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Unit 63
A white kid sells a bag og cocaine at his suburban high school. A Latino kid does the same in his inner-city neighborhood. Both get caught. Both are first-time offenders. The white kid walks into juvenile court with his parents, his priest, a good lawyer-and medical coverage. The Latino kid walks into court with his mom, no legal resources and no insurance. The judge lets the white kid go with his family; he's placed in a private treatment program. The minority kid has no such option. He's detained.

in a nutshell, is what happens more and more often in the juvenile-court system. Minority youths arrested on violent felony charges in California are more than twice as likely as their white counterparts to be transferred out of the juvenile-justice system and tried as adults, according to a study released last week by the Justice Policy Institute, a research center in San Francisco. Once they are in adult courts, young black offenders are 18 times more likely to be jailed-and Hispanics seven times more likely-than are young white offenders. "Discrimination against kids of color accumulates at every stage of the justice system and skyrockets when juveniles are, tried as adults," says Dan Macallair, a co-author of the new study. "California has a double standard: throw kids of color behind bars, but .rehabilitate white kids who commit comparable crimes."
Even as juvenile crime has declined from its peak in the early 1990s, headline grabbing violence by minors has intensified a get-tough attitude. Over the past six years, 43 states have passed laws that make it easier to try juveniles as adults. In Texas and Connecticut in 1996, the latest year for which figures are available, all the juveniles in jails were minorities. Vincent Schiraldi, the Justice Policy Institute's director, concedes that "some kids need to be tried as adults. But most can be rehabilitated."
Instead, adult prisons tend to brutalize juveniles. They are eight times more likely to commit suicide and five times more likely to be sexually abused than offenders held in juvenile detention. "Once they get out, they tend to commit more crimes and more violent crimes," says Jenni Gainsborough, a spokeswoman for the Sentencing Project, a reform group in Washington. The system, in essence, is training career criminals. And it's doing its worst work among minorities.
注(1)本文選自By Anamaria Wilson  Time; 02/14/2000, Vol. 155 Issue 6, p68, 1/3p
注(2)本文習(xí)題命題模仿對象1997年真題text 5(其中因1997年真題text 5只有4個題目,所以本文第4題模仿參照對象為1999年 Text 4的第4題。)
1.       From the first paragraph we learn that _________.
[A]the white kid is more lucky than the minority kid
[B]the white kid has got a lot of help than the minority kid
[C]the white kid and minority kid has been treated differently
[D]the minority kid should be set free at once.
2.       According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?
[A]Kids shouldn’t be tried as adults.
[B] Discrimination exists in the justice system.
[C]Minority kids are likely to commit crimes.
[D] States shouldn’t pass the laws.
3.       The word “skyrocket” (Line 13, Paragraph 2) means ________.
[A]rising sharply
[B]widening suddenly
[C]spreading widely
[D]expanding quickly
4.       It can be inferred from the last paragraph that ________.
[A] something seems to be wrong with the justice system
[B]adult prisons have bad influence on the juveniles
[C] juveniles in adult prison are ill-treated
[D]the career criminals are trained by the system
5.       The passage shows that the author is _________ the present situation.
[A] amazed at
[B]puzzled by
[C]disappointed at
[D] critical of
offender [] n.罪犯, 冒犯者
coverage []n.保險項目;保險范圍
option []n.選擇;供選擇的事物
detain []v.拘留,
in a nutshell []簡括地,簡言之;簡要地說
felony []n.[律]重罪
rehabilitate []v. 使(身體)康復(fù), 使復(fù)職, 使恢復(fù)名譽, 使復(fù)原
get-tough []adj.強硬的
concede[]v.勉強, 承認(rèn)
detention[]n.拘留, 禁閉
1.Minority youths arrested on violent felony charges in California are more than twice as likely as their white counterparts to be transferred out of the juvenile-justice system and tried as adults, according to a study released last week by the Justice Policy Institute, a research center in San Francisco.
主體句式:Minority youths are more than …
結(jié)構(gòu)分析:這是一個比較長的簡單句。“more than twice as likely as their white counterparts”是一種表示倍數(shù)的表達(dá)方式;“to be transferred out of the juvenile-justice system and tried as adults”不定式短語來修飾white counterparts; “according to a study released last week by the Justice Policy Institute”是現(xiàn)在分詞做伴隨狀語;“a research center in San Francisco”是“the Justice Policy Institute”的同位語。
1. 答案為C,屬推理判斷題。作者在第一段中進行對比,目的在于引出同一性質(zhì)案例因為對象不同,從而處理結(jié)果也不同這一論點。
2. 答案為B,屬事實細(xì)節(jié)題。原文對應(yīng)信息是:“Discrimination against kids of color accumulates at every stage of the justice system and skyrockets when juveniles are, tried as adults”。其它選項意思與原文不符。
3. 答案為A ,屬猜詞題。從單詞所在的句子語境中,我們可以判斷skyrocket與accumulate的意思相近,并且程度更強。了解到這一點就不難作出選擇。
4.答案為A,屬推理判斷題。原文相關(guān)信息是“The system, in essence, is training career criminals. And it's doing its worst work among minorities”。
簡而言之,這樣的事情在少年法庭上越來越常見。據(jù)舊金山一家研究中心—司法政策研究—上周發(fā)表的一項研究結(jié)果,在加州因暴力重罪嫌疑被捕進而移交到少年法庭系統(tǒng)作為成人被審判的少數(shù)民族青少年的數(shù)量可能是白人少年的兩倍。一旦被移交成人法庭,那些青少年黑人犯法者被送進監(jiān)獄的可能性是白人的十八倍,美籍西班牙人是白人的八倍。 “司法系統(tǒng)對有色人種青少年的歧視每升一級都加一次碼,而這些年輕人一旦以成人的身份被審判的話,這種歧視便被極度升化,達(dá)到無以復(fù)加的地步。” 這項研究的合作者丹•麥卡萊爾(Dan Macallair)說,“加利福尼亞歷來奉行雙重標(biāo)準(zhǔn):把犯罪的有色人種青少年投進監(jiān)獄,但對犯有同等罪行的白人少年卻實行教育感化!
正當(dāng)青少年犯罪率從二十世紀(jì)九十年代初期的高峰開始下降的時候,常常成為報刊頭條新聞的少數(shù)民族未成年人暴力犯罪強化了公眾的強硬態(tài)度。在過去六年中,四十三個州通過的法律使青少年以成人的身份受審變得更加易如反掌。1996年,美國德克薩斯州和康涅狄格州(這兩個州是唯一能收集到最近一年青少年犯罪記錄的州)的資料表明,在監(jiān)獄服刑的所有青少年都是有色人種。司法政策研究所所長文森特•希拉迪(Vincent Schiraldi)承認(rèn),“有些青少年需要作為成人進行審判,但是他們中大多數(shù)人是可以教育感化的!
成人監(jiān)獄經(jīng)常虐待這些青少年。這些人自殺的可能性是少管所的罪犯的八倍,遭到性虐待的可能性是他們的五倍。華盛頓的一個改革團體—“審判項目組織”的女發(fā)言人Jenni Gainsborough認(rèn)為,“這些人一旦被釋放,他們往往會瘋狂作案,實施更多的暴力犯罪! 這種體系實質(zhì)上是在培養(yǎng)職業(yè)罪犯;對有色人種而言,它起的作用更糟。


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