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① The foreign research scholar usually isolates (himself) in the laboratory as a means of protection; __77_, what he needs is to be fitted (with) a highly organized university system quite different from (that) at home. 
  77. A. otherwise B. moreover C. however D. also 

  ② …………a geographer might be described (as) one who observes, records, and explains the (differences) between places. If all places (were) alike, there would be little need for geographers. We know, however, (that) no two places are exactly the same. Geography, __89_, is a point of view, a special way of (looking) at places. 
  89. A. still B. then c. nevertheless D. moreover 
在討論了對地理學的研究之后,于文章的最后結論道,"地理學也是一種觀點,一種觀察不同地區(qū)的特殊方法"。由此可見,89 答案為B。 

 、 In the United States, professor have many other duties (besides) teaching, such as administrative or research work. __87__ the time that a professor can spend with a student outside of class is (limited). 
  87. A. However B. Furthermore C. Therefore D. Nevertheless 

 、 The plane was now dangerously close (to) the ground, but to everyone's (relief), it soon began to climb. The man had to (circle) the airport several times in order to become (familiar) with the controls of the plane. __86__ the danger had not yet passed. The terrible (moment) came when he had to land. 
  86. A. Then B. Therefore C. But D. Moreover 

 、 Students find preparatory method helpful (in) examinations. They read over the questions (before) trying to answer any of them. __84___ they answer first the ones (in) which they are most confident. Meanwhile, deeper mental activities in the subconscious mind are taking (place); work is being done on the (less) difficult question. By the time the easier questions are answered, answers (to) the more difficult ones will begin to come into consciousness. 
  84. A. Thus B. But C. Therefore D. Then 
  這里介紹了在解答問題時"準備工作"的重要性。學生在回答問題之前先閱讀所有的問題,然后先回答比較容易的,比較容易的問答完之后,對難的問題的答案也就自然而然地在大腦總出現(xiàn)。這反映出預先閱讀的重要性?忌诎阉羞@些讀清楚之后,就自然會清楚84處所表示的 時間上的關系,也就可以判斷答案為D。 

 、 A land free from destruction, plus wealth, natural resources, and labor supply - all these were important (factors) in helping England to become the center for the Industrial Revolution. __72___ they were not enough. Something (else) was needed to start the industrial process. That "something special" was men. 
  72. A. But B. Besides C. And D. Even 

 、 The word "etiquette", which is (of) French origin and originally meant a label, (or) a sign, passed into Spanish and kept its original meaning. So in Spanish the word "etiquette" today is used to (indicate) the small tags which a store (attaches) to a suit, a dress or a bottle. The word "etiquette" in French, __79__, gradually developed a different meaning. It __80__ became the custom to write directions on small cards, or "etiquette", as to how visitors should dress themselves and (act) during an important ceremony at the royal court. __82_, the word "etiquette" began to indicate a system of correct manners for people to follow. 
  79. A. moreover B. however C. therefore D. furthermore 
  80. A. late B. lately C. latest D. later 
  82. A. Nevertheless B. Also C. Yet D. Thus 




  1) 比較對照型 


  The United States is well known for its network of major highways designed to help a driver get from one place to another in the shortest possible time._71__ these wide modern roads are generally _72__ and well maintained, with __73_ sharp curves and many straight __74__, a direct route is not always the most __75___ one. Large highways often pass __76___ scenic areas and interesting small town. Furthermore, these highways generally __77__ large urban centers which means that they become crowded with ___78__ traffic during rush hours, __79__ the "fast, direct" way becomes a very slow route. 
  However, there is __80__ always-another route to take __81_ you are not in hurry. Not far from the __82__ new "super highways", there are often older, __83_ heavily traveled roads which go through the countryside . __84__ of these are good two-lane roads; others are uneven roads __85_ through the country. These secondary routes may go up steep slopes, along high __86_, or down frightening hillsides to towns __87_ in deep valleys. Through these less direct routes, longer and slower, they generally go place __88__ the air is clean and the scenery is beautiful, and the driver may have __89___ to get a fresh, clean __90__ of the world. 
  71. A. Although      B. Because      C. Since           D. Therefore 
  72. A. stable        B. splendid     C. smooth          D. complicated 
  73. A. little        B. few          C. much            D. many 
  74. A. selections    B. separations  C. series          D. sections 
  75. A. terrible      B. enjoyable    C. possible        D. profitable 
  76. A. to            B. into         C. over            D. by 
  77. A. lead          B. connect      C. collect         D. communicate 
  78. A. large         B. light        C. fast            D. heavy 
  79. A. when          B. for          C. but             D. that 
  80. A. yet           B. still        C. almost          D. quite 
  81. A. unless        B. as           C. if              D. since 
  82. A. relatively    B. regularly    C. respectively    D. reasonably 
  83. A. and           B. less         C. more            D. or 
  84. A. All           B. Several      C. Lots            D. Some 
  85. A. driving       B. crossing     C. curving         D. traveling 
  86. A. rocks         B. cliffs       C. roads           D. paths 
  87. A. lying         B. laying       C. laid            D. lied 
  88. A. there         B. which        C. when            D. where 
  89. A. space         B. chance       C. period          D. spot 
  90. A. view          B. variety      C. visit           D. virtue 
參考答案為:71. A   72. C   73. B   74. D   75. C 
      76. D   77. B   78. D   79. A   80. C 
      81. B   82. A   83. B   84. D   85. C 
      86. B   87. A   88. D   89. C   90. A 

