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  2). Which one of the following is true about Facebook?

  A. The websites are losing their popularity in a gradual way

  B. Registered user's profiles are open to anyone on the internet

  C. Only friends and acquaintances of the users have access to their profiles

  D. The website is in English only since English is a universal language now

  正確答案: C

  答案解析:細節(jié)題;比較4個選項我們看到4個選項分別在論述這個網(wǎng)站的不同方面,所以我們需要結(jié)合每個選項,和原文的相關(guān)信息進行比對,來尋找正確答案。A選項的說法和原文的“exploded in popularity”沖突,需要排除。B選項和原文的“share personal details with selected groups of friends or acquaintances”相矛盾,也需要排除。而C選項則是對這一點的正確表述,是正確答案。D選項則和原文中“the site expanded from English-only into 15 new languages in recent months”的表述不一致,也需要排除。

  3). From the passage, we know that Facebook is now faced with the problem that ______.

  A. less and less people are paying visits to it

  B. people are cheating about their real gender on it

  C. it is difficult to tell whether an user is male or female

  D. users are using impropriate language there

  正確答案: C

  答案解析:歸納總結(jié)題;在原文的第二段,我們看到Facebook準備強制性地要求用戶明確自己的性別,而作者更是通過引用語的方式“when people have not specified a sex on their profiles”來直接點明了網(wǎng)站面對的問題,也就是用戶不明確自己的性別這樣一個問題,在4個選項中,C選項的表述是正確的。

  4). From the passage, we know that in some other language than English, ______.

  A. there is no difference between male and female in pronouns

  B. it is very rude to ask about the gender question on internet

  C. even plural form of pronouns have gender tendencies

  D. the singular form and plural form is the same

  正確答案: C

  答案解析:細節(jié)題;要求我們選擇的是在其他語言中存在的一個具體的情況,根據(jù)題目的要求我們確定原文中的“in other languages”這一點,而我們需要的答案就是對于“when the plural is always masculine or feminine”的正確解讀。在4個選項中,C選項是這一表述的同義轉(zhuǎn)述,是正確答案。

  5). Which one of the following is true under the new regulations of Facebook?

  A. The users are encouraged to include their gender information in their extended profiles

  B. Only the new registrations are influenced by this new regulation

  C. Users can still choose not to specify their gender

  D. Everyone is welcoming this new regulation since it brings about clarity and convenience

  正確答案: C


  和原文的“on their basic membership profile”這樣的表述不符合。B選項和原文的“It will prompt existing users to define themselves”相互沖突。而C選項可以在原文中找到“Facebook has an opt-out option for members who choose not to specify their gender”這樣的信息來支持。而D選項則被原文中“We've received pushback in the past”這樣的信息否定。

  3. The term massage therapy (also called massage, for short; massage also refers to an individual treatment session) covers a group of practices and techniques. There are over 80 types of massage therapy. In all of them, therapists press, rub, and otherwise manipulate the muscles and other soft tissues of the body, often varying pressure and movement. They most often use their hands and fingers, but may use their forearms, elbows, or feet. Typically, the intent is to relax the soft tissues, increase delivery of blood and oxygen to the massaged areas, warm them, and decrease pain.

  Massage therapy dates back thousands of years. References to massage have been found in ancient writings from many cultures, including those of Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, Japan, China, Egypt, and the Indian subcontinent. In the United States, massage therapy first became popular and was promoted for a variety of health purposes starting in the mid-1800s. In the 1930s and 1940s, however, massage fell out of favor, mostly because of scientific and technological advances in medical treatments. Interest in massage revived in the 1970s, especially among athletes.

  More recently, a 2002 national survey on Americans' use of CAM (published in 2004) found that 5 percent of the 31,000 participants had used massage therapy in the preceding 12 months, and 9.3 percent had ever used it. According to recent reviews, people use massage for a wide variety of health-related intents: for example, to relieve pain (often from musculoskeletal conditions, but from other conditions as well); rehabilitate sports injuries; reduce stress; increase relaxation; address feelings of anxiety and depression; and aid general wellness.

