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    Word list 3
  beautiful adj.①美的,美麗的②出色的,完美的
  handsome 常用于男性,當(dāng)它用來描寫女性時,表示的是一種健康,強(qiáng)壯的“美”;
  beauty n. 美麗;美人
  經(jīng)典例句The love of beauty is an essential part of all healthy human nature. 愛美是所有健康人天性中的一個重要部分。
  because conj. 因為(后接從句)
  經(jīng)典例句The sky is not less blue because the blind man does not see it. 天不會因瞎子看不見而減其藍(lán)色。
  考點(diǎn)提要because of +短語:譯為“因為”
  cause56 n.①原因,理由②事業(yè),奮斗目標(biāo) vt.使發(fā)生,引起
  經(jīng)典例句A common danger causes common action.同仇敵愾。
  reason 指理論上的理由;
  excuse 借口,不是真正的理由。
  accuse vt.①指責(zé),指控②歸咎于
  經(jīng)典例句He was accused of many marital infidelities, most famously with White House intern Monica Lewinsky.他多次被控對婚姻不忠,其中最有名的是和白宮實習(xí)生莫尼卡·萊溫斯基。
  詞匯辨析accuse, charge, blame:
  accuse 控告;控訴
  charge 指控,指責(zé),刑事指控
  blame 指責(zé),責(zé)怪
  記憶方法accusation n. 譴責(zé),指控
  excuse12 vt.①寬恕,原諒②免除,免去n.借口,理由
  經(jīng)典例句A wilful fault has no excuse and deserves no pardon.
  考點(diǎn)提要excuse sb. for doing 原諒(某人)
  excuse “原諒”,語氣較輕,一般指小小的過失,pardon “原諒,寬恕”,指寬恕的意思較嚴(yán)肅,如赦免罪犯等,如:Their mistakes shouldn’ t be pardoned;
  forgive “原諒”,強(qiáng)調(diào)個人情感的色彩,如:She forgave him for breaking his promise.
  before prep. (時間/順序/位置在……之前)
  經(jīng)典例句Be just before you are generous. 要慷慨必先求公正。
  一句雙雕An hour ago I called my cousin, but my aunt told me she had left for America two days before.一個小時前我給表姐打電話,阿姨告訴我她兩天前去美國了。
  fore adj. 在前部(的)
  記憶方法fore比較級former 最高級foremost
  forecast vt.& n. 預(yù)測,預(yù)報
  經(jīng)典例句But economists forecast a rebound this summer, as the effects of strong growth filter through to prices.但是隨著高速增長的影響滲透到商品價格,經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)家們預(yù)測,通貨膨脹今夏會有反彈。
  forehead n.額,前額
  經(jīng)典例句Every one’s faults are not written in their foreheads. 知人知面不知心。
  foremost1adj. 首要的,最重要的
  記憶方法first and foremost首要的是,首先
  former 6 adj.先前的,以前的
  經(jīng)典例句There are only two powers in the world, the sword and the pen; and in the end the former is always conquered by the latter. 世界上只有兩種力量∶刀和筆;而其結(jié)果,后者總是戰(zhàn)勝前者。
  考點(diǎn)提要the former…the latter…前者……后者
  forwardadj. 向前的,前進(jìn)的;vt. 轉(zhuǎn)送,發(fā)送
  經(jīng)典例句We look forward to the dawn of better days.我們期待好日子的來臨。
  beg v.乞求,乞討
  經(jīng)典例句 It is futile for a handful of people to beg foreign forces to interfere with Hong Kong’s affairs.個別人乞求外國勢力來干預(yù)香港事務(wù)是徒勞的。
  考點(diǎn)提要beg sb. for 向某人要……
  beggar n.①乞丐,窮人②家伙vt.使貧窮
  begin43 vi.開始(多與with、on、at連用)
