 四六級考試常見詞匯整理 詞匯測試題型分析
四六級考試常見詞匯整理 詞匯測試題型分析
http://1glr.cn 來源:點點英語 點擊: 更新:2006-2-27


    Find out word meanings ontext clues
    a.Select any of these periodicals: Time, Newsweek, Reader’s Digest or The New Yorker.
    b.She is studying glaucoma and other disease of the eye.
    a.The snow was falling. Big flakes drifted with wind like feathers.
    a.Most of us agreed, however, Bill dissented.
    b.Peter was not fugal since he spent money so freely.
    a.The harbor is protected by a jetty—a wall built out into the water.
    b.Jane is indecisive, that is , she can’t make up her mind.
    a.He had a wan look. He was so pale and weak that we thought he was ill.
    b.Carbon monoxide is a noxious gas which can cause death.
    c.I am a resolute man. Once I set up a goal, I won’t give up easily.
    6.General Knowledge
    a.The door was so low that I hit my head on the lintel.
    b.“We have found that no one in the freshmen class can add, multiply, subtract or divide simple sums… Therefore we are starting up a special remedial arithmetic course…”
    7.Related Information
    a.Just before the exam Carl’s hands shook and sweated so much that he could not hold a pen. His heart beat fast and his stomach ached, even though he knew the subject very well. He had a strange phobia about taking tests.

    1.The barren land could produce little food.
    sterile, unfertile
    2.The room was dark and I bumped my head against the door.
    Collide, hit
    3.My wife’s been exerting a lot of pressure on me to change my job.
    Put forth, use, utilize
    4.The king’s younger brother took part in the intrigue to make himself king.
    5.They had to postpone their trip because of rain.
    Delay, put off, defer
    delay 指“暫時阻撓或阻擋, 稍后可再繼續(xù)進行”, 如: The steamer was delayed by bad weather.
    defer指“決定延期至適當(dāng)時期, 而且有意向?qū)硪欢ɡ^續(xù)作”, 如: Payment has been deferred until next week.
    postpone是正式用語, 語義較強, 指“有意識地延至將來某一特定時間”, 在多數(shù)情況下, 后面說明改在何時進行, 如: The meeting has been postponed to Friday.
    put off與postpone大致同義, 但較通俗口語化, 如: Let's put this off till some other time. 

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