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up to date 時新的

by reason of  由于

a great deal of 大量的、許多的

refer to  參考、查閱、提到、把…提交

in debt  欠債、欠情

as regards 關(guān)于、至于

take delight in  以…為樂

with regard to 對于、就…而論

derive from  導出、由…來

in relation to  關(guān)于

in detail  詳細的

with respect to  關(guān)于

die down  漸漸消失、平息

as a result  結(jié)果、因此

die off  相繼死去

in return  作為回報、作為報答

die out  消失、滅絕

get rid of  擺脫、除去

be on a diet 節(jié)食

ring off  掛斷電話

make a difference 有影響

give rise to  引起、使發(fā)生、造成

in the distance  在遠處

all round  周圍、處處

do away with  廢除、去掉

as a rule  通常、照例

have nothing to do with  和…毫無關(guān)系

run for  競選

have something to do with  和…有關(guān)系

run into  撞上、偶然碰見

no doubt  無疑、必定

run out of 用完、用盡、耗盡

draw up  畫出、草擬、

run over  瀏覽、復習

dress up  穿上盛裝、打扮得漂漂亮亮

in the long run  從長遠來看

drop by  順便來訪

for the sake of  看在…的份上

drop off  減弱、減少

on sale  出售

drop out  退出、離隊

all the same 仍然、照樣地

due to  由于、因為

the same as  與…一致、與…相同的

off duty 下班

on a large scale  大規(guī)模的

on duty  值班、上班

on a small scale  小規(guī)模的

dwell on  凝思、詳述

ahead of schedule  提前

each other  互相

behind schedule  晚點

on earth  究竟,到底;在世界上

on schedule  按預定時間

bring into effect 使生效、

in secret  秘密的、私下的

put into effect  實行、生效

see through  看穿、識破

come into effect 生效、實施

in a sense  從某種意義上說

in effect  有效、實際上

make sense 有意義、言之有理





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