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來源:新東方 2008-10-9 13:38:15 考試吧:中國教育培訓第一門戶 模擬考場

  In some people’s opinions, it is reasonable to expect a reward when doing a good deed. First and foremost, “No pay, no gain”. Now that some efforts have been taken, people should gain rewards. Besides, if holding a expectation of rewarding, people would be encouraged to do good deeds.


  Some people defend that it deserves to be rewarded after a good deed has been done in that they believe that contemporary society has increasingly converted to “money worship” community. Now that expending time, dedicating effort, or even consuming money in doing good deeds, correspondently, it is appropriate to acquire rewards. Besides, rewarding those who have conducted good deeds would inspire them to do more. (最后一句話可寫可不寫)


  1.從單詞角度來說,原先用到的低級單詞,詞組乃至諺語的使用,比如:In some people’s opinions,reasonable,“No pay, no gain”, gain,encourage,上升到defend,deserves to,converted ,money worship,community ,appropriate,acquire,correspondent,inspire之類的高端詞匯。我們可以看到,得到升級的詞匯主要還是集中在動詞方面。另外,我們在寫作的時候可以預見到的就是“No pay, no gain”一定將會成為寫作當中的高頻詞匯并且被其他考生濫用至死。那么我們就應該避免與他人的重復,一個money worship拜金主義,讓考官一眼就明白了想要表達的意思。

  2.既然單詞升級了,那么句型的用法自然也得到了相應的升級。比如說原先是四句話解決的問題,改變之后就用三句話可以說清楚。同時連接起來相對更加通順自然,因果,并列,遞進,轉折,一氣呵成,文章的起承轉合更加通順。造成這個的根本原因就是in that這個詞組的使用。因此我們在詞匯升級的同時,一定要注意到這些基本連詞的使用技巧。

  3. 用以表達認為,猜測,想等心里活動的動詞有:suppose,figure,reckon,believe,presume,assume,defend,argue,reason



  In spite of all these claims, most people agree that there is unnecessary to reward after doing a good deed. Most important of all, doing good deeds should originate in human’s heart. It’s pleasure to help others. Moreover, Leifeng, doing lots of good deeds without rewards, is regarded as a model. That is to say, praise is beyond a good deed. Finally, it is a responsibility to help others in trouble.


  In spite of above-mentioned statements, the majority still consent that it is dispensable to reward people of doing good. Take Mr. Leifeng as an example, he spent his whole frugal life in aiding and assisting others without any return. Up to the present, people commemorate him in every 5th March. He declined rewards and awards but achieved regards and respects. Therefore, doing good deeds should be based on one’s beautiful mind, which is a sort of virtue out of self-consciousness. Meanwhile, doing good deeds incarnates man’s social liabilities and obligations.


  1. 對于單詞的升級有:above-mentioned,majority,consent,dispensable,frugal, aiding and assisting,return ,Up to the present,commemorate,declined ,regards and respects,self-consciousness,incarnates,liabilities and obligations。文章中尤其重視了對押頭韻的方法寫作,使用的單詞更是一般學生不會在寫作中涉及的單詞。比如說到責任,學生會第一時間想到一個詞:responsibility。但是在文章中,既然別人都使用這樣的高頻詞匯,那么我們在給與單詞升級的時候,就要避免出現這樣的高頻單詞。


  Weighing the pros and cons of these arguments, I am inclined to agree with the latter point of view. Although it is not an error that getting rewards legally in doing good deeds, I don’t think it is virtuous. How can we, being warm-hearted and well-educated people in contemporary society, not do good deeds without rewards?


  Weighing the pros and cons, I am inclined to approve the latter viewpoint. Although reward accepting can hardly be accounted for a blunder, I still deem that doing good deeds without reward should be consistently a favorable custom in the country. I hold this truth as self-evident that ask not what others do for you, ask what you do for others.


  1.詞匯升級的部分有:approve,viewpoint,accounted for,blunder,deem,consistently,favorable custom,在最后一段其實是表明自己的觀點的同時,對文章的中心論點進行再次的闡明和強調。與其和別人大相徑庭的結尾進行模版式的搬弄,還不如在文章的最后進行主題的升華。

  2.文章的最后一句話就是一篇文章的主題的再突出,用了兩句名人名言的改寫,一個是林肯總統(tǒng),一個是羅斯?偨y(tǒng)的話。讓人感覺文章的檔次瞬間上升。相比較而言,什么NO PAY NO GAIN這樣的土話就請大家以后不要再用了。

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