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來源:迦思佑 2009-9-27 16:36:03 考試吧:中國教育培訓第一門戶 模擬考場

  Lao-zi strongly opposed wars for world peace. In Chapter 31, Tao Te Ching, he said: "Weapons at best are tools of bad omen, loathed by all. Thus those of the Way avoid them."[41] In wars there are always people dying, production destroyed and social orders broken, thus Lao-zi thinks it's nothing good, that people hate it, and statesmen of the Way should not engage the country in war to solve their problems. Again Lao-zi said: "To those who would help the ruler of men by means of the Way: let him not with his militant might try to conquer the world; this tactic will be revenged by Heaven. For where armies have marched, there do briers spring up; where great hosts are impressed, years of hunger and evil ensue."[42] This is generally true in histories of all nations. In our country, after each mass war, the population would reduce dramatically, earth disserted, production destroyed, and robbers and thieves infesting. The two world wars were ended in this way, and so is the present warfare in Middle East. "New empire" whatsoever, if its leaders enkindled wars every where, as consequence, it would surely slide into hot water, since the people in the conquered countries would not surrender, and would fight without fearing even death, as Lao-zi said: "The people do not fear at all to die; what's gained therefore by threatening them with death?"[43] And: "As for those who delight to do murder, it is certain they never can get from the world what they sought."[44] From history we see that those who had initiated the wars, though momentary successes they might get, would finally fail and be dishonored. Hitler was an example, and Japanese Militarism another. As a "man of wisdom", Lao-zi could observe the latent converse side with his wisdom, as he said: "On bad fortune the good fortune always leans; in good fortune the bad fortune always hides."[45] Now people in some countries are suffering, but it would be a necessary precondition prepared for their nation's renewal in future. Take an example from the recent hundred years of history of our country, it is just after being beaten times and times again that our people had finally waken up, and that today we dare say the Chinese are on the eve of their nation's great renewal. In my opinion, leaders of every country, especially of the new empires, should learn some teaching from the wisdom of Tao Te Ching, and realize that, in a long run of world history, the politics of great powers and Hegemonism have no future. Thus, I think the thinking of Lao-zi is very valuable to dismiss the theories of "clash of civilizations" and "new empire". We advocate the theory of "coexistence of civilizations" and agree with Lao-zi's thinking of "doing-nothing", in the expectation of a world of Great Equality, of peace, of general progress and of common wealth for human being. Of course, as the thinking of Lao-zi was born two thousand years ago, it could not solve all the problems that contemporary human society is confronted with (including the disaccords and conflicts among nations), but his wisdom should be of important value to illuminate our way. Our task is to rediscover and develop the essence of his thinking, to give it a modern interpretation, and to facilitate those researchers for edifications in the treasury of classical thinking.

  Differences in religious believes, values and ways of thinking could lead to conflicts among nations and states; and conflicts could lead to wars. However, are conflicts inevitable? Couldn't they be pacified without warring for cultural differences? We must needs to find resources of thinking in all national cultures advocating the coexistence of civilizations, in order to counteract those cultural elements possible to invite conflicts. As argued above, the Confucianism and Taoism in Chinese culture could provide significant resources of thinking to counteract the clash of civilizations and to bring forth the coexistence of civilizations. I believe the same kind of resources could be found in cultures of all nations and states too. When human civilization is on threshold of the 21st century, should we practice a theory of "clash of civilizations" to deal with the problems among nations and states, or a theory of "coexistence of civilizations" to guide human society on a road leading to peaceful coexistence instead? This is a question. We must ponder at it seriously and make a thoughtful choice. It would be the blessing of human being if it chooses not the clash but the coexistence of civilizations. The Book of History told us: "All the states under Heaven should be harmonized."[46] As many other nations, the Chinese is a great one with a long and brilliant tradition of history and culture, which is undoubtedly a most valuable treasure for mankind. We should make good use of this treasure, exert its proper contributions to the peaceful coexistence of human society, in order that harmony might befall on the world, pushing forward the global cultural exchanges.

-- "Clash"or"Coexistence" of Civilizations? Tang Yijie From:(Beijing Forum) Translated by: YANG, Zhiyi

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