  經(jīng)典例句A road of a thousand miles begins with one step. 千里之行始于足下。
  考點(diǎn)提要begin with 開始;to begin with=first of all 首先
  beginner n. 初學(xué)者
  beginning n.開始,著手
  經(jīng)典例句Beware beginnings. 慎始為上。
  考點(diǎn)提要from beginning to end 自始至終;at the beginning of 在……開始;from the beginning 從開始
  記憶方法反義詞:end 結(jié)束
  end 44 n.①最后部分,末尾②端,梢,盡頭③終止,結(jié)局④結(jié)果,目的,目標(biāo)v.結(jié)束,終止
  考點(diǎn)提要end in 以……結(jié)束;end up 最后成為/處于;in the end 最后,結(jié)果;no end 非常,極其;on end 連續(xù)地
  ending n.結(jié)局,結(jié)尾,終結(jié)
  經(jīng)典例句Love is sweet in the beginning but sour in the ending.愛情始甜而終苦。
  endless 4 adj.無止境的,沒完沒了的 

  behind prep.①在……后面②落后于 adv.在后,背后
  經(jīng)典例句He is a good friend that speaks well of us behind our backs. 背后說人好話的夠朋友。
  考點(diǎn)提要behind one’s back 在……背后,暗中;leave behind 留下,忘掉
  believe69 vt.①相信②認(rèn)為 vi.信任
  經(jīng)典例句Those who believe money can do everything are frequently prepared to do everything for money. 相信金錢萬能的人,往往會一切為了金錢。
  考點(diǎn)提要believe in 相信某人的人格、信譽(yù);believe sb. 相信某人的話;make believe 假裝,裝作
  記憶方法believable adj.可信的; believer n. 信徒
  belief n.①信任,相同②信念,信仰
  考點(diǎn)提要beyond belief 難以置信
  詞匯辨析believe, believe in:
  believe 相信;認(rèn)為真實;
  believe in 依賴,信任;認(rèn)為某事對!
  below prep.在……以下,在……下面 adv.在下面,向下
  經(jīng)典例句He who would search for pearls must dive below.欲求珍珠,必潛水底。
  考點(diǎn)提要below one’ s eyes 在某人的眼皮底下
  low adj.①低,矮 ②低級的,下層的,卑賤的 ③低聲的adv.①低②低聲地③卑微地n.低點(diǎn),低水平
  經(jīng)典例句Try to look unimportant because bad guys may be low on ammo.他會先打最重要的人。
  考點(diǎn)提要speak in a low voice 低聲說
  記憶方法low 比較級lower 最高級lowest
  lower vt. 放下,放低,降低
  經(jīng)典例句The higher standing, the lower fall. 爬得越高,摔得越狠。
  考點(diǎn)提要lower one’s voice 放低聲音
  beneath prep.①在……下面②有失……身份adv.在下方,在底下
  經(jīng)典例句Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity.賣漢堡包并不會有損于你的尊嚴(yán)。
  under 表某事物直接位于另一事物的下方;
  below 地方或位置在……的下面;數(shù)量、水平在……之下。
  underneath adv.& prep. 在……下面,在……之下,在下位,向下面;n.下部,底部
  benefit27 vt.有益于 vi.受益于 n.利益,好處,恩惠
  經(jīng)典例句Pride hurts, modesty benefits. 滿招損,謙受益。
  beneficial5 adj.(與to連用)有益的,有利的,有助的
  詞根記憶~=bene(well)+fic(to fill)+ial(詞尾)
  Bible n.①圣經(jīng)②有權(quán)威的書
  bicycle n.自行車,腳踏車vi.騎自行車(也寫作bike)
  經(jīng)典例句Using bicycle contributes greatly to people’s physical fitness as well as easing traffic jams. 使用自行車有助于人們的身體健康,并極大地緩解了交通阻塞。
  cycle 21 n.①自行車②周期,循環(huán)vi.①騎自行車②循環(huán)
  經(jīng)典例句Millions of pounds of paper are discarded or burned daily rather than saved for recycling.每天都有數(shù)百萬鎊的紙張被扔下或燒掉而不是留著再次使用.
