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來源:考試吧 2007-6-29 10:17:23 考試吧:中國教育培訓第一門戶 模擬考場





Unit 43
DOTCOMS may be moribund, but inside companies, the Internet is still finding cost-saving new uses. "B2E--business-to-employee--didn't have a crash," says Bipin Patel, in charge of developing the potential of the corporate intranet at the Ford Motor Company. "It's still growing."
Ford has gone further than most companies to get its employees online: it offered its American employees personal computers, and 90% of them accepted. Ford hopes that the free PCs will save its own and its employees' time by moving services online. General Motors, Ford's great rival, considered a similar scheme but found that most employees willing to use PCs already had them. It is helping staff to pay for high-bandwidth connections instead.
At Ford, the human-resources department has pioneered a scheme to provide up-to-the-minute information to employees about pay and benefits. In the past, employees sometimes found that it took weeks to get a copy of the pay information they needed to do their tax returns, and the department's staff spent mind-numbing hours answering the same questions from hundreds of different employees. Now employees can look at a password-protected site that displays their payslips over the previous 18 months. They can see all deductions, and the hours they worked. All this information was on the human-resources database: displaying it to employees has saved staff time.
"People want more and more of this self-service information, which they can manage themselves," observes Mr Patel. "There is no such thing as information overload here, because it's their information." Even training seems to work better online: Ford employees can now download a range of courses, including one on "Listening and Handling Tough Situations", all designed for digestion in ten- or 15-minute gobbets. The company claims to have cut training costs by $2m during the past six months, as fewer people leave their desks to learn.
The company also uses its intranet to communicate with its staff around the world. Jacques Nasser, Ford's boss, sends out "Let's chat" notes once a week. In fact, Mr Nasser does most of the chatting. He gets hundreds of e-mails in reply, but the communication is basically a one-way flow. The company also runs chatrooms, in which employees can question various inhouse experts and outside analysts live on the corporate intranet.
In time, thinks Mr Patel, communications technology will reshape corporate behaviour. It will encourage collaboration and team-working. Already, the Internet is causing disintermediation within companies, he argues, just as it did in e-commerce: the human-resources department does much less administration once the benefits system is more self-service, but rather more advising and consulting. One day, working in human resources might even be fun.
注(1):本文選自Economist; 8/25/2001, p50, 1/3p;
注(2):本文習題命題模仿對象2004年真題Text 1(其中個別題目順序做了部分調整);
1.       How does the author introduce his topic?
[A]Posing a contrast.
[B]justifying an assumption.
[C]Explaining a phenomenon.
[D]Making a comparison.
2.       Why did Ford and GM intend to provide their employees with PCs?
[A]PCs can help them save a lot.
[B]B2E is a growing thing.
[C]The employees prefer to use PCs.
[D]Proving PCs is a way of competition.
3.       Which of the following is not the advantage of internet?
[A]It can save time.
[B]It can save cost.
[C]It encourages collaboration and team-working.
[D]It makes human-resources department an easy job.
4.       The expression “a one-way flow”(Line 3, Paragraph 5) most probably means
[A]not encouraging open answers
[B]only one side asking questions
[C]only yes or no questions
[D]the topics lack variety
5.       Which of the following is true according to the text?
[A]The Internet can help DOTCOMS come back to life.
[B]The courses downloaded are practical, but time-consuming.
[C]The internet makes the work of human-resources department more direct and interesting.
[D]The employees can manage all the information by themselves.
inside out 里子朝外的;完全地,徹底地
moribund [] adj. 即將結束的,瀕臨死亡的;即將滅亡的,垂死的;瀕死的,不進步的
tax returns n. 納稅申報表
mind-numbing adj. 令人腦袋麻木的
payslip [] n. 工資單
gobbet n. 一片,一塊(尤指生肉);一點,少量
disintermediation n. 不干預,脫媒(非中介化)[一般是指在進行交易時跳過所有中間人而直接在供需雙方間進行。]
Already, the Internet is causing disintermediation within companies, he argues, just as it did in e-commerce: the human-resources department does much less administration once the benefits system is more self-service, but rather more advising and consulting.
