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英語六級標準聽力測試模擬二Section A答案解析

  Section A

  11. M: It’s been hot and humid for three weeks straight. I wish it’d light up.

  W: I love summer weather, but there is a limit.

  Q: What does the woman mean?

  【解析】選[C]。I love summer weather, but there is a limit表明女士喜歡hot weather,但她認為太多悶熱潮濕的天氣會令人不爽(Too much can be unpleasant),選項[C]正確。

  12. M: I’m trying to find someone to come with me to the new sculpture exhibit in the art museum on Saturday.

  W: I’m not too crazy about art myself, but what about Mary? She’s taking an art history course and seems to be enjoying it.

  Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?

  【解析】選[B]。be crazy about指喜好某事物,I’m not too crazy about art myself表明女士不想陪男士去看雕塑展,but what about Mary?則表示她建議男士邀請其他人陪他一起去。

  13. M: Now suppose I was to stay at home and do all the housework and look after the children while my wife went out to work. What would you think about that?

  W: If I’m going to be logical, no.

  Q: What does the woman mean?

  【解析】選[C]。男士假設(shè)他整天待在家里做家務(wù)、照看孩子,而他的妻子出去工作,問女士對此有什么想法。If I’m going to be logical, no表明女士認為男士的假設(shè)是不合邏輯的(illogical)。

  14. W: These tomatoes are huge and fat. You must have watered and fertilized them a lot.

  M: Yes, I did. They ought to be ripe enough to pick by the next Friday when we have our party.

  Q: Where did this conversation most probably take place?

  【解析】選[D]。男士說等下周五聚會的時候 西紅柿就該熟透了,再結(jié)合女士話中的These tomatoes 及watered and fertilized them推斷,兩人應是在花園里針對西紅柿植株展開對話的,因此選[D]。

  15. M: I’m really enjoying that literature with Professor Benson. Was the lecture this morning interesting?

  W: To tell you the truth, I was so exhausted from staying up last night to finish the reading that I didn’t get much out of it.

  Q: What does the woman mean?

  【解析】選[B]。so exhausted...that I didn’t get much out of it說明女士太疲倦了,所以沒怎么聽Professor Benson講的課。so...that...結(jié)構(gòu)與too...to...結(jié)構(gòu)意思相同,exhausted ≈ tired,get out of ≈ learn from,因此選項[B]正確。stay up意為“熬夜”。

  16. M: I’m sorry, Miss. You’ll have to come with us. Hidden cameras have detected what you have done. Leave the merchandise here.

  W: I’ll come along, but I assure you that I can prove my innocence.

  Q: Where does this conversation most likely take place?

  【解析】選[A]。結(jié)合男士話中的Hidden cameras (隱形攝像頭)和merchandise(商品)推測,對話應該是發(fā)生在商店里,場景是男士懷疑女士偷了商店里的東西。

  17. W: I don’t know why, but since I saw Williams on TV, I don’t feel so bad about myself now.

  M: Well, they say laughter is the best medicine.

  Q: What can be inferred about the show the woman just watched?

  【解析】選[B]。男士話中的they指Williams一家人,即電視節(jié)目中的人物。they say laughter is the best medicine表明這檔節(jié)目很滑稽(funny);since I saw Williams on TV, I don’t feel so bad about myself now說明這檔節(jié)目很令人鼓舞(inspiring)。

  18. M: Did you see that new art work? You know that poster they just put up in the cafeteria; I wonder whose bright idea that was.

  W: You know there’s nothing wrong with the poster itself, it just doesn’t go with the colors in the cafeteria.

  Q: What do we learn about the poster from the conversation?

  【解析】選[C]。女士所說的there’s nothing wrong with the poster itself表明她和男士都認為自助餐廳里貼的海報不好看。另外,理解男士話中的諷刺語氣(“art work”和“bright idea”)對解答該題也有很大幫助。go with the colors意為“顏色搭配協(xié)調(diào)”。

  Conversation One

  M: Doctor Thomas? This is Keith Bradley from The Daily News. I’d like to ask you some questions about the new official standard weight that you purchased.

  W: I’d be happy to help you. What would you like to know?

  M: First of all, how is the standard weight used?

  W: Well, the people in our department use it to check the scales all over the country. The Department of Weights and Measures — we’re a government agency — it’s our responsibility to see that all the scales measure a kilogram accurately. So this is the weight we use to adjust the scales.

  M: How did you check the scales before?

  W: We have an old standard weight that we used to use. It had to be replaced because it was imprecise. You see, it was made of poor quality metal that was too porous — it absorbed too much moisture.

  M: Oh, so when the weather was humid, it weighed more. And when it was dry, it weighed less.

  W: Exactly. And that variation can affect the standards of the whole country. So our department had the new weight made out of higher quality metal.





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