  biology n.生物學(xué)
  bit  n.一點(diǎn),一些
  經(jīng)典例句A bit in the morning is better than nothing all day.略有勝于全無。
  考點(diǎn)提要a bit 多少,有點(diǎn)兒,相當(dāng);bit by bit 一點(diǎn)一點(diǎn)地;do one’s bit 做自己分內(nèi)的事;every bit 從頭到尾,完全
  bite2 vt.①叮,咬②刺穿,刺痛n.叮,咬
  經(jīng)典例句Once bit, twice shy. 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕草繩。
  bite 蚊蟲的“叮咬”;
  sting 刺,指蚊蟲類用鋒利的器官“叮咬”;
  gnaw 不斷地咬,啃;
  nip 咬住,夾住,掐住,捏。
  chew 嚼碎。
  biting adj. 刺痛的,辛辣的
  bitter adj.①痛苦的,辛酸的②苦的③嚴(yán)寒的,刺骨的
  經(jīng)典例句Bitter pills may have blessed effects. 良藥苦口利于病。
  聯(lián) 想 記 憶 卡 片酸 sour;甜 sweet;苦 bitter;辣 hot;咸 saltybait n. 魚餌,誘餌,引誘物
  經(jīng)典例句It is a silly fish, that is caught twice with the same bait. 蠢人才吃兩次虧。 

  blackboardn. 黑板
  board vt.①上,搭(船、車) ②投宿,寄宿vi登機(jī),上船n.①板,木板②船舷③委員會,董事會④伙食
  經(jīng)典例句Students attend a boarding school would cultivate their independence as apart from their parents. 離開父母上寄宿學(xué)校的學(xué)生將會培養(yǎng)他們的獨(dú)立性。
  考點(diǎn)提要on board 在船(車、機(jī))上;across the board 包括一切地,全面地;above board 光明正大的,公開的;board up 用木板封閉;sweep the board (輕易地)大獲全勝
  記憶方法boarding house 寓所;boarding school 寄宿學(xué)校;boarder 寄宿者
  aboard adv.在船(飛機(jī)、車)上,上船(飛機(jī)、車)
  prep. ①在(船、飛機(jī)、車)上②上(船、飛機(jī)、車)
  詞匯辨析aboard, abroad:
  aboard 在(船、飛機(jī)、火車等)上
  abroad 在國外;到國外
  記憶方法a前綴,表示“在,到”(on,to);board意為“木板、甲板”;前綴a與名詞一起構(gòu)成副詞或介詞。aboard=on board,在(到)車(船、機(jī))上
  cupboard n.碗柜,食櫥
  keyboard n.鍵盤
  border1 n.①邊緣,界線②邊界,國界 vt.①給……加上邊,圍②鄰接,毗連 vi.(與on,upon連接)與……交界,搭界
  經(jīng)典例句 The height of the mountain, which lies on the border between China and Nepal, has long been a subject of controversy.
  blanket n.毛毯,毯子
  blank2 adj.①空白的,空著的②茫然的 n.空白,空白表格
  經(jīng)典例句Marriage is a lottery with more blanks than prizes. 結(jié)婚如同摸彩票,空票多而中票少。
  考點(diǎn)提要a blank page 空白的一頁;a blank expression 茫然的表情
  一句雙雕She looked blank and wrote on a blank paper.
