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Unit 67
Walter Milancuk's public-school horror story began early, when his son Derrick spent kindergarten in an overcrowded roomful of students who regularly fought in class and cursed the teacher. Milancuk wanted to transfer Derrick, but his salary as a forklift driver couldn't cover private-school tuition. Yet Milancuk found a way out, thanks to Cleveland's pioneering school-voucher program, which granted him close to $1,500 in state funds to help enroll Derrick at St. Stanislaus, a nearby Catholic school. Now Derrick wears a crisp uniform. His reading has improved. And the weekly Mass and Bible study have moved Derrick to say his daily prayers without prompting. Says his dad, "The school is really building his faith."
That may prove to be more of a curse than a blessing. Last week a federal judge struck down Cleveland's voucher program, ruling that it violates the constitutional separation of church and state. Citing Jefferson and Madison, Judge Solomon Oliver Jr. wrote that because four-fifths of the private schools participating in the voucher program are religious, the program robs parents of "genuine choice" between sectarian and secular schools, thus "advancing religion through government-supported religious indoctrination." The decision is the fourth in recent months to bar the use of vouchers in parochial schools, and voucher opponents--mainly teachers' unions and liberal interest groups--see it as a major victory.
Voucher backers--an unusual coalition of inner-city parents and conservative groups--retort that the judge misread both the Cleveland program and the First Amendment. They point out that Cleveland parents who don't like parochial schools can send their kids to the city's regular public schools, or to public charter schools and magnet schools. Clint Bolick, a lawyer for the Institute for Justice, which defended the voucher program, says, "No one can compel a child into the program or into a religious school."
Despite its recent setbacks, the voucher movement is gaining ground in state legislatures and some state courts. This fall Florida started the first statewide voucher program. And the Wisconsin Supreme Court upheld the use of vouchers in parochial schools in Milwaukee. In the presidential campaign, G.O.P. candidates John McCain and George W. Bush are trumpeting voucher proposals. While Vice President Al Gore launched an ad that calls vouchers a "big mistake," his Democratic opponent Bill Bradley supports them, at least as "experiments."
Though the U.S. Supreme Court has refused to hear several school-choice cases, legal experts suspect the more clear-cut Cleveland case might prod it into action. In the meantime, Judge Oliver is allowing Derrick Milancuk and nearly 4,000 other students in the Cleveland voucher program to remain in their schools while his ruling is on appeal.
注(1):本文選自By Jodie Morse  Time; 12/31/99, Vol. 154 Issue 27, p220, 2/3p, 1c
注(2):本文習題命題模仿對象2004年真題text 2
1.What does the author intend to illustrate with Derrick’s change of performance in different schools?
[A] the role voucher program plays in helping children get better education
[B] the change a parochial school can bring to a child
[C] the poor education quality of public schools
[D] the importance of enrolling kids of poor performance in private schools
2.What can we infer from the second paragraph?
[A] Parents do not have a choice when they send their children to religious schools.
[B]. The judge’s ruling is helpful in building better public schools.
[C] Teaching religious stuff in schools is a violation of the Constitution.
[D] Teachers of public schools do not welcome the idea of voucher program.
3.What does “advance religion through government-supported religious indoctrination” (Line 5, Paragraph 2) mean?
[A] promote religious ideas in public schools with government support
[B] collect government resources to support religious activities
[C] help religious schools use public fund to spread religious ideas
[D] allow religion to interfere with government work
4.        The 4th paragraph suggests that _________________.
[A] Judge Oliver’s ruling has caused political debate between the Republicans and the Democrats. 
[B] George W. Bush is in favor of voucher program.
[C] Voucher program does more good than harm.
[D] Democrats have a low opinion of voucher program.
5.        Which of the following is true according to the text?
[A] The author thinks that voucher program is more of a curse than a blessing.
[B] The U.S Supreme Court will not support voucher program.
[C] Parents will have no choice but send their children to religious schools if they join in the voucher program.
[D] Voucher program is still a controversial issue in legal and political areas.
voucher []n. 代金券;教育券
flunk []v. (使)失敗
parochial [] adj. 教區(qū)的
stall []v. (使)停轉, (使)停止, 遲延
forklift [] n. <美>[機]鏟車,叉式升降機
Mass [] n. (天主教的)彌撒
crisp [] adj. 嶄新的;明顯干凈的或新的:
sectarian [] adj. 宗派的;教派的
secular []adj. 非宗教的,世俗的
indoctrination [] n. 教導, 教化
Amendment []n. 修正案
charter school: 特許學校 ([美國]不受地方教育主管機構管理,具有不同于其他學校的課程設置和教育理念的公立學校)
magnet school: 英才學校 (提供專業(yè)課程,具有較高學術水準的公立學校)
prod [  ] v. 督促;推動
appeal []n. 上訴
1.Citing Jefferson and Madison, Judge Solomon Oliver Jr. wrote that because four-fifths of the private schools participating in the voucher program are religious, the program robs parents of "genuine choice" between sectarian and secular schools, thus "advancing religion through government-supported religious indoctrination."
主體句式:Judge Solomon Oliver Jr. wrote that…
1.  答案是A,屬推理判斷題。 文中先說Derrick在公立學校的糟糕表現(xiàn),再說在教區(qū)學校所取得的進步,作者用“Yet Milancuk found a way out, thanks to Cleveland's pioneering school-voucher program”來說明Derrick的前后變化歸功于教育券計劃的實施,并為下文討論教育券計劃做好了鋪墊。
2. 答案是D,屬推理判斷題。從第二段最后一行“voucher opponents--mainly teachers' unions and liberal interest groups--see it as a major victory”可以看出教師們對教育券計劃持反對態(tài)度。
3. 答案是C,屬猜詞題。文中第二段法官裁定克利夫蘭教育券計劃違背了憲法政教分離的原則,也就是說政府資金不應該用于資助教授宗教內容的宗教學校。由此可見如果允許在宗教學校中使用教育券,就會導致公共資金被用于宗教傳播活動。
4. 答案是B,屬事實細節(jié)題。文中第四段第四行提到“George W. Bush are trumpeting voucher proposals.”trumpet意為“鼓吹,宣傳”。
5. 答案是D, 屬推理判斷題。從全文列舉的材料來看,有裁定教育券計劃違憲的例子(第二段),也有說明許多州立法機關和法院支持教育券計劃的例子(第四段);有支持著的意見,也有反對者的意見,但并沒有最終的定論。由此可見,教育券計劃仍然備受爭議。
支持教育券的人---由內城區(qū)的家長和保守團體形成的一支不同尋常的聯(lián)合陣線---反駁認為這位法官既不理解克利夫蘭計劃,也沒有領會“憲法第一修正案”的真正含義。他們指出,那些不喜歡交換學校的克利夫蘭家長可以把他們的孩子送到城里的正規(guī)公立學校,或者特許公立學校和英才學校(magnet school)。司法學院的律師克林特•伯里克曾為教育券計劃辯護,他說:“沒有人能迫使一個孩子參與一個項目,或者進入一所宗教學校!


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