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Part Ⅲ Vocabulary(20 minutes)
Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences it: this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose cite ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the Corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

41. These were stubborn men. not easily ________to change their mind.
A) tiltedC) persuaded
B) converted D) suppressed

42. The circus has always been very, popular because it ________both the old and the young.
A) facilitates C) immerses
B) fascinates D) indulges

43. By patient questioning the lawyer managed to ________enough information from the witnesses.
A) evacuateC) impart
B) withdrawD) elicit

44. George enjoys talking about people's private affairs. He is a ________.
A) solicitor C) gossip
B) cowardD) rebel

45. The new secretary has written a remarkably ________report within a few hundred words but with all the important details included.
A) conciseC) precise
B) briskD) elaborate

46. His face ________as he came in after running all the way from school.
A) flared C) fluttered
B) fluctuatedD) flushed

47. Steel is not as ________ as cast iron; it does not break as easily.
A) elasticC) adaptable
B) brittle D) flexible

48. A big problem in lemming English as a foreign language is lack of opportunities for ________interaction with proficient speakers of English.
A) instantaneousC) verbal
B) provocativeD) dual

49. Within ten years they have tamed the ________hill into green woods.
A) vacant C) weird
B) barren D) wasteful

50. The ________of our trip to London was the visit to Buckingham Palace.
A) summit C) peak
B) heightD) highlight

51. Harold claimed that he was a serious and well-known artist, but in fact he was a(n) ________.
A) alien C) counterpart
B) client.D) fraud

52. We don't ________any difficulties in completing the project so long as we keep within our budget.
A) foresee C) infer
B) fabricateD) inhibit

53. He is looking for a job that will give him greater ________for career development.
A) insight C) momentum
B) scopeD) phase

54. The high school my daughter studies in is ________our university.
A) linked byC) mingled with
B) relevant to D) affiliated with

55. The Browns lived in a ________and comfortably furnished house in the suburbs.
A) spacious C) wide
B) sufficientD) wretched

56. A membership card ________the holder to use the club's facilities for a period of twelve months.
A) approves C) rectifies
B) authorizes D) endows

57. They have done away with ________Latin for university entrance at Harvard.
A) influentialC) compulsory
B) indispensableD) essential

58. It is no ________that a large number of violent crimes are committed under the influence of alcohol.
A) coincidence C) inspiration
B) correspondenceD) intuition

59. One's university days often appear happier in ________than they actually were at the time.
A) retention C) return
B) retrospectD) revere

60. She ________through the pages of a magazine, not really concentrating on them.
A) tumbledC) switched
B) tossedD) flipped

61. Scientists are pushing known technologies to their limits in an attempt to ________more energy from the earth.
A) extractC) discharge
B) inject D) drain

62. The Chinese Red Cross ________a generous sum to the relief of the victims of the earthquake in Turkey.
A) administered C) assessed
B) elevated D) contributed

63. The first sentence in this paragraph is ________; it can be interpreted in many ways.
A) intricateC) duplicated
B) ambiguousD) confused

64. They used to quarrel a lot, but now they are completely ________with each other.
A) reconciledC) associated
B) negotiatedD) accommodated

65. The local business was not much ________by the sudden outbreak of the epidemic.
A) intervenedC) hampered
B) insulatedD) hoisted

66. The most important ________for assessment in this contest is originality of design.
A) threshold C) warrant
B) partitionD) criterion

67. The woman was worried about the side effects of taking aspirins. but her doctor ________her that it is absolutely harmless.
A) retrievedC) reassured
B) released D) revived

68. We can't help being ________of Bob who bought a luxurious sports car just after the money was stolen from the office.
A) skepticalC) suspicious
B) appreciativeD) tolerant

69. He greatly resented the publication of this book. which he saw as an embarrassing invasion of his ________.
A) privacy C) dignity
B) morality D) secrecy

70. In fact as he approached this famous statue, he only barely resisted the ________to reach into his bag for his camera.
A) impatienceC) incentive
B) impulse D) initiative

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