  blind adj.①瞎的,盲的②盲目的,視而不見的
  v.①使失明 ②遮暗,使失色n.百葉窗,遮蔽物
  經(jīng)典例句Scientists have shown that there is a degree of truth in the old adage that love is blind.科學(xué)家們證明,那句古老的格言“愛是盲目的”有一定的道理。
  考點(diǎn)提要go blind 失明;be blind to 視而不見
  記憶方法blind 瞎;deaf 聾;dumb 啞
  blend v.使混合n.混合物,混成品
  經(jīng)典例句Oil and water do not blend.油與水不能混合。
  考點(diǎn)提要blend (in) with/into 與……融合在一起
  詞匯辨析blend, mix:
  blend 使混合,摻和,融合
  mix 使混合;調(diào)配;配制
  blood n.①血液,血②血統(tǒng),血親
  經(jīng)典例句Blood is thicker than water. 血濃于水。
  bloody adj.①血染的②流血的 adv.特,非常 vt.使血染
  經(jīng)典例句His clothes were torn and bloody.他的衣服撕破了并染有血跡。
  bleed (bled,bled)vi.流血,出血
  記憶方法相關(guān)詞:blood n.鮮血;bloody adj.血腥的
  blow (blew blown )vi.①吹②吹動,吹響③爆炸(輪胎等),燒斷n.吹,吹打,打擊
  經(jīng)典例句It’s about time some one blew the whistle on his dishonest practices.是該有人出來揭露他的欺詐行為的時候了。
  考點(diǎn)提要blow off 吹掉;blow out 吹熄;blow up 爆炸,炸毀;a heavy blow 強(qiáng)風(fēng);come to blows 開始互相毆打
  body n.①身體,軀體②軀干,主體③尸體④物體⑤(視作整體的)一群,一批
  經(jīng)典例句Wisdom is to the mind what health is to the body. 知識之于精神,一如健康之于肉體。
  聯(lián) 想 記 憶 卡 片身體的部位
  forehead 額頭;eyebrow 眉毛;cheek 臉頰;lips 嘴唇;chin 下巴;bust (女子的)胸部;neck 脖子;shoulder 肩;arm 胳膊;hip 臀;wrist 手腕;hand 手;finger 手指;thumb 大拇指;knee 膝蓋;elbow 肘;waist 腰部;thigh 大腿;arkle 腳踝;bottom 臀部;toe 腳趾;foot 腳;heel 腳后跟anybody pron.①任何人②隨便哪一個人
  經(jīng)典例句Envy is a most terrible thing, and would spoil anybody’s nature. 嫉妒是很可怕的東西,它會毀壞人的天性。
  nobody pron.①沒有人,誰也不 ②小人物
  經(jīng)典例句 Never try to prove what nobody doubts.此地?zé)o銀三百兩。
  somebody pron. ①某人,一個人(通常指沒有提到過的或是不知姓名的人,較通俗,多用于口語) ②重要人物,有分量的人
  經(jīng)典例句Never believe somebody on his bare word. 人言無據(jù),切勿輕信。
  詞匯辨析somebody,some one, someone:
  somebody 通常指沒有提到的或不知名的人;
  some one 某人,某事(必須與of短語連用,指其中的人或物之一);
  someone 某人,一個人,有人(與somebody基本相同,只能用來代替人,沒有獨(dú)立意義)。
  一句雙雕Somebody should have told me, but actually nobody .
  boil vi. 沸騰vt.煮沸,煮
  經(jīng)典例句To a boiling pot flies come not. 蒼蠅不叮沸水壺。
  考點(diǎn)提要boil down to 意味著,歸結(jié)為;boil over 激動,發(fā)怒
  聯(lián) 想 記 憶 卡 片boiled 煮的,煮熟的;boil 煮;fry 炸;steam 蒸;stew 燉boiler n.鍋爐
  book n.書,書籍vt.預(yù)定(車票,房間)
  經(jīng)典例句Use a book as a bee does flowers. 讀書如蜜蜂采花,吸取其中之精華。
  考點(diǎn)提要book in 為……預(yù)定,為……辦理登記手續(xù);by the book 按規(guī)則,依照慣例
  記憶方法bookshelf 書柜;bookworm 書蟲;bookmark 書簽;bookish 書生氣的
  handbook n. 手冊,指南
  經(jīng)典例句By then he first formed the idea of collecting the information of all the bus routes in Beijing and compiling it into a handbook for the public use.
  notebook n. 筆記本
  經(jīng)典例句A series of notebooks containing the seeds of ideas for his original stories fetched £139,650.
  bow n.①鞠躬,低頭②弓 ③蝴蝶結(jié) vt.①低下(頭),欠(身)②壓彎,使俯下 vi.鞠躬,低頭
  經(jīng)典例句A bow long bent grows weak. 常拉滿弓無力。
  elbow n.肘,肘狀物
  經(jīng)典例句Elbow grease gives the best polish. 只要功夫深,鐵杵磨成針。
  記憶方法與身體有關(guān)的詞:knee 膝;ankle 腳踝;wrist 手腕
  rainbow n. 虹,彩虹
  經(jīng)典例句Three things soon pass away: the echo of the woods, the rainbow, and woman’s beauty.