  Massage therapy appears to have few serious risks if appropriate cautions are followed. A very small number of serious injuries have been reported, and they appear to have occurred mostly because cautions were not followed or a massage was given by a person who was not properly trained. Health care providers recommend that patients not have massage therapy before they consult their doctors about their own health conditions.

  Scientists are studying massage to understand what effects massage therapy has on patients, how it has those effects, and why. Some aspects of this are better understood than others. There are many more aspects that are not yet known or well understood scientifically. More well-designed studies are needed to understand and confirm these theories and other scientific aspects of massage.

  1). Which one of the following statements about massage is NOT correct according to the passage?

  A. Many different practices and techniques can all be called massage

  B. Soft tissues of the body are usually the target of massage

  C. Hands and fingers aide the only body parts that therapists use when practicing massage

  D. Massage can do much more than just providing relaxation

  正確答案: C

  答案解析:細節(jié)題;需要我們進行反向選擇,A選項的意思在原文中有“…covers a group of practices and techniques”作為支持。B選項和原文的“…manipulate the muscles and other soft tissues of the body”所表達的意思一致。C選項和原文中“…but may use their forearms, elbows,or feet”有沖突,所以C選項是我們需要選擇的。D選項中的“much more”有原文的“…increase delivery of blood and oxygen to the massaged areas,warm them,and decrease pain”作為佐證。

  2). Which one of the following statements is true about the history of massage?

  A. It has a history of about several hundred year

  B. It is only found in ancient Asia countries like China and Japan

  C. It lost its popularity after 1970s because of medical advance

  D. It had twists and turns in its development in

  正確答案: D

  答案解析:細節(jié)題;題目中的定位詞history告訴我們解答這個題目需要的信息出現(xiàn)在原文的第二段。A選項和原文的“Massage therapy dates back thousands of years”有沖突。B選項和原文的“including those of Ancient Greece,Ancient Rome”表達的意思不一致。C選項的“l(fā)ost its popularity”和原文的“fell out of favor”為同義表達,而其中的“1970s”卻和原文的“In the 1930s and 1940s”不一致。D選項對于按摩療法在美國發(fā)展給出的總結(jié)是正確的,為正確答案。

  3). In the survey mentioned in paragraph 3, we know that 9.3 percent of the participants ______.

  A. used massage therapy in 2002

  B. used massage therapy in 2004

  C. had used massage therapy at least once

  D. used massage therapy in 2001

  正確答案: C

  答案解析:細節(jié)題;定位詞為“9.3 percent”,而題目也直接指向了原文的第三段。這里的“9.3 percent had ever used it”正是我們需要的答案,所以C選項是正確選項。其他幾個選項均出自這個段落,所以對信息的準確定位對于我們辨別干擾選項會起到很好的鋪墊作用。

  4). Paragraph 4 is mainly concerned about ______.

  A. side effects and risks of massage therapy

  B. safety of massage therapy

  C. cautions that the therapists need to follow

  D. the training processes of a qualified therapists

  正確答案: A

  答案解析:段落主旨題;第四段主要圍繞的問題是在進行按摩療法的時候可能會遇到的一些問題,比如“serious injuries have been reported”、“Health care providers recommend that patients not have massage therapy before they consult their doctors”,結(jié)合4個選項,A選項所說的“按摩療法的副作用和風險”是對這一段落最好的概括,是我們需要的正確答案。

  5). From the passage, we know that the study of massage ______.

  A. have not got started yet

  B. needs more research on therapy practice

  C. cannot explain therapy practice at all

  D. can provide full explanations for therapy practice

  正確答案: B

  答案解析:細節(jié)題;結(jié)合前面4個題目對原文的分析,我們可以看到,這個題目很有可能對應(yīng)著原文的最后一段,我們在最后一段中尋找關(guān)于對按摩療法進行研究的相關(guān)信息。我們可以找到“There are many more aspects that are not yet known or well understood scientifically”這樣的表達,也就是說盡管按摩療法本身是很古老的,但是對它所進行的研究卻是剛開始,還有很多不能解釋的地方。所以比較4個選項,A、C和D選項的表述都過于絕對,不符合原文所表達的意思。B選項則符合原文的說法,是正確選項。

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