http://1glr.cn 來(lái)源:文都教育 東剛 點(diǎn)擊: 更新:2006-5-15

Unit 5

Nobody likes insects. They are    1    and sometimes dangerous. Some of them bite us and give us   2  ; others bite us and give us big red    3   . Some do not bite,   4    they just fly round our heads or crawl round our houses and gardens. And we do not like any of them    5    those lovely butterflies.

But insects are interesting. First, they are very    6    animals. Three hundred and twenty million years ago there were no men or other    7    in the world but there were insects. Today,   8    every square mile of land there are millions of them flying and crawling    9   . Second, insects are very    10    to their habitat, to their food and to the weather. Now there are about a million different    11    in the world. Then   12   do people use insecticides?

Not many insects    13    us. In many cases we do not see the insects and we do not think much about them. The    14    is that insects eat so much of man’s food,   15    there are so many billions of them. So we must use insecticides to    16    them.

An insecticide is simply a special chemical    17    with some poisonous elements. Farmers    18    their crops very often and the insects die quickly. Of course some poisonous chemicals    19    on the crops or in the   20   , and that is also dangerous to our health.

1. A) wicked                 B) shocked                   C) troubling                  D) annoying

2. A) wounds                B) diseases                   C) hurts                       D) cuts

3. A) places                  B) points                      C) spots                       D) scraps

4. A) and                      B) but                          C) or                            D) because

5. A) besides                 B) let alone                   C) except for                D)except

6. A) old                      B) young                      C) small                       D) weak

7. A) mammals              B) cats                         C) reptiles                     D) birds

8. A) on                        B) with                         C) throughout               D) in

9. A) over                     B) above                       C) about                       D) up

10. A) suitable               B) adaptable                  C) agreeable                  D) changeable

11. A) species               B) samples                    C) models                     D) examples

12. A) when                  B) how                         C) where                      D) why

13. A) stab                    B) wound                            C) hurt                         D) pin

14. A) difference           B) condition                  C) method                    D) reason

15. A) so that                B) due to                      C) and                          D) owing to

16. A) put an end to              B) get rid of                  C) take care of                     D) get hold of

17. A) medicine             B) sections                   C) compound                D) material

18. A) spray                  B) cover                       C) clean                       D) splash

19. A) drop                   B) stay                         C) disappear                 D) leave

20. A) soil                     B) dirt                          C) earth                        D) mud

Unit 6

A good deal of research is being    1    out nowadays    2    the causes of juvenile crime. It is obvious   3    one of these is an unsatisfactory home background. The father or even    4    both parents may be involved    5    some of form of criminal activity and the growing child    6    conflict with the authorities for granted. The parents may be    7    hard terms with each other or even separated and the child is subjected   8   constant emotional strain which may make him readily seek some kind of outlet in violence and serious crime.

   9    cause of teenage crime may be boredom of discontent.   10    the boy of low intelligence who scarcely knows    11    to read there is the better educated but spoilt middle-class youth who    12    his parents as outdated humbugs(欺騙). The police    13    considered to be domineering bullies    14    purpose and delight is to suppress ruthlessly all who challenge the meaningless beliefs of    15    society. Some of these youngsters pride themselves    16    being rebels or revolutionaries,    17    others find a certain fulfillment in    18    banks and shops, taking    19    in gang warfare or even beating up harmless individuals whom, for some reason or    20   , they happen to take a dislike to.

1. A) run                      B) gone                 C) set                    D) carried

2. A) in                        B) for                    C) into                  D) on

3. A) with                     B)that                    C) why                 D) how

4. A) possibly                B) so                     C) though              D) improbably

5. A) by                        B) in                     C) into                  D) with

6. A) makes                  B) takes                 C) thinks               D) recognizes

7. A) in                         B) with                  C) on                    D) got in

8. A) toward                 B) about                C) to                     D) by

9. A) Other                   B) some                C) Another             D) One another

10. A) Beside                B) In addition       C) But for              D) Besides

11. A) when                  B) how                  C) where               D) whether

12. A) considers            B) regards             C) takes                D) holds

13. A) would be            B) might be            C) are                   D) is

14. A) whose                B) their                  C) of which           D) with which

15. A) contemporary      B) ancient              C) historic             D) historical

16. A) on                      B) in                     C) at                            D) about

17. A) when                  B) consequently     C) therefore           D) while

18. A) dropping             B) breaking            C) robbing             D) fighting

19. A) interest               B) pride                 C) place                D) part

20. A) else                   B) another             C) other                D) others

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