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  B) 從A、B、C、D中選出一組正確的排列順序,使所給的語句組成一段文理通順的對話。

  41.① Socer. But we call it football in China.

 、 Would you like to watch a football game with us?

 、 What are you gong to do tomorrow?

 、 I‘d love to. What kind of football, American or soccer?

 、 Nothing much. Why?

  A. ④①⑤②③ B.②①④③⑤ C.③⑤②④① D.④③①②⑤

  42.① That‘s too light.

 、 Yes, That‘s just right. Can I try it on?

  ③ What about this sweater?

 、 Certainly!

 、 Is this one better?

  A. ⑤①④③② B.③①⑤②④ C.②④⑤①③ D.③④②⑤①

  43.① We‘d better start at once.

 、 It‘s half past seven.

 、 Oh, we must hurry, or we‘ll be late for the film.

 、 We‘ve got 15 minutes to get there.

  ⑤ What‘s the time, please?

  A.⑤②③④① B.⑤③②④① C.①③④②⑤ D.③④②⑤①

  44.① It‘s my birthday party.

  ② I hope you can come to my party this evening.

  ③ Hello. Lily. What a beautiful day!

  ④ Party? What party?

 、 Yes, it‘s beautiful.

  A.③⑤④①② B.②④⑤③① C.①④②⑤③ D.③⑤②④①

  45.① Can we do anything to help?

 、 Yes, please.

  ③ I‘ll get you some tea now.

  ④ No, thanks. Help yourself to the cake.

 、 Would you like to drink?

  A.⑤②③①④ B.②④⑤③① C.⑤③①④② D.①③②⑤④

國家 北京 天津 上海 重慶
河北 山西 遼寧 吉林 江蘇
浙江 安徽 福建 江西 山東
河南 湖北 湖南 廣東 廣西
海南 四川 貴州 云南 西藏
陜西 甘肅 寧夏 青海 新疆
黑龍江 內(nèi)蒙古 更多