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  The question is where to go for help.  問題是到哪里求助。

  To respect others is to be respected.  尊重別人就是受到別人的尊重。

  To see her is to love her.  見到她就會愛上她。

  (五)不定式短語和疑問詞連用(who, whom, whose, what, which, when, where, how,還包括whether)



  Who to turn to is what she wants to know. 找誰幫忙是她想知道的。

  It’s problem what to do. 干什么還是個問題。

  How to be wealthy, healthy and happy will always remain a question mark. 怎樣才能富有,健康和幸福將永遠是個問號。


  The question is which to take first. 問題是先拿哪一個。

  What remains for you to explain is how to put the plan into practice and whose help to seek. 剩下需要你解釋的是怎樣實施計劃以及尋求誰的幫助。

  The question is which of the methods to adopt. 問題是采取這些方法中的哪一個。

  (3)作賓語,常用這一結構作賓語的動詞有ask, consider, decide discuss, explain, forget, find out, guess, inquire, know, learn, remember, see(=understand), show, settle(=decide), tell(=know), think, understand, wonder等。

  I’ve found out where to buy them cheaply. 我發(fā)現了在哪里買這些東西便宜。

  Do you remember when to switch off the machine? 你記得什么時候關掉機器嗎?

  I can’t tell what to do . 我說不好怎么辦。

  How can you tell which button to press? 你怎么知道按哪個按鈕?

  You know very well when to say what and how to say it. 你很清楚什么時候說什么話以及怎樣說。

  He can’t decide what time to leave or whether to leave at all.他不能決定何時離開或者到底是否離開。

  有些雙賓語及物動詞,也可用這個結構做直接賓語。常用的有tell, inform, show, advise, ask, teach,等。如:

  I showed her how to use the remote control.  我向她演示怎樣使用遙控器。

  The salesman told him which switch to turn on first. 售貨員告訴他先開哪個開關。

  Will you advise me which to buy?   你建議我買哪個?

  Please inform me where to get the tickets. 請告訴我到哪里去弄票。


  I must find a pen with which to fill in this form(=to fill in this form with). 我必須找支鋼筆填表用。

  He offered me some hot coffee with which to refresh me spirit (=to refresh me spirit with). 他給我提供了點熱咖啡提提神。

  Nobel began to seek ways in which to make the explosive safer to handle.諾貝爾開始尋找那種炸藥操作起來更安全的方法。



  We waved flags, beat drums and blew bugles to encourage the players. 我們搖旗擂鼓吹號,來鼓勵運動員。

  They went to the U.S.A. not to study English but to study law and business. 他們去了美國,不是為了學英語,而是為了學法律和商務。

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