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Part III Vocabulary(20 minutes)

  Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

  41. My grandfather, a retired worker, often ________ the past with a feeling of longing and respect.

  A) considers C) contrives

  B) contemplates D) contacts

  42. Medical students are advised that the wearing of a white coat ________ the acceptance of a professional code of conduct expected of the medical profession.

  A) supplements C) signifies

  B) simulates D) swears

  43. The doctors ________ the newly approved drug into the patient when he was critically ill.

  A) injected C) projected

  B) ejected D) subjected

  44. Apart from philosophical and legal reasons for respecting patients' wishes, there are several practical reasons why doctors should ________ to involve patients in their own medical care decisions.

  A) enforce C) endeavor

  B) endow D) enhance

  45. This is a long ________ - roughly 13 miles down a beautiful valley to the little church below.

  A) terrain C) degeneration

  B) descent D) tumble

  46. She was deeply ________ by the amount of criticism her play received.

  A) deported C) involved

  B) deprived D) frustrated

  47. Some scientists are dubious of the claim that organisms ________ with age as an inevitable outcome of living.

  A) depress C) deteriorate

  B) default D) degrade

  48. Many manufacturers were accused of concentrating too heavily on cost reduction, often at the ________ of the quality of their products.

  A) expense C) expansion

  B) exposure D) expectation

  49. One witness ________ that he'd seen the suspect run out of the bank after it had been robbed.

  A) convicted C) retorted

  B) conformed D) testified

  50. Nothing Helen says is ever ________. She always thinks carefully before she speaks.

  A) simultaneous C) spontaneous

  B) homogenous D) rigorous

  51. She gave ________ directions about the way the rug should be cleaned.

  A) explicit C) transient

  B) brisk D) opaque

  52. It took a lot of imagination to come up with such a(n) ________ plan.

  A) inherent C) vigorous

  B) ingenious D) exotic

  53. A ________ official is one who is irresponsible in his work.

  A) timid C) suspicious

  B) tedious D) slack

  54. Most mathematicians trust their ________ in solving problems and readily admit they would not be able to function without it.

  A) conception C) intuition

  B) perception D) cognition

  55. He had an almost irresistible ________ to talk to the crowd when he entered Hyde Park.

  A) impulse C) stimulation

  B) instinct D) surge

  56. Encouraged by their culture to voice their opinions freely, the Canadians are not afraid to go against the group ________, and will argue their viewpoints enthusiastically, though rarely aggressively.

  A) consent C) consensus

  B) conscience D) consciousness

  57. He still ________ the memory of his carefree childhood spent in that small wooden house of his grandparents'.

  A) nourishes C) fancies

  B) cherishes D) scans

  58. She expressed her strong determination that nothing could ________ her to give up her career as a teacher.

  A) induce C) reduce

  B) deduce D) attract

  59. The microscope and telescope, with their capacity to enlarge, isolate and probe, demonstrate how details can be ________ and separated from the whole.

  A) radiated C) prolonged

  B) extended D) magnified

  60. Lighting can be used not only to create an atmosphere, but also to ________ features of the house, such as ornaments or pictures.

  A) highlight C) activate

  B) underline D) upgrade

  61. By turning this knob to the right you can ________ the sound from the radio.

  A) intensify C) enlarge

  B) amplify D) reinforce

  62. One of the attractive features of the course was the way the practical work had been ________ with the theoretical aspects of the subject.

  A) embedded C) integrated

  B) embraced D) synthesized

  63. They couldn't see a ________ of hope that they would be saved by a passing ship.

  A) grain C) slice

  B) span D) gleam

  64. The traditional markets retain their ________ for the many Chinese who still prefer fresh food like live fish, ducks, chickens over packaged or frozen goods.

  A) appeal C) image

  B) pledge D) survival

  65. ________ efforts are needed in order to finish important but unpleasant tasks.

  A) Consecutive C) Perpetual

  B) Condensed D) Persistent

  66. A number of students ________ in flats, and others live in the nearby holiday resorts, where there is a reasonable supply of competitively priced accommodation.

  A) revive C) gather

  B) inhabit D) reside

  67. He bought his house on the________ plan, paying a certain amount of money each month.

  A) division C) installment

  B) premium D) fluctuation

  68. He could not ________ ignorance as his excuse; he should have known what was happening in

  his department.

  A) petition C) resort

  B) plead D) reproach

  69. Many ecologists believe that lots of major species in the world are on the________ of extinction.

  A) margin C) verge

  B) border D) fringe

  70. Any salesperson who sells more than the weekly ________ will receive a bonus.

  A) ratio C) allocation

  B) quota D) portion

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