 四六級考試常見詞匯整理 詞匯測試題型分析
四六級考試常見詞匯整理 詞匯測試題型分析
http://1glr.cn 來源:點點英語 點擊: 更新:2006-2-27
    19. When I read a book, I usually skip over the uninteresting part.
    Bypass, jump, leap, omit, pass over, spring
    20. The witness asserted that the salesman was dishonest.
    21. He would deem it an honor if the minister came to see him.
    Assume, believe, consider, judge, regard, suppose, think
    22. Freedom of action is one of the inviolable rules of human behavior.
    23. The beating of a drum on the battlefield stimulated the soldiers to fight more bravely.
    Activate, motivate, move, rouse, spur, stir
    24. Toy balloons, sponges and steel springs are elastic.
    Flexible, adaptable
    25. Too much alcohol makes all your sense blunt.
    26. He was pale with fatigue after his sleepless night.
    Exhaust, tire, wear out
    27. As the currency of a country is inflated, the prices of goods begin to rise.
    28. She is too plump to fit into this dress.
    29. You can hardly shun meeting her if you and she both work in the same office.
    Avoid, ignore
    30. We can’t confide in his words, for he often breaks his promises.
    Rely, trust in
    31. The fisherman had some bright colored lures to attract fish.
    32. The bridge is far away from here; we’d better wade wade across the stream.
    33. She went to the library in quest of something to read.
    Explore, hunt, pursue, search, seek
    34. In order to lose weight, she refrained from eating candy.
    35. A good hunting dog is alert to every sound and movement in the field.
    36. The artificial flowers were made of paper and cloth.
    Fake, false, synthetic, unreal
    37. He watched the airplane ascend higher and higher.
    Climb, rise
    38. I always feel she has a grudge against me, although I don’t know what wrong I have done to her.
    39. He was so steadfast to his principles that we couldn’t move him.
    40. The treacherous soldier carried some important pieces of information to the enemy. 

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