http://1glr.cn 來源:恩波教育 點(diǎn)擊: 更新:2004-12-6

Part III Vocabulary
31.【考點(diǎn)】短語動詞辨析 make up和set up都是常用詞組,但中間加入sb則屬用法不當(dāng)。call up表示“傳訊,征召(入伍)”,不合句意。put sb. up表示“讓某人留夜,過夜”,正確。

32.【考點(diǎn)】形似動詞辨析A) revolve“使旋轉(zhuǎn);反復(fù)考慮”revolve a scheme反復(fù)考慮方案; B) resolve“決心,決定;分解”;C) revive“蘇醒;使恢復(fù)精力”;D) revolt“造反,反抗;厭惡”。

33.【考點(diǎn)】短語辨析B) throw /shed / cast light on“闡明,解釋”;A) stray away from“偏離”;C) give birth to“ 產(chǎn)生,引起”give birth to a dispute引起一場爭吵;D) fall back on“求助于”In an emergency we can fall back on our savings.緊急時候我們可動用儲蓄。

34.【考點(diǎn)】定語從句句中應(yīng)該用關(guān)系副詞when作連接,表示時間的定語從句,修飾Golden Age。千萬不能把它看成時間狀語從句,那樣就無法合理理解句意了。四級考試中經(jīng)常考查用關(guān)系副詞when或者where引導(dǎo)的定語從句。

35.【考點(diǎn)】名詞辨析A) attempt“嘗試”;B) temptation“誘惑,引誘”;C) display“展示,展出”;D) action“行動”。

36.【考點(diǎn)】動詞辨析A) institute 這里是動詞,意思為“建立;創(chuàng)立;實(shí)行”institute an agency 建立一個機(jī)構(gòu);B) generate “發(fā)生;產(chǎn)生”generate electricity發(fā)電;C) entitle“給以權(quán)利;給(書、文章等)題名” entitle sb. to do sth.給某人做某事的權(quán)利;D) secure“保證;獲得”secure one’s ends 達(dá)到某人的目的。

37.【考點(diǎn)】名詞辨析D) tension“緊張,緊張氣氛”;A) pressure“壓力;緊迫 ”;B) expectation“期待,期望”;C) stimulus“激勵,刺激”。

38.【考點(diǎn)】同根形容詞辨析四選詞的意思分別為:A)imaginable“可以想象的”通常與最高級形容詞或all , every, only 等連用;B)imaginary“想象中的,虛構(gòu)的”;C)imagination“想象,想象力 ”;D)imagining是imagine的現(xiàn)在分詞形式。

39.【考點(diǎn)】短語動詞辨析A) get rid of “擺脫”;B) put up with“忍受”;C) keep up with“跟上,與…保持同步”;D) do away with “去除,廢除”。

40.【考點(diǎn)】形近動詞辨析四個動詞有三個是由under+動詞構(gòu)成的,四選詞的意思分別是:A)undertake“著手,承擔(dān)”;B)underline“劃底線”;C)undo“取消”;D )undergo“經(jīng)歷,承受”。

41.【考點(diǎn)】四個詞組都含有time一詞,其意思分別是:B) in good time“早,早早地”,如:There wasn’t much traffic so we got there in very good time.路上車不多,所以我們早早地就到那兒了。D) time after time 等于time and time again,表示“多次,屢次”;C) from time to time表示“時不時地”。

42.【考點(diǎn)】形近詞辨析C) economy 在此作定語,意為“cheap,經(jīng)濟(jì)實(shí)惠” ,economy class指飛機(jī)等的經(jīng)濟(jì)艙;A) savings“儲蓄”;B) thrifty“節(jié)約的”,但英語表示“經(jīng)濟(jì)艙”時,卻不用該詞表達(dá);D) economics“經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)”。

43.【考點(diǎn)】過去分詞辨析及搭配用法be absorbed in “專注于”,這里的absorbed 已是形容詞;be concentrated in“被聚集,被集中”;be engaged in“從事,正在進(jìn)行”,用so修飾不恰當(dāng);tempted“被誘惑”。

44.【考點(diǎn)】形似動詞辨析 D) stretch“伸延;舒展肢體”Canada stretched from the Atlantic to the Pacific.加拿大從大西洋一直延伸到太平洋。A) slide“滑落,滑行;悄悄地走”slide out of the room悄悄溜出房間;B) stray“走離;偏題”;C) stroll“散步,溜達(dá)”。

45.【考點(diǎn)】近義動詞辨析四選詞的意思分別為:A)quicken“加快”;B)fasten“擰緊,關(guān)緊”;C)lo osen“松開,放松”;D)tighten“勒緊,關(guān)緊”。

46.【考點(diǎn)】名詞辨析與使用判斷A) recreation“娛樂,娛樂活動”,相當(dāng)于后半句中的leisure activity。

47.【考點(diǎn)】名詞辨析B) sequence “順序,關(guān)聯(lián)”;A) consequence“結(jié)果,后果”;C) series“系列”;D) frequence“頻率 ”。

48.【考點(diǎn)】There be句型該題結(jié)構(gòu)屬There+某些不及物動詞,類似的動詞還有exist, stand等,如:There stands a mountain on the other side of the river.

