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Unit 13
As a track star in high school, Sallie Krawcheck ranked among her state's best at the high

jump. But she hasn't jumped for anyone since, and her unshakable independence has propelled

her career on Wall Street to heights unimaginable to a girl coming of age in Charleston, S.C.,

in the 1970s. Then, Krawcheck--always an outstanding student--thought mostly of cheerleading

and "dating the coolest boy," she acknowledges. "She was in danger of becoming terminally

cute," recalls her high school guidance counselor, Nancy Wise, who recognized Krawcheck's

potential early and stoked her business ambitions. Today Krawcheck, 37, is one of the most

powerful women in the corporate world and a rising star.


How far she climbs depends on how well she meets her latest challenge: closing the credibility

gap at financial-services giant Citigroup, after government inquiries put a cloud over the

firm's reputation--and its stock. Krawcheck was hired in October from the independent stock-

research firm Sanford C. Bernstein (where she was CEO) to be Citi's designated savior.

Citigroup's proud CEO, Sanford Weill, personally wooed her, reorganizing a large chunk of Citi

around her. Krawcheck is now CEO of a reconstituted Smith Barney, which encompasses Citi's

stock-research and retail-brokerage operations.


This large stage leaves Krawcheck outwardly undaunted. She's relaxed and confident, with a

self-deprecating sense of humor. She says she's "incredibly insecure," and has had nightmares

in which she fails to win the respect of her new colleagues. But this soft-spoken humility

belies a toughness present from the start. Daughter of a lawyer and sister of three more,

Krawcheck learned early on to substantiate her assertions--or keep quiet.


"It used to get quite interesting around the dinner table," says her father Lenny, who

practices law in Charleston. "Politics, relationships--you name it. It was every man for

himself and awful tough to make your point." Jokes Sallie: "None of us could get a friend to

come over for dinner."


Krawcheck earned a journalism degree from the University of North Carolina and an M.B.A. from

Columbia University. She went to work at Salomon Brothers but soon moved to Donaldson, Lufkin

& Jenrette, where she met her husband Gary Appel. In 1994 Krawcheck moved to Bernstein and

dived into stock research. She began covering financial-services firms in 1997 and immediately

became the most influential analyst in that field. During those years, Krawcheck earned

Weill's ire--and respect when she was later proved correct--by dwelling on the pitfalls of

Weill's acquisition of Salomon


注(1):本文選自Time; 12/2/2002, p52, 1/2p, 1c;

注(2):本文習題命題模仿對象2003年真題Text 2;


1. The author begins his article by __________.


[A]making a comparison

[B]posing a contrast

[C]justifying an assumption

[D]explaining a phenomenon


2. Krawcheck was chosen the CEO of the Smith Barney because ___________.


[A]the CEO of the Citigroup trusted her

[B]she was thought to be able to save Citigroup out of trouble

[C]she has wonderful experience in this field

[D]she is the new rising star

3. Krawcheck’s success depends on ___________.


[A]how well she can regain the firm’s reputation

[B]how well she can save the firm’s credibility crisis

[C]how well she can raise the firm’s stock

[D]how well she can fulfill her own plan and aim


4. The previous days Krawcheck spent at home are mentioned to show that __________.


[A] Krawcheck knows well how to prove her ideas

[B] family members are always on different sides.

[C]there is an air of freedom at Krawcheck’s home

[D]they have a variety of topics at dinner


5.From the text we learn that Krawcheck is ___________.















stoke vt. 給(火或火爐)添加燃料,撥旺(火或火爐);照管(火爐等); 司(爐)

credibility gap 信用差距

cast (put) a cloud on [upon] 在...上投下一層陰影

woo vt. 向...求婚, 求愛;懇求,請求;勸說, 拉攏(人)(做某事, 投入某項行動等)

belie [bI5laI] vt. 使對…產(chǎn)生錯覺;使人對…誤解;掩飾;顯示(希望、諾言等)不真實(是虛假的);使

失望; 辜負

early on在早期

substantiate vt.證明,使...具體化,使成為現(xiàn)實

assertion [E5sE:FEn] n. 主張, 要求, 斷言

stand to one’s assertion 堅持已見

for oneself 為自己; 代表自己; 獨力地; 親自地

ire [5aIE(r)] n. 忿怒,憤怒,怒火

dwell on v. 細想, 詳述,詳評,如:

pitfall [5pitfC:l] n. 陷阱, 圈套, 誘惑;易犯的錯誤;(由疏忽而出的)毛病, 缺陷, 失誤



1.But she hasn't jumped for anyone since, and her unshakable independence has propelled her

career on Wall Street to heights unimaginable to a girl coming of age in Charleston, S.C., in

the 1970s.

主體句式:she hasn't jumped for anyone since, and her independence has propelled her to

heights …

結構分析:本句是and引導的兩個并列句。在這個句子中,注意propel的用法:“propel sb. to do sth”

,意思是“促使、推動某人做某事”;“unimaginable to a girl”做后置定語來修飾“heights”;

“coming of age”做后置定語修飾“a girl”,其中“age”的意思是“成年”。



2.How far she climbs depends on how well she meets her latest challenge: closing the

credibility gap at financial-services giant Citigroup, after government inquiries put a cloud

over the firm's reputation--and its stock.

主體句式:How far she climbs depends on how well she meets her latest challenge …

結構分析:從句“how far she climbs”做句子的主語;從句“how well she meets”做動詞短語“depend

on”的賓語;“closing the credibility gap”做伴隨狀語,其中“credibility gap”的意思是“信用差

距”,“put a cloud over”的意思是“在...上投下一層陰影”。

句子譯文: 她能取得多大的成就取決于她如何迎接她的最新挑戰(zhàn):在政府的調查使公司的名譽——及其股票





2.答案為B,屬事實細節(jié)題。原文對應信息是“Krawcheck was hired in October from the independent

stock-research firm Sanford C. Bernstein (where she was CEO) to be Citi's designated savior.”


3.答案為B ,屬推理判斷題。原文對應信息是:“How far she climbs depends on how well she meets

her latest challenge: closing the credibility gap at financial-services giant Citigroup, after

government inquiries put a cloud over the firm's reputation--and its stock.”。本句的分析參見


4.答案為A,屬推理判斷題。第三段最后一句指出“Daughter of a lawyer and sister of three more,

Krawcheck learned early on to substantiate her assertions--or keep quiet.”,然后作者在第四段


5.答案為D,屬事實細節(jié)題。原文對應信息是:“But this soft-spoken humility belies a toughness

present from the start.”。






認說,主要想的就是如何帶領啦啦隊和 “約會最酷的男孩! 很早就認識到她的潛能并激發(fā)她商業(yè)雄心的

中學指導顧問南希•懷斯回憶說,“她極有可能成為絕頂聰明之人! 今天,37歲的克勞切克是商界最強有







巴尼公司(其中包括 Citi集團的股票研究和零售經(jīng)紀業(yè)務)的首席執(zhí)行官。




柔可親的謙卑掩飾了她一開始就有的堅韌與果斷。作為律師的女兒和另外三個姊妹的姐姐, 克勞切克很早就













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