再如95年6月四級完形填空中的兩段。從Many of them were (more) inventors than scientists.可以看出,下文將要比較發(fā)明家與科學家的不同。帶著這個問題閱讀,就很容易掌握文章的信息,就不難讀懂純理論科學家注重的是研究的準確性,而發(fā)明家注重的是實用。根據(jù)上下文的對照關系可以很輕松地確定答案。 

  The men who __76__ the machines of the Industrial Revolution __77__ from many backgrounds and many occupations. Many of them were __78__ inventors than scientists. A man who is a __79_ scientist is primarily interested in doing his research ___80__. He is not necessarily working __81___ that his findings can be used. 
  An inventor or one interested in applied science is __82___ trying to make something that has a concrete __83__. He may try to solve a problem by using the theories __84__ science or by experimenting through trial and error. Regardless of his method, he is working to obtain __85__ result: the construction of a harvesting machine, the burning of a light bulb, or one of __86__ other objectives. 
  76. A. employed   B. created      C. operated       D. controlled 
  77. A. came       B. arrived      C. stemmed        D. appeared 
  78. A. less       B. better       C. more           D. worse 
  79. A. genuine    B. practical    C. pure           D. clever 
  80. A. happily    B. occasionally C. reluctantly    D. accurately 
  81. A. now        B. and          C. all            D. so 
  82. A. seldom     B. sometimes    C. usually        D. never 
  83. A. plan       B. use          C. idea           D. means 
  84. A. of         B. with         C. to             D. as 
  85. A. single     B. sole         C. specialized    D. specific 
  86. A. few        B. those        C. many           D. all 
參考答案 : 
  76.B   77. A   78. C   79. C   80. D   81. D 
  82. C   83. B   84. A   85. D   86. C 

  There are four types of blood. _67__ types are found in every race, and no type is distinct to any race. Human brains are the __68__. No scientists could examine a brain and tell you the race to which the individual belonged. Brains will __69__ in size, but this occurs within every race. __70__ does size have anything to do with intelligence. The largest brain __71__ examined belonged to a person of weak __72__. On the other hand, some of our most distinguished people have __73__ brains. Mental tests which are reasonably __74__ show no differences intelligence between races. 
67. A. All       B. Most        C. No           D. Some 
68. A. same      B. identical   C. similar      D. alike 
69. A. remain    B. increase    C. decrease     D. vary 
70. A. Only      B. Or          C. Nor          D. So 
71. A. ever      B. then        C. never        D. once 
72. A. health    B. body        C. mind         D. thought 
73. A. big       B. small       C. minor        D. major 
74. A. true      B. exact       C. certain      D. accurate 

2) 程序型段落 

  The task of being accepted and enrolled in a university begins early for some students, long __71__ they graduate from high school. These students take special __72__ to prepare for advanced study. They may also take one of more examinations that test how __73__ prepared they are for the university. 
  In the final year of high school, they ___74__ applications and send them, with their student records, to the universities which they hope to __75__. 
  Some high school students may be __76__ to have an interview with representatives of the university. Neatly __77__, and usually very frightened, they are __78___ to show that they have a good attitude and the __79__ to succeed. 
  When the new students are finally __80__, there may be one more step they have to __81__ before registering for classes and __82__ to work. Many colleges and universities __83__ an orientation program for new students. __84__ these programs, the young people get to know the __85__ for registration and student advising, university rules, the __86__ of the library and all the other __87__services of the college or university. 
  Beginning a new life in a new place can be very __88__. The more knowledge students have __89__ the school, the easier it will be for them to __90__ to the new environment. However, it takes time to get used to college life. 