主體句式:the Internet is causing disintermediation within companies …
結構分析:本句的主句是”the Internet is causing disintermediation within companies”, “he argues”是插入語, 連詞“as”的意思是 “如同,正如”, “did”指代的是“cause disintermediation”;冒號后的內容是對“just as it did in e-commerce”的解釋說明。
句子譯文:他論述說,正如電子商務中發(fā)生的脫媒現(xiàn)象一樣—— 一旦津貼制度變得更加自助化,人力資源部所做的行政管理方面的工作會少得多,他們更多的是提供建議和咨詢——互聯(lián)網(wǎng)也正在導致公司之間的脫媒(非中介化)現(xiàn)象。
2. 答案為A,屬推理判斷題。文章第一段指出網(wǎng)絡公司(DOTCOMS)也許即將滅亡,但是在公司內部,因特網(wǎng)仍然是節(jié)省成本的新辦法。第二段指出福特公司希望把一些服務性信息放到網(wǎng)上,能夠節(jié)省公司及其員工的時間,通用汽車公司也效仿這一做法。由此我們可以看出節(jié)約時間、節(jié)約開支是這兩個公司想要給其員工配備電腦的原因。
3. 答案為D,屬事實細節(jié)題。文章中提到“the human-resources department does much less administration once the benefits system is more self-service,”,但這并不意味著人力資源部的工作會有所減輕,這只是工作形式有所改變,人力資源部將把更多的工作重心放在建議和咨詢方面。
4. 答案為B,屬猜詞題。文章中提到多數(shù)情況下都是納賽爾先生在聊天。他雖然收到回復的電子郵件有幾百封,但基本上都是由他發(fā)問,別人來回答這種形式,因此這種交流是單向的。
5. 答案為C,屬事實細節(jié)題。原文對應信息是“One day, working in human resources might even be fun.”。選項A在文中對應的正確信息是“DOTCOMS may be moribund”;選項B對應的正確信息是“all designed for digestion in ten- or 15-minute gobbets.”,它的意思是“所有這些課程的設計保證學員能在10至15分鐘內消化理解!;選項D對應的信息是“People want more and more of this self-service information, which they can manage themselves”,我們無法確定是否所有信息這些員工都能自行管理。
網(wǎng)絡公司(DOTCOMS)也許即將滅亡,但是在公司內部,因特網(wǎng)仍然是節(jié)省成本的新辦法。 “B2E(“企業(yè)對職員”)并沒有失敗! 福特汽車公司負責開發(fā)企業(yè)內部網(wǎng)潛力的拜平•帕特爾說,“相反,它仍然在發(fā)展!
在說服員工上網(wǎng)方面福特比多數(shù)公司走得更遠:它給它的美國員工提供個人電腦,而90% 的員工都接受了。福特希望把一些服務性信息放到網(wǎng)上,能夠節(jié)省公司及其員工的時間。福特公司的主要競爭對手通用汽車公司已考慮實施相似的計劃,但發(fā)現(xiàn)多數(shù)愿意使用個人電腦的員工已經(jīng)有了電腦。因此,它正在幫助職員支付高速寬帶連接費用。
“人們越來越多地需要這類自助信息,而這些信息是他們自己就可以管理的! 帕特爾先生說,“這里根本沒有所謂的信息超載一說,因為這是他們的信息!鄙踔猎诰培訓也似乎進行得更好一些:現(xiàn)在,福特的員工從網(wǎng)上下載系列課程,其中包括一個有關“傾聽和處理棘手情況”的課程。所有這些課程的設計保證學員能在10至15分鐘內消化理解。公司聲稱,在過去的六個月里,培訓費用減少了2百萬美元,因為幾乎沒有人丟下他們的工作去學習。
帕特爾認為,通信技術最終將再造公司的行為方式。它將鼓勵合作和團隊精神。他論述說,正如電子商務中發(fā)生的脫媒現(xiàn)象一樣—— 一旦津貼制度變得更加自助化,人力資源部所做的行政管理方面的工作會少得多,他們更多的是提供建議和咨詢——互聯(lián)網(wǎng)也正在導致公司之間的脫媒(非中介化)現(xiàn)象?傆幸惶,在人力資源部工作甚至會充滿樂趣。


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