http://1glr.cn 來源:文都教育 東剛 點擊: 更新:2006-5-15


41.The beam that is _____ by a laser differs in several ways from the light that comes out of a flashlight.

A) emitted                   B) transported              C) motivated             D) translated

42.We booked rooms at the hotel____ we should find no vacancies on our arrival.

A) whenever         B) if                      C) since                   D) lest

43.Modern forms of transportation and communication have done much to________ the isolation of life in Alaska.

A) break through      B) break down        C) break into             D) break out

44.We know through painful experience that freedom is never given by the oppressor; it must be _______by the oppressed.

A) demanded               B) commanded        C)required                   D)requested

45. Color and sex are not relevant_____ whether a person is suitable for the job.

A) on                          B) for                          C) to                            D) with

46.__________the enormous flow of food from the entire globe, these countries have for many years not felt any population pressure.

A) Thanks to          B) By means of         C) In line with       D) With regard to

47.Research universities have to keep up with the latest computer and scientific hardware________ price.

A) on account of        B) regardless of         C) in addition to     D) not to mention

48. Three university departments have been________$600000 to develop good practice in teaching and learning.

A) promoted             B) included                  C) secured                D) awarded

49. The rapid development of communications technology is transforming the       in which people communicate across time and space.

A) mood        B) mission                  C) manner                   D) vision

50. Mr. Jones holds strong views against video games and        the closing of all recreation facilities for such games.

A) assists                  B) acknowledges        C) advocates                D) admits

51.Workers in the fine arts        thoughts and feelings through their creative works.

A) transmit                 B) elaborate                  C) convey                    D) contribute

52. Small as it is, the ant is as much a creature as        all other animals on earth.

    A) are                   B) do                        C) is                                   D) have

53. The policeman declared that the blow on the victim's head         from behind.

A) should have been made                           B) must have been made                 

C) would have been made                             D) ought to have been made

54. Finding a job can be        and disappointing, and therefore it is important that you are prepared.

    A) exploiting                B) frustrating                C) profiting                 D) misleading

55.The British government often says that furnishing children with           to the information superhighway is a top priority.

A)procedure             B)protection               C)allowance                 D)access

56.Louis Herman, at the University of Hawaii, has          a series of new experiments in which some animals have learned to understand sentences.

A)installed                 B)equipped                 C)devised                    D)formatted

57.Researchers at the University of Illinois have determined that the           of a father can help improve a child’s grades.

A)involvement          B)interaction            C)association        D)communication

58.We can accept your order           payment is made in advance.

A)in the belief that                     B)in order that  

 C)on the excuse that                    D)on condition that

59.Many in the credit industry expect that credit cards will eventually          paper money for almost every purchase.

A)exchange               B)reduce                   C)replace                    D)trade

60.Any donation you can give will help us           the suffering and isolation of the homeless this New Year.

A)lift                          B)patch                    C)comfort                    D)ease

61.In India more than one hundred languages are spoken,          which only fourteen are recognized as official.

A)of                          B)in                      C)with                        D)within

62.Techniques for          sleep would involve learning to control both mind and body so that sleep can occur.

A)cultivating               B)promoting     C)pushing                    D)strengthening

63.It is important to           between the rules of grammar and the conventions of written language.

A)determine                B)identify                 C)explore                     D)distinguish

64.It is too early to say whether IBM’s competitors will be able to          their products to the new hardware at an affordable cost.

A)adapt                     B)stick                     C)yield                         D)adopt

65.This research has attracted wide coverage in the           and has featured on BBC television’s Tomorrow’s World.

A)data                        B)source                   C)message                  D)media

66.I had just posted the letter when I remembered that I hadn’t           the cheque.

A)imposed                 B)involved                C)enclosed                  D)contained

67.She had a tense expression on her face,          she were expecting trouble.

A)even though           B)as though                C)even as                   D)now that

68.They were           admission to the military exhibition because they were foreigners.

A)denied                   B)declined                 C)deprived                   D)rejected

69.It gave me a strange feeling of excitement to see my name in           .

A)prospect               B)print                     C)process                   D)press

70.Residents were cutting their lawns, washing their cars and otherwise          a pleasant sunny day.

A)idling away             B)taking away   C)chasing away           D)driving away

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