  71. A. as            B. after          C. since           D. before 
  72. A. course        B. disciplines    C. majors          D. subjects 
  73. A. deeply        B. widely         C. well            D. much 
  74. A. fulfil        B. finish         C. complete        D. accomplish 
  75. A. attend        B. participate    C. study           D. belong 
  76. A. acquired      B. considered     C. ordered         D. required 
  77. A. decorated     B. dressed        C. coated          D. worn 
  78. A. decided       B. intended       C. settled         D. determined 
  79. A. power         B. ability        C. possibility     D. quality 
  80. A. adopted       B. accepted       C. received        D. permitted 
  81. A. make          B. undergo        C. take            D. pass 
  82. A. getting       B. putting        C. falling         D. sitting 
  83. A. offer         B. afford         C. grant           D. supply 
  84. A. For           B. Among          C. In              D. On 
  85. A. processes     B. procedures     C. projects        D. provisions 
  86. A. application   B. usage          C. use             D. utility 
  87. A. major         B. prominent      C. key             D. great 
  88. A. amusing       B. misleading     C. alarming        D. confusing 
  89. A. before        B. about          C. on              D. at 
  90. A. fit           B. suit           C. yield           D. adapt 

3) 時間型段落 
  時間型的段落屬記敘性文體,文章以時間為順序介紹事情的發(fā)展過程。在做這類完形填空時,考生應注意抓住時間這個線索,把握整個事情的發(fā)展過程,弄清各種事情的前因后果。94年1 月份的四級考題中完形填空所采用的就是時間型段落。 

  As the plane circled over the airport, everyone sensed that something was wrong. The plane was moving unsteadily through the air, and __71__ the passengers had fastened their seat belts, they were suddenly __72___ forward. At the moment, the air-hostess ___73___. She looked very pale, but was quite __74___. Speaking quickly but almost in a whisper, she __75__ everyone that the pilot had ___76__ and asked if any of the passengers knew anything about machines --- or at __77___ how to drive a car. After a moment's __78__, a man got up and followed the hostess into the pilot's cabin. 
  Moving the pilot __79___, the man took his seat and listened carefully to the ___80__ instructions that were being sent by radio from the airport __81___. The plane was now dangerously close __82__ the ground, but to everyone's __83___, it soon began to climb. The man had to __84___ the airport several times in order to become __85___ with the controls of the plane. __86___ the danger had not yet passed. The terrible __87__ came when he had to land. Following __88__, the man guided the plane to ward the airfield. It shook violently __89__ it touched the ground and then moved rapidly __90___ the runway and after a long run it stopped safely. 

71. A. although        B. while      C. therefore      D. then 
72. A. shifted         B. thrown     C. put         D. moved 
73. A. showed         B. presented    C. exposed       D. appeared 
74. A. well           B. still      C. calm         D. quiet 
75. A. inquired        B. insured     C. informed       D. instructed 
76. A. fallen          B. failed      C. faded        D. fainted 
77. A. best          B. least      C. length        D. first 
78. A. hesitation       B. surprise     C. doubt        D. delay 
79. A. back          B. aside      C. about        D. off 
80. A. patient        B. anxious     C. urgent        D. nervous 
81. A. beneath         B. under      C. down         D. below 
82. A. to           B. by        C. near        D. on 
83. A. horror         B. trust      C. pleasure       D. relief 
84. A. surround        B. circle     C. observe       D. view 
85. A. intimate        B. familiar     C. understood      D. close 
86. A. Then          B. Therefore     C. But         D. Moreover 
87. A. moment         B. movement     C. idea         D. affair 
88. A.impression        B.information   C.inspections     D.instructions 
89. A. as           B. unless      C. while         D. so 
90. A. around         B. over       C. along        D. above 

2. 段落類型在完形填空中的運用 

  1) 根據(jù)段落類型確定適當?shù)霓D承語 

  不同的段落類型有不同的敘述邏輯,也因此有各自的轉承語。正確分辨段落的類型有助于轉承語的選擇。比如下面一篇介紹在家辦公的文章,文章介紹的在家辦公的好處和出現(xiàn)的問題。在介紹利和弊的時候采用的對比的方式,先介紹在家工作給人們帶來的好處,接著另起一段介紹在家工作所面臨的問題。在說明在家工作的益處時采用了例證的方式,采取漸升的敘述邏輯。從轉承語的一致性上來看,敘述在家工作的益處時所采用的轉承語為:For one thing --- For another ----Most agreeable of all,當敘述在家工作所帶來的問題時采用的是舉例方式,列舉了四個不利之處,從問題的情況和敘述的邏輯來看,同樣是漸升的順序,其轉承語為For example --- Besides ---- Then again---- the main problem。 

