答】mere adj. 僅僅,唯一的;unique adj. 獨特的,獨一無二的;single adj. 單一的;only adj. 僅僅,唯一的
【詳細解答】修飾過去分詞要用副詞。highlypriced 是價高的。又如:newlybuilt house 新建的房子。
【詳細解答】spoil v. 損壞,破壞;pour v. 傾瀉;spill v. 涌出,溢出
;splash v. 激濺,飛濺。
【詳細解答】dispute v. 辯論,爭端;discard v. 丟棄,拋棄;dismiss v.
 解雇;disbort v. 歪曲,曲解。
【詳細解答】sensational adj. 了不起的,很好的;sensitive adj. 敏感的;sentimental adj. 多愁善感的;sensible adj. 明智的,合理的。
【詳細解答】emergency n. 緊急情況;enclosure n. 圈占地;extension n.
延伸、擴展;excitement n. 激動
【詳細解答】verify v. 核實;reinforce v. 加強;identify v. 識別;conform v. 遵守(與to搭配)
【譯文】因為Bob 不再看技術(shù)期刊,他不知道他所在領(lǐng)域的最新發(fā)展。
【詳細解答】tedious adj. 冗長的,乏味的;subtle adj. 微妙的;ignorant
adj. 無知的;intellectual adj. 智力的
【詳細解答】validity n. 有效;purity n. 純潔;ingenuity n. 足智多謀;reliability n. 可靠的。
【詳細解答】concentration n. 集中,專注;endeavor n
. 努力;tolerance n. 忍耐;absorption n.吸收
【詳細解答】come for 沖向,撲向;come at 獲知,發(fā)現(xiàn);come into 進入;come over
【詳細解答】scarcities n. 不足,缺乏;stains 污跡;restraints n. 克制;
barriers n. 障礙
【詳細解答】automatic adj. 自動的;deliberate adj. 故意的;beneficial
adj. 有益的;customary adj. 通常的
【詳細解答】utilized v. 利用;estimated v. 估計;sustained v. 維持
;upheld v. 堅持,維護
【詳細解答】ached v. 痛疼;depressed v. 沮喪;grieved v. 傷心;upse
t v. 難過,不要;這其中g(shù)rieve for 為…而傷心;upset 是及物動詞。
【詳細解答】rational adj. 合理的;universal adj. 普遍的;apparent adj
. 明顯的,exceptional adj. 例外的。
【詳細解答】glitter n. 閃爍;glare n. 搖拽的火焰;sparks n. 火花,
火星;glare n. 耀眼的強光
【詳細解答】surf n. 拍舉浪(花);lather n. (肥皂等的)泡沫;foam n.
泡沫,泡沫材料;spray n. 浪花
【詳細解答】ruined adj. 毀壞的;haunted adj. 鬧鬼的,縈繞于心的;uninha
bited adj. 無人居住的;locked adj. 上鎖的。
【詳細解答】crippled v. 嚴重削弱,使殘廢;damaged v. 損壞;changed v.
 改變;decreased v. 減少
【譯文】Martin 整晚都無法入睡,反反復(fù)復(fù)地考慮他可能不得不做的決定。
【詳細解答】wake v. 醒來;awake adj. 喚醒; waken v. 弄醒; woke是wake過去式。形容詞awake 作動詞lay 的伴隨狀語對主語的狀況進行說明。又如:The goat rolled over dead. 山羊翻個身去,死了。
【詳細解答】make v. 形成,構(gòu)成;advocate v. 鼓吹;adjoin v. 相鄰,
靠近;shape v. 成形
【詳細解答】communicate v. 交流;sink v. 下沉;search v. 搜尋;loca
te v. 定位
【詳細解答】vapoured v. 蒸發(fā);vanished v. 消失;vibrated v. 振動;reduced v. 減少。其中vanished 是不及物動詞。
【詳細解答】pass by 經(jīng)過,忽視;look on 旁觀;go by (時光)流逝;hold on 堅持。

【詳細解答】settle in 進入新居,習(xí)慣于…;settle for 勉強接受;settle up 付清欠
賬;settle with 解決爭端。
【詳細解答】roundabout adj. 轉(zhuǎn)彎抹角的;corresponding adj. 相應(yīng)的,對應(yīng)
的;vigilant adj. 警戒的;negligent 疏忽的。
【詳細解答】cut off 切掉,切斷;cut in 插嘴。

Part Ⅳ
【詳細解答】effect 是名詞,影響,而此處需要動詞,因此改作affect v.
73.【答案】to→ to[KG-1*4]
【詳細解答】reach 是及物動詞,后應(yīng)接賓語,而不需要介詞。
【詳細解答】attitude 后接介詞toward。
【詳細解答】concern 后接for 表示“對…表示關(guān)注”
【詳細解答】any只用于疑問句和否定句,而some 一般用于肯定句。
【詳細解答】attentive 后接介詞to。

Part Ⅴ
Wealth and Health
With the development of society people attach more importance to wealth and health. But which is more important, wealth or health? Different people have different opinions.
Some people think wealth is more important. They even say, money can not bring you everything, but without money, you can do nothing. In order to accumulate more money they can do anything.
However other people regard health is more important. Once health lost, it is no use having a lot of money. Everybody wants to live a happy life. So they try their best to earn money which can ensure they lead a comfortable life, but if happiness and comfort are achieved at the cost of their health, how can they be happy?
As far as I am concerned, I love wealth, but I value health more, Because health is the premise on which people do anything. Without health money becomes useless. I think, everyone agrees that a wealthy person without good health can not live a happy life. Therefore we should keep fit by every possible means.

clumsy: 動作笨拙的 spill: 溢出,涌出
ignorant: 無知的 ingenuity: 足智多謀
grieve: 傷心 glare: 耀眼的強光
spray: 浪花 cripple: 嚴重削弱
negligent: 疏忽的 vigilant: 警戒的
put in a word for sb.: 為某人說話
come at: 獲知,發(fā)現(xiàn) settle for: 勉強接受
cut down: 減少,削減

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