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in no case  決不

in order to  為了

catch on  理解、明白

in order that  以便

catch up with 追上、趕上

out of order  發(fā)生故障、混亂

by chance  偶然、碰巧

put in order  整理、檢修

take a chance  冒險一試

every other  每隔一個

in charge of  負責、主管

other than  除了

take charge of 擔任、負責

over and over? 一再、再三

check in  辦理登記手續(xù)

owing to  由于

check out  結賬后離開、

on ones own  獨自的、獨立的

check upon  校對、檢查、

keep pace with  跟上、與…同步

cheer up  使高興、使振奮、高興起來、

take pains  盡力、煞費苦心

in chorus  一齊、一致、共同

play a role   起作用

clear away 掃除、收拾

take part in  參加

clear up  整理、收拾、清除、澄清、

in particular  特別的、尤其

around/round the clock 晝夜不停的

pass away  去世、逝世

come off 實現(xiàn)、成功、奏效

pass off  中止、停止

come on  請、來吧、發(fā)展、

pass out  失去知覺、昏倒

come out  出版、出現(xiàn)、顯露、結局是、

in the past  在過去

come round / around 來訪、蘇醒、

pay back  償還、回報

come through  經歷、脫險

pay off  使…得益、有報償

come to  總計、達到、

pay up  全部付清

come true 實現(xiàn)、達到

pick out  選出、挑出

come up  走近、發(fā)生、

pick up  揀起、搭人、獲得

come up to 達到、符合

in place  在適當?shù)奈恢?/SPAN>

come up with 提出、提供

in place of  代替

in common  共同、共有、

in the first place 起初、首先

keep company with  與…交往、與…結伴

in the last place  最后

compareto / with  把…比作

out of place  不得其所的、不適當?shù)?/SPAN>

by comparison  比較起來

take place  發(fā)生

as far asbe concerned  就…而言

take the place of  代替






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