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來源:新東方 2007-10-12 9:38:52 考試吧:中國教育培訓第一門戶 模擬考場
第 1 頁:語法結構訓練
第 2 頁:語 態(tài)
第 3 頁:詞匯用法和語法結構——語法訓練
第 4 頁:非謂語動詞 第一組:分詞
第 5 頁:非謂語動詞  第二組:動名詞
第 6 頁:強調句和主謂語一致
第 7 頁:倒裝句和反意疑問句
第 8 頁:形容詞和副詞的級

語 態(tài)

39. More and more attention ______ adult education both at home and abroad.
A. is payingB. are paid to 
C. has being paid to D. has been paid to

40. The reporters exposed the corruption of several high officials in the government; consequently, they ______ to resign from office.
A. asked B. were askedC. had been asked D. have asked

41. When the fire broke out, ________.
A. the house became emptyB. the house had emptied
C. the house had been emptyingD. the house was made empty

42. My photos for picture _____ until next week.
A. won’t develop B. aren’t developed 
C. won’t developedD. don’t develop

43. The goods ______ when we arrived at the airport.
A. were just being unloaded B. had just unloaded
C. were just unloading D. were just been unloaded

44. The two new students _______ during the coffee break.
A. have acquaintedB. acquainted themselves
C. got acquaintedD. acquainted each other

45. By the end of next month, the bridge ________.
A. will be builtB. is to be built
C. is to buildD. will have been built

46. I ______ at the same place for more than 12 years now.
A. employed B. have been employed
C. was being employedD. had been employed

47. The instruments will have to be carefully tested before they _______.
A. are being used B. will be used C. can be usedD. use

48. Experiments in the photography of moving objects _______ in both the United States and Europe well before 1900.
A. have been conductingB. were conducting
C. had been conducted D. have conducted

49. This place, originally a small town, ______ into a modern capital city.
A. transformedB. transformsC. has been transformedD. is transforming

50. He ________ when the bus came to a sudden stop.
A. was almost B. was hurt himself
C. was to hurt himself D. was hurting himself

51. That tree looked as if it_________ for a long time.
A. hasn’t wateredB. didn’t water 
C. hadn’t been watered D. wasn’t watered
Keys: 39. D 40.B41.D42.C43.A44.C 45.D46. B47.C48.C49. C50.A51.C



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