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來源:考試吧 2020-3-13 16:02:35 要考試,上考試吧! 萬題庫



  1.You shouldn't park your car here,or it will get in__A__ way of the traffic.

  A.the    B.a    C.an    D./

  2.The people who are more confident have more__B__ to make themselves successful.(2013,德州)

  A.education B.chances

  C.pride D.excuses

  3.Please don't drive the school bus so quickly.The__C__ of our children is the most important.(2012,撫順)

  A.progress B.study

  C.safety D.friendship

  4.—I felt very__A__ in the math class this morning.

  —Did you stay up too late last night?

  A.sleepy B.relaxed C.well D.sick

  5.I regretted__C__ his advice at that time.

  A.take B.to take

  C.taking D.to taking

  6.—Bob,where is Linda?(2014,威海)

  —She__B__ be in the library,but I'm not sure.

  A.must B.may C.need D.has to

  7.—______ book is this?

  —It__C__ Anna.

  A.Who;belong to B.Which;belong to

  C.Whose;belongs to D.Whose;belonging to

  8.Only then__C__ his mistakes.

  A.he realize B.did he realized

  C.did he realize D.he realized

  9.Trees can prevent the wind__A__ the earth away.

  A.from blowing B.to blow

  C.blow D.blows

  10.—I think students should wear uniforms.

  —__B__.We look smarter in our own clothes.

  A.I agree B.I disagree

  C.I think so D.I don't know


  Yesterday my son and I went to the grocery store.In front of us __11__ was a little girl with her mother.The little girl was asking her mother for a box of Smarties.The polite way she was asking __12__ broke the mother's heart.“I'm sorry,honey,but we have no money to buy it.”

  My son was watching that dialogue.By the way,he had been raking leaves in our garden to __13__ himself some money to buy a bike.As he watched the mother and daughter leave the __14__,he ran to the candy counter and bought a box of Smarties with his money.Then he ran out after the little girl and her mother,and gave them the __15__.He came back and told me what he told them,“Every kid should have a pack of Smarties because they can make you __16__.”

  I was so excited __17__ I bought a pack of Smarties for my son.I told him that I was proud of him,and that was for his act of generosity because he gave his own Smarties to others.Quickly,he __18__,“But you do nice things for people and you never get anything for it.”I explained,“When you do something nice for someone,you shouldn't __19__ get anything,but when you do get something,you should be very __20__.”

  (B)11.A.in order B.in line C.in place D.in control

  (A)12.A.almost B.hardly C.seldom D.never

  (D)13.A.buy B.pay C.provide D.raise

  (A)14.A.store B.house C.mall D.centre

  (B)15.A.money B.box C.leaves D.bike

  (B)16.A.happy B.smart C.sweet D.lovely

  (C)17.A.and B.as C.that D.but

  (A)18.A.replied B.told C.lied D.talked

  (C)19.A.answer to B.apply to

  C.expect to D.turn to

  (C)20.A.hopeful B.wonderful

  C.thankful D.helpful

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