推理的前提就是閱讀到的有關(guān)文字——可能是短語或句子或整個段落甚至整篇短文。讀者必須由表及里、由此及彼,從字里行間悟出合乎作者本意的言外之意。推理的結(jié)果應(yīng)是既來自于字里行間、又高于字里行間;既符合原文實際內(nèi)涵,又超越實際內(nèi)涵;既基于已知事實,又不僅僅是已知事實。 正確的推理要求: 1忠于原文,切忌用自己的觀點取代作者原意; 2注意作者遣詞造句的特點和傾向,客觀推測作者立場、觀點和寫作意圖; 3由同一已知事實可推出不止一個正確的結(jié)論。 例:Apart from the obvious fact that rioters tend to come from the less well-off section of the community, there is no evidence that economic circumstances have any causal relationship with street violence. A) There is some evidence for relating economic circumstances to street violence. B) Not all the people in the community referred to are poor. C) There is no evidence that economic circumstances result from street viloence. D) All rioters come from the poorer section of the community. 本例中,只有A可由原文推知,其中Apart from所引述的正是經(jīng)濟環(huán)境與暴力的一種相關(guān)性;C否定了這一相關(guān)性,故與原文相悖;D與原句中“rioters tend to come from…”的原意不符:“往往”不等于“總是”;B則是原文第一部分的重述,不屬推論。