49.【考點(diǎn)】形容詞及搭配辨析C) consistent“一致的, 一貫的”;A) resistant“抵抗的,抵制的”;B) satisfied“滿意的”;D) content“滿足的”。

50.【考點(diǎn)】動詞辨析C) justify“證明…是正當(dāng)?shù)摹保籄) prove“證明,證實(shí)”;B) approve“同意,允許”;D) identify“鑒別,確認(rèn)”。

51.【考點(diǎn)】動詞辨析四選詞的含意分別為:A)drain“排干(水)”;B)spill“使…溢出,撒落”;C)drip“滴”;D)spra y“噴灑,噴”。

52.【考點(diǎn)】動詞詞組辨析B) let out“發(fā)出(笑聲、叫喊聲);泄露”;A) let off“說出(笑話等);放過,饒恕”; C) let down“放下;使失望”;D) let through“允許…通過”。

53.【考點(diǎn)】短語動詞辨析A) attribute to“歸因于,歸咎于”;B) confine to“將…限制在”;D) restrict...to“限制…于”;C) contribute to“促成,促使,導(dǎo)致,有益于”,后接名詞或動名詞,不可接動詞原形。根據(jù)句子空格前后的因果關(guān)系,應(yīng)選擇C項(xiàng)。

54.【考點(diǎn)】形容詞辨析與使用判斷A) occasional“偶爾的”相對于后半句的habitual“習(xí)慣性的”。

55.【考點(diǎn)】“Do...and ...”結(jié)構(gòu)本題為語法結(jié)構(gòu)題。Do..., and...為慣用句型,意思是“如果…就”。如:Make one more effort, and you will succeed.再努力一下,你就會成功。

56 .【考點(diǎn)】形容詞辨析C) minor“次要的;較少的”;A) rare“稀有的,難得的”;B) plain “簡樸的;清楚的”;D) mature“成熟的,理智的”。

57.【考點(diǎn)】動詞辨析四選項(xiàng)的含義分別是:A)minimize“縮小到最低限度”,多指程度、數(shù)量而言;B)shrink“縮小,收縮”,指體積、大小、機(jī)會等;C)lessen“減少,降低”;D)compress“壓縮,擠壓” 。

58.【考點(diǎn)】形容詞辨析四選詞的意思分別是:A) handsome“英俊的,大方的,慷慨的”;B)respective“分別的,各自的”;C)rigid“嚴(yán)厲的,嚴(yán)格的”;D)radical“激進(jìn)的,根本的,劇烈的”。

59.【考點(diǎn)】動詞詞組辨析D) laid down“制定;放下(武器等)”;A) brought forth“使產(chǎn)生;提出”bring forth a persuasive argument提出有說服力的論據(jù); B) associated with“與…有聯(lián)系”;C) turned over“移交;傾覆”。

60.【考點(diǎn)】短語動詞辨析D) major in“主修,專業(yè)為”;A) participate in “參與,參加”;B) join in “加入,參加”;C) choose to do sth.“愿意做某事,選擇做某事”。

Part IV  Short Answer Questions
S1. the structure of our society
【考點(diǎn)】單句和細(xì)節(jié)理解題。第一段第一句“The way our society is structured affects all human relationships”是做題依據(jù)。

S2. destructive outlet
【考點(diǎn)】細(xì)節(jié)理解題。參看第二段第三句“The kind of destructive outlet that a woman uses may be physical—either against her husband or children—but more often it is directed towards her children who can not walk out.”

S3. Because they  turn violent feelings inwards.
【考點(diǎn)】細(xì)節(jié)理解題。第二段第四句“Commonly, women turn violent feelings inwards: twice as many women as men suffer from depression”說明了因果關(guān)系。

S4. Earning an income./Income earner.
【考點(diǎn)】細(xì)節(jié)推斷題。參看第三段第二句“Many women are consequently totally dependent on their husbands’incomes,...”

S5. they could be/were independent
【考點(diǎn)】單句理解。根據(jù)文章倒數(shù)第二句“One of the reasons some women put up with beating for so long is because they are concerned about how they could bring up the children with little money on their own if they left.”

Part V Writing
Model Essay

Colleges have Opened their Doors Wider

    Colleges have opened their doors wider in recent years because the student population has increased enormously from 4 million to more than 7 million in less than six years since 1997. Is this a good thing?
    Some argue that the enrollment increase will benefit individuals and the society as well. It allows more  students to pursue higher educations and state loans enable  children from poor families to complete their education at Universities and colleges. This may in turn contribute to helping them  to eliminate poverty for the society.
    Others express concerns over the rapid expansion. They are afraid that some problems may arise from it, for example, the problem of employment. A lot more graduates may have great trouble in finding a job after graduation, which will lead a social problem.
    In my opinion, the former view is more reasonable. Admittedly, a rapid increase of graduates seemingly places a heavy burden on the society. However, on second thoughts, we find that it is due to the rapid expansion that, to a great extent, we can delay the approach of the upcoming employment wave. Moreover, just as property and wealth once were key to success, education has become the main provider of individual opportunity in our society and an element that most ensures success in life and eliminates poverty. In this sense, I am convinced that the admission expansion is very instrumental.

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