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  As can be clearly seen from the picture, ... 從這張畫中可以清楚地看到,……

  As can be clearly seen from the picture, with the increase in cultural exchange among countries, an increasing number of foreigners are eager to visit China.


  As is shown above,... 正如上面所示,……

  As is shown above, there are two cartoons presenting two quite different situations. One depicts people who are working hard, while the other implies that laziness results in failure.


  What a vivid picture it is! It tells us that...


  What a vivid picture it is! It tells us that love is just like an oil lamp in the dark, which lightens peoples hearts.

  這是一幅多么生動的畫啊!它告訴我們,愛就像一盞在黑暗中的油燈, 它照亮了人們的心靈。

  According to the statistics given in the table,...


  According to the statistics given in the table, the number of tourists has grown greatly, added up to 80,000,000 people in 2002.


  This chart shows that...這張示意圖表明,……

  This chart shows that the number of smokers continues to climb (=rise), accounting for 20 % of the total population.


  It is indicated by the graph that...這張曲線圖表示,……

  It is indicated by the graph that the extinction of some species of wild animals is closely related with the sharp increase of the worlds population.


  It can be seen from the statistics (or picture) that...從這些統(tǒng)計數(shù)字(或這張圖畫)中可以看到,……

  It can be seen from the statistics (or picture) that with the rapid increase in the number of cars, air pollution and noise have become the main public hazards threatening the survival of city residents.

  從這些統(tǒng)計數(shù)字(或這張圖畫)中可以看到,隨著城市中汽車數(shù)量的不斷增加,空氣污染和噪音已經成為威脅城市居民生存的主要公害(public hazards)。

  It is generally believed (或accepted, thought, held) that...


  It is generally believed that the governments of all countries should take effective measures to protect forest resources.


  The picture is thoughtprovoking,...這幅畫發(fā)人深省,……

  The picture is thoughtprovoking, and what it illustrates is a common phenomenon in our society today.


  What the drawing describes implies that... 這張圖畫所描述的內容暗示了……

  What the drawing describes implies that we should withstand the test of failure.



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