從供選擇的答案中,選出應(yīng)填入下面敘述中{ }內(nèi)的最確切的解答,把相應(yīng)編號(hào)寫在答卷的對(duì)應(yīng)欄內(nèi)。
Many word processing programs include spell checker. It checks the spelling of every word in a { A } by looking up each word in its dictionary. If the word does not appear in the dictionary, the user is { B }to a possible misspelling and possible corrections are often { C }. Spell checker does not recognize unusual people names or specialized terms, but it will often allow you to to create your own personal dictionary of specialized words you often use. Spell checker is a valuable aids to proofreading, but it can not catch the { D }of one correctly spelled word for another (such as form for from). Thus it does not { E }a document is free of spelling errors.
A;①document ②equipment ③program ④statement
B、C ①alerted ②alternate ③guessed ④guided ⑤suggested ⑥surprised
D; ①addition ②condition ③notation ④substitution
E; ①committee ②correct ③grarantee ④prove
【答案】A:① B:① C:⑤ D:④ E: