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ultimate 最后的,最終的 The war ended for us in ~ victory
unanimous 全體一致的,一致同意的 They are ~ in asking for a rise in pay
uncover 揭開,揭露 ~ a dish of food
underestimate 低估 ~ the difficulties of the task
undergo 經(jīng)歷,遭受,忍受 ~ much suffering
underline 在……下劃線,強調(diào) Please translate the ~d sentences in the passage
underlie 位于……之下 Many facts ~ my
undermine 在……下挖 ~ a wall
undertake 著手做, 從事 ~ an attack
undesirable 不合意的,不受歡迎的 The drug has ~ side effects
uneasy 心神不寧的,不安寧的 be ~uneasy about the future
unfold 展開,打開  ~ a newspaper
uniform 不變的,相同的,均勻,統(tǒng)一的 a ~ temperature
unify 使成一體,統(tǒng)一 become a unified nation
update 更新,使現(xiàn)代化 ~a textbook
upgrade 提高,使升級,改善 ~ products and services
uphold 舉起,高舉 He upheld his clenched hand
upright 挺直的,垂直的 an ~ seat
uproar 騷亂,騷動The public ~ over unclear-radiation hazards continues to mount
upset 弄翻,打翻 I’ve ~ a tin of paint on the carpet
up-to-date 時新的,新式的,現(xiàn)代化的They are ~ on recent developments in the world computer industry
urge 推進,鼓勵 The president ,~d on by his staff, has decided to attend the talks
urgent 緊迫的,緊要的 He left the country on ~ business
utilize 利用 ~ solar energy
utter 發(fā)出(聲音等),說,吐露 ~ the truth
vacant 未被占用的 a ~ seat in a bus
vague  含糊的,不明確的,模糊的 a ~ answer
vain 徒勞的,無效的 ~ efforts
valid 有根據(jù)的 a ~ excuse
value 價值 I was offered 50 pounds for my old car but its ~ is much higher
vanish 突然消失,逐漸消散 With a wave of his hand, the magician made the rabbit
veil 面紗,面罩 Jewish women wore ~s in token of reverence and submission
ventilate 使通風(fēng),使空氣流通 ~ a room
venture 冒險,冒險行動,投機行動take a ~ in oil
verge 邊,邊緣,邊沿 the ~ of a stream
verify 證明,證實Subsequent events verified my suspicions
versatile 多才多藝的 a ~ man
versus 訴訟,競賽等中以……為對手 The match tonight is China ~ Japan
vertical 垂直的,立式的 a ~ engine
veto 否決,否決權(quán),否決權(quán)的行使 The rest of the committee could not  accept the ~
vibrate 使震動,使擺動 His heavy footsteps upstairs made the old house ~
vicious 邪惡的,惡毒的,兇殘的 lead a ~ life
vigor 體力,精力,活力 in the ~ of manhood
violate 違反,違背 ~ the traffic regulations
virtual 實際上的,事實上的 the ~ manager of the business
virtue 美德,德行 Among her many ~s are loyalty ,courage, and  truthfulness
visible 看得見的,可見的 a ship barely ~ on the horizon
vision 視力,視覺 ~ care
vital 有生命力的 The heart is a ~ organ
vivid 鮮艷的 the ~ green of leaves in spring
void 空的 a ~ space
volunteer 志愿者,自愿參加者 Are there any ~s for a swim?
vote 投票,表決 bring sth to a vote
wage 工資,報酬 What is your weekly ~?
wake 醒來,醒著,喚醒 He spends all his waking hours working
waken 醒來,睡醒He wakened when the alarm sounded
wander 漫步,徘徊 He ~ed home
ward 病房 a 4-bed ~
warrant 授權(quán),批準(zhǔn),正當(dāng)理由,根據(jù) He had no ~ for his action
waterproof 不透水的,防水的 ~ material
way 方法,方式 Do it your own way
wear 穿,戴 ~ diamonds
weary 疲倦的,疲勞的 a ~ look
weave 織,編,編制 ~ cloth
wedge 楔子,三角木 Please put a ~ in the door so that it will stay open
weed 雜草,野草My garden is running to ~s
weep 哭泣,流淚 ~ for one’s failure
weigh 稱……重量,稱~ oneself on the scales
weld 焊接,煅接 It takes speed to ~ steel at this heat
whirl 旋轉(zhuǎn),急轉(zhuǎn) The couples ~ed round the dance floor
whisper 低語,耳語,輕聲說 ~ to sb
whistle 吹口哨,鳴笛 The train ~d
whitewash 粉飾
wholesome 有益于健康的 ~ surroundings
wicked 壞的,邪惡的,淘氣的,惡作劇的 ~ habits
wind 繞,纏The snake wound around a branch
wire 金屬絲,金屬線steel ~
withdraw  抽回,收回,提取 She withdrew her eyes from the terrible sight
withhold 使停止,阻擋 be obliged to ~ one’s pen
withstand 經(jīng)受,承受 ~hardships
witness 目擊者,見證人a ~ of the accident
wonder 奇跡 the Seven Wonders of the World in ancient times
worship 崇拜,崇敬 the ~ of the dollar
worth  值……錢a  house ~ 50,000 pounds
wrap 包,裹  ~ oneself in a blanket
wreck 失事,遇難 a train ~
wrench 扳手 He is a ~ .
wrinkle 皺,皺紋 He will wore the ~s of anxiety on his forehead.
write 寫,寫字,寫信,寫作 She ~s to me every other week.
Xerox 靜電復(fù)。ǚǎ,靜電復(fù)印件,靜電復(fù)印機 Make me a ~ of this report.
yield 生產(chǎn),產(chǎn)生,帶來 This orchard ~s apples and pears.
zeal 熱心,熱忱,熱情 a man of ~
zigzag之字形的,彎曲的  a ~ road
zone 地帶,分布帶 a danger ~


資料類別 08考研詞匯復(fù)習(xí):吳耀武核心詞匯100篇
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資料來源 考試吧BBS
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