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kaoyan.exam8.com 來源:恩波教育 更新:2008-5-24 10:11:38 考試吧考研

Part B
  You are going to read a list of headings and a text about marketing strategies. Choose the most suitable heading from the list A — F for each numbered paragraph (21 — 25). The first and last paragraphs of the text are not numbered. There is one extra heading which you do not need to use. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)[A] Which marketing tactic must an entity take?
[B] Quality first, competition second
[C] Exemplify offensive measures
[D] Complex factors cause due market analysis
[E] The motive for proceeds also functions
[F] Strategy varies with external conditions

There are three general marketing strategies that an organization can adopt.
  The first is an aggressive strategy, characterized by generating a great deal of promotion, varying prices, changing the times and places at which the products/services are offered, differentiating the products/services from those of competing organizations, hiring creative salespersons to promote the products/services, spending lots of money on marketing activities, and so forth.

  The second general marketing strategy is a minimal one, characterized by doing very little promotion, pricing below market, offering services at traditional places and times, spending very little money on promotion and salespersons, and so forth. The third is a balanced marketing strategy, an in-between strategy that differs from an aggressive strategy and a minimal strategy only in degree. These three strategies are appropriate alternatives for any organization. However, not every organization needs an aggressive strategy, nor does every organization need a balanced strategy or a minimal one. The situation facing each entity is obviously different, calling for an analysis of the factors that dictate which of the three alternative strategies is most suitable for each organization.

  The first major factor is the nature of the market competition facing the organization. If it is in a monopoly position, with no direct competitors in its market area, then a minimal marketing strategy is suitable. However, if the organization is in an oligopoly market position, with a few competitors in its market area, then a balanced marketing strategy is called for. If there is a high degree of competition and several competing products/services in its market area, this would suggest an aggressive marketing strategy. Further, if there are many other forms of indirect competition, then the organization should pursue a balanced marketing strategy.

  The second major factor is the quality of the products/services offered. If the organization has high-quality products/services, a minimal marketing strategy is called for, other factors being equal. If it is in a weak market position with low-quality products/services, a minimal marketing strategy should be pursued. If the products/services are of medium quality, this would suggest a balanced strategy.

  The third major factor is the revenue strategies that the managers may desire to pursue. For example, if the managers want to maximize the organization’s revenues from its products’ services, then the organization should adopt an aggressive marketing strategy. If it wants to minimize revenues, then it should pursue a minimal strategy. However, if it wants to balance its revenues — not maximizing and not minimizing — then a balanced marketing strategy is called for. These factors may be summarized and put into decision model for an administrator to use in deciding which general marketing strategy his/her organization should use. Once the strengths and weaknesses are weighted for each factor, an overall evaluation can be completed, allowing the administrator to arrive at an overall decision — that is ,whether to follow an aggressive, balanced, or minimal general marketing strategy.

Part C
Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2.(10 points)
  Not long ago, technology in the home was carved up into well-defined territories: The PC — care of Microsoft, Intel, Dell, and the like — presided over the home office. The television and stereo were king and queen of the living room. These days, though, the digital revolution is shaking up that comfortable ease. (26)With the advent of MP3 music files, personal video recorders, game machines, digital cameras, and a host of other media and services, it’s no longer clear who controls which bit of home floor. And that has set off a battle for dominance in home entertainment.
The shake-up covers the technology spectrum. Microsoft Corp. is spending billions on entertainment initiatives such as its X-box video game comfort. Compaq Computer Corp. and HewlettPackard Co. sell MP3 music players that plug into homestereo systems. Philips Electronics sells a stereo that hooks into a high-speed Internet connection to play music from the Web.
  Consumers are getting the message. (27) Sales of many of these devices should take off this year and next: U.S. shipments of MP3 digital music players for listening to songs downloaded from the Net are expected to jump by more than 50% this year, to 7 million units, according to researchers International Data Corp. Sales of personal video recorders, such as TiVo, which let you record TV shows for later viewing, should nearly triple this year in the U.S., to 2.2 million units.
  Even high-definition television(HDTV) — the durable Next Big Thing — may soon take off. (28) By the end of 2003, nearly 6 million U.S. homes should have HDTV sets, and by yearend, some 7.7 million American homes are expected to have networks to tie their digital gear together, with strong growth spurred by a new standard for wireless links called WiFi.
  Call it the next big wave of technology. (29) After the PC era and the Internet Age, many consumers have grown comfortable with tech: Two-thirds of U.S. homes own PCs today, while 60%  have Internet access, according to researchers Gartner Data-quest. To reach the rest of the market, technology companies need to build simpler devices that offer more entertainment. (30) And these new machines need to work together as readily as stereo components do today, and should be nearly as easy to set up and use as a telephone or a television. That is leading to the consumerization of technology over the next five to ten years. The future is about MP3 players, digital video, and the like.

Part A
Text 1: 1. A2. C3. D4. B5. A
Text 2: 6. D7. C8. C9. B10. D
Text 3:  11. C12. B13. D14. D15. B
Text 4: 16. C17. D18. B19. D20. A

Part B
21. C22. A23. F24. B25. E

Part C
26. 隨著MP3音樂文檔、個人錄像機、游戲機、數(shù)碼照相機及許多其它媒體和服務(wù)器的問世,究竟誰會占據(jù)家庭中的哪塊地盤,就很難說了。
27. 今明兩年,這些電器中許多產(chǎn)品的銷售量會急劇上升,據(jù)國際數(shù)據(jù)公司的研究人員估計,能收聽從網(wǎng)上下載歌曲的MP3數(shù)碼音樂播放機,美國今年出貨預(yù)計躍升50%以上,達(dá)到700萬套。
28. 到2003年末,近600萬美國家庭擁有高清晰電視機,而到年終,隨著稱作WiFi 的無線連接新技術(shù)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)所激發(fā)的迅猛發(fā)展,預(yù)計約有770萬美國家庭用網(wǎng)絡(luò)系統(tǒng)把他們的數(shù)碼裝置聯(lián)成一體。
29. 許多消費者在經(jīng)歷過個人電腦時代和互聯(lián)網(wǎng)時代之后,對新技術(shù)業(yè)已應(yīng)付自如;據(jù)Gartner數(shù)據(jù)調(diào)查公司的研究人員統(tǒng)計,現(xiàn)在2/3的美國家庭擁有個人電腦,而60%的家庭有互聯(lián)網(wǎng)接口。
30. 而且,這些新機器需要像現(xiàn)在的立體音響部件那樣容易地組合起來運行,同時它們還應(yīng)該幾乎像電話機或電視機一樣容易安裝和使用。





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