  The revolution in computer and telephone technology has made it a ___1__ for business people to work at home, and this has brought about much ___2___ and pleasure to the people.Generally, people enjoy working at home for the following ___3__. For one thing, they not only __4__ time by not having to travel long distance to work every day but save money on __5___ and business clothes. ___6__, suffering less stress from their employers, they think __7__ clearly and can be more creative in the quiet peaceful atmosphere of their home. __8__ agreeable of all, they have the ___9__ to decide for themselves how and when to do their job, __10__ permits them to spend more time with their family.___11__ as is often the case, working at home allows of much more freedom than working at office, some people who work at home admit there are ___12__. ___13__, they, more often, can not separate their personal life and their _14___ life. __15__, the loneliness from the lack of person-to-person ___16__ and new ideas is more likely to __17__ some mental illness. Then again, there is a problem of holidays. Perhaps, the __18__ problem with working at home is that some people __19__ get a day off. To solve the above mentioned __20__, people who work at home may well organize their work schedule, leaving adequate time for making human communication. In fact, working at home has provided them with much more freedom to participate in social activities. 
1. A. reality           B. dream           C. problem          D. convenience 
2. A. problem           B. trouble         C. convenience      D. worry 
3. A. reasons           B. benefits        C. convenience      D. profits 
4. A. cost              B. consume         C. waste            D. save 
5. A. transportation    B. travel          C. appointments     D. calls 
6. A. Secondly          B. What's more     C. For another      D. However 
7. A. more              B. less            C. no more          D. no less 
8. A. Least             B. Most            C. Not              D. Really 
9. A. time              B. chance          C. freedom          D. right 
10. A. it                B. which           C. this             D. that 
11. A. However           B. In contrast     C. While            D. Then 
12. A. advantages        B. problems        C. troubles         D. benefits 
13. A. First             B. For example     C. For one thing    D. Because 
14. A. private           B. office          C. family           D. working 
15. A. Besides           B. Instead         C. However          D. Therefore 
16. A. talk              B. communication   C. contact          D. chat 
17. A. produce           B. cause           C. make             D. create 
18. A. most              B. last            C. main             D. major 
19. A. always            B. sometimes       C. never            D. frequently 
20. A. problems          B. situations      C. circumstances    D. questions 

2) 根據(jù)段落類型尋找復現(xiàn)、同現(xiàn)信息 



  根據(jù)單詞的復現(xiàn)現(xiàn)象,可以確定9答案為C(allows of much more freedom than 中freedom為復現(xiàn)), 16答案為B(leaving adequate time for making human communication.中communication為復現(xiàn)),20答案為A(the __18__ problem with working at home 中freedom為前復現(xiàn)) 

  文中并列成分之間的比較也給答案的選擇提供的應有的復現(xiàn)信息,如根據(jù)they not only ___4__ time by not having to travel long distance to work every day but save money on __5___ and business clothes中可以推斷4答案為D(save),5 答案為A (transportation)。 

  10題為語法題,所選應是非限制性定語從句的引導詞,答案為B,17題為動賓搭配題,答案為B。從第二段敘述的主題來看,19應是在家工作的不利之處,答案為C,既然談論的話題是在家工作,那么14應該是working life即 D。 

  本完形填空,上下兩段分別敘述在家工作的利弊,前后對比,從這一點上講考生很容易在11處填However, In contrast之類,答案如考慮一下該句自身的結構,就不難發(fā)現(xiàn),這是一個主從復合句,所選的為從句連詞,而非篇章轉承語,答案為C。 


高速公路(modern highways)                    普通公路 (old two-lane roads) 
平坦 (smooth)                          高低不平 (uneven) 
路段筆直(straight sections, with few sharp curves)      彎彎曲曲 (curving through the country) 
路經風景區(qū),連接繁華的城市(go by scenic areas, connecting large urban centers) 
穿行于鄉(xiāng)村,怕山坡,下陡坡 (curving through the country, up steep slopes and down frightening hillsides) 
交通擁擠,尤其是在高峰期(crowded with heavy traffic, especially during rush hours) 
車輛不多,可以悠閑地呼吸新鮮空氣,欣賞優(yōu)美的景色(light traffic,chance to get a fresh, clean view of the world) 

3) 從段落類型入手把握文章內容 


  71. A 72. B 73. D 74. C 75. C 76. D 77. B 78. A 79. B 80. C 
  81. D 82. A 83. D 84. B 85. B 86. C 87. A 88. D 89. A 90. C 


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