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來源:考試吧 2014-9-11 14:49:47 要考試,上考試吧! 考研萬題庫
第 1 頁:新題型
第 4 頁:參考答案


  Growing cooperation among branches of tourism has proved valuable to all concerned. Government bureaus, trade and travel association carriers and properties are all working together to bring about optimum conditions for travelers.

  41) __________.They distribute materials to agencies, such as journals, brochures and advertising projects.42) __________ .

  Tourist counselors give valuable seminars to acquaint agents with new programs and techniques in selling. 43) __________ .

  Properties and agencies work closely together to make the most suitable contracts, considering both the comfort of the clients and their own profitable financial arrangement. 44) __________ .

  45) __________.Carriers are dependent upon agencies to supply passengers, and agencies are dependent upon carriers to present them with marketable tours. All services must work together for greater efficiency, fair pricing and contented customers.

  A) The same confidence exists between agencies and carriers including car-rental and sight-seeing services.

  B) They offer familiarization and workshop tours so that in a short time agents can obtain first-hand knowledge of the tours.

  C) Travel operators, specialists in the field of planning, sponsor extensive research programs. They have knowledge of all areas and all carrier services, and they are experts in organizing different types of tours and in preparing effective advertising campaigns.

  D) As a result of teamwork, tourism is flouring in all countries.

  E) Agencies rely upon the good services of hotels, and , conversely, hotels rely upon

  agencies, to fulfill their contracts and to send them clients.

  F) In this way agents learn to explain destinations and to suggest different modes and combinations of travel- Planes, ships, trains, motorcoaches, car-rentals, and even car purchases.

  G) Consequently, the agencies started to pay more attention to the comfort of travel.

  Passage 4

  Fields across Europe are contaminated with dangerous levels of the antibiotics given to farm animals. The drugs, which are in manure sprayed onto fields as fertilizers, could be getting into our food and water, helping to create a new generation of antibiotic-resistant “superbugs “ .

  The warning comes from a researcher in Switzerland who looked at levels of the drugs in farm slurry.41) __________ .

  Some 20,000 tons antibiotics are used in the European Union and the US each year. More than half are given to farm-animals to prevent disease and promote growth. 42) __________.

  Most researchers assumed that humans become infected with the resistant strains by eating contaminated meat. But far more of the drugs end up in manure than in meat products, says Stephen Mueller of the Swiss Federal Institute for Environmental Science and Technology in Dubendorf. 43) __________ .

  With millions of tons animals manure spread onto fields of cops such as wheat and barley each year, this pathway seems an equally likely route for spreading resistance, he said. The drugs contaminate the crops, which are then eaten. 44) __________ .

  Mueller is particularly concerned about a group of antibiotics called sulphonamides. 45) __________ .This concentration is high enough to trigger the development of resistance among bacteria. But vets are not treating the issue seriously.

  There is growing concern at the extent to which drugs, including antibiotics, are polluting the environment. Many drugs given to humans are also excreted unchanged and broken down by conventional treatment.

  A) They don’t easily degrade or dissolve in water. His analysis found that Swiss farm manure contains a high percentage of sulphonamides; each hectare of field could be contaminated with up to 1 kilogram of the drugs.

  B) And manure contains especially high levels of bugs that are resistant to antibiotics, he says.

  C) Animal antibiotics is still an area to which insufficient attention has been paid.

  D) But recent research has found a direct link between the increased use of these farmyard drugs and the appearance of antibiotic-resistant bugs that infect people.

  E) His findings are particularly shocking because Switzerland is one of the few countries to have banned antibiotics as growth promoters in animal feed.

  F) They could also be leaching into tap water pumped from rocks beneath fertilized fields.

  G) There is no doubt that the food and drink is always important to the health.

Passage 5

  The main problem in discussing American popular culture is also one of its main characteristics: it won’t stay American. No matter what it is, whether it is films, food and fashion, music, casual sports or slang, it’s soon at home elsewhere in the world. There are several theories why American popular culture has had this appeal.

  One theory is that is has been “advertised” and marketed through American films, popular music, and more recently, television. 41) __________ .They are, after all, in competition with those produced by other countries.

  Another theory, probably a more common one, is that American popular culture is internationally associated with something called “ the spirit of America .” 42)_________ .

  The final theory is less complex: American popular culture is popular because a lot of people in the world like it.

  Regardless of why its spreads, American popular culture is usually quite rapidly adopted and then adapted in many other countries. 43)__________ . Black leather jackets worn by many heroes in American movies could be found, a generation later, on all those young men who wanted to make this manly-look their own.

  Two areas where this continuing process is most clearly seen are clothing and music. Some people can still remember a time. When T-shirts, jogging clothes, tennis shoes, denim jackets, and blue jeans were not common daily wear everywhere .Only twenty years ago, it was possible to spot an American in Paris by his or her clothes. No longer so: those bright colors, checkered jackets and trousers, hats and socks which were once made fun in cartoons are back again in Paris as the latest fashion. 44) __________ .

  The situation with American popular music is more complex because in the beginning, when it was still clearly American, it was often strongly resisted. Jazz was once thought to be a great danger to youth and their morals, and was actually outlawed in several countries. Today, while still showing its rather American roots, it has become so well established. Rock “n” roll and all its variations, country & western music, all have more or less similar histories. They were first resisted, often on America as well, as being “l(fā)ow-class,” and then as “a danger to our nation’s youth.” 45)__________ . And then the music became accepted and was extended and was extended and developed, and exported back to the U.S.

  A) As a result, its American origins and roots are often quickly forgotten. “happy birthday to you,” for instance, is such an everyday song that its source, its American copyright, so to speak, is not remembered.

  B) But this theory fails to explain why American films, music, and television, programs are so popular in themselves.

  C) American in origin, informal clothing has become the world’s first truly universal style.

  D) The BBC, for example, banned rock and roll until 1962.

  E) American food has become popular around the world too.

  F) This spirit is variously described as being young and free, optimistic and confident, informal and disrespectful.

  G) It is hardly surprising that the public concern contributes a lot to the spread of their culture.

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