  三樣?xùn)|西最易消逝∶樹林的回響, 彩虹和婦女的美貌。 

  brace n. 支柱,支架vt. 拉緊,支住
  embrace 1 vt.①擁抱,抱②包含,包括
  經(jīng)典例句He who refuses to embrace a unique opportunity loses the prize as surely as if he had failed(William James).
  拒絕接受難得機(jī)會的人失去了可貴的東西,可以肯定他會失敗。 ——威廉·詹姆斯
  embrace與include 同義,即“包括”;
  comprise “包含,由……構(gòu)成”,謂語用復(fù)數(shù);contain “包含,容納”,它的賓語只是整體的一部分,如:The book contains five photos;
  compose “構(gòu)成”,表示許多部分構(gòu)成一個整體,一般用被動;
  consist與compose同義,但不用被動,即consist of = be composed of,如:Water is composed of (= consists of) hydrogen and oxygen.
  break45 v.①打破,打斷②損壞,破壞③使中斷④打破紀(jì)錄vi.①破碎,斷裂②(天)破曉③(天氣)轉(zhuǎn)晴n.①休息②中止,停頓
  經(jīng)典例句If it were not for hope, the heart would break.人若無希望,心碎肝腸斷
  考點(diǎn)提要break away 逃脫,逃離;放棄;break down ①損壞②(健康等)垮掉,崩潰;break in ①非法闖入②打斷,插嘴;break into ①非法闖入,強(qiáng)行進(jìn)入②強(qiáng)行……起來;break off 中斷,突然停止;break out ①爆發(fā),突然出現(xiàn)②逃脫,逃走;break through ①突圍,沖破②取得突破性成就;break up ①打碎,粉碎②散開,驅(qū)散③分離,斷絕關(guān)系
  詞匯辨析break, smash, crack:
  break (使)破,裂,碎
  smash 打碎;打破
  crack 破裂,斷裂,破開
  brake n.閘,制動器v.制動,剎車
  breath n.①呼吸,氣息②氣味,香氣③微風(fēng),(空氣的)輕微流動
  經(jīng)典例句Keep your breath to cool your porridge. 少管閑事。
  考點(diǎn)提要take a deep breath 深呼吸;be out of breath 氣喘吁吁;hold one’ s breath 屏住呼吸;catch one’s breath 氣喘,喘息
  breathe v.吸入,呼吸
  經(jīng)典例句While we breathe, there is hope. 只要活著,就有希望。
  聯(lián) 想 記 憶 卡 片n. ~th→v.~the
  breath n.→breathe v.;bath n.→bathe v.;cloth n.→clothe v.Brief
  brief8 adj.簡短的,簡潔的v.向……作簡介,節(jié)錄n.摘要,概要
  經(jīng)典例句Anger is a brief madness.憤怒是短暫的瘋狂。
  考點(diǎn)提要in brief = in short 簡而言之
  詞匯辨析in brief, in short:
  in brief 著重講話重點(diǎn)突出、簡明扼要;
  in short 著重在敘述完之后的總結(jié),相當(dāng)于“總之”。
  記憶方法briefcase 文件包;briefly 簡單地;brevity 簡短
  bring60 vt.①帶來,拿來②引起,導(dǎo)致③促使
  經(jīng)典例句Bring up a raven and he’ll pick out your eyes. 養(yǎng)虎貽患。
  考點(diǎn)提要bring about = lead to 導(dǎo)致;bring oneself to do 想做……;bring up = raise 養(yǎng)育;bring down 打倒,降低(價格);bring forth = produce 產(chǎn)生;bring to 使恢復(fù)知覺;bring out 公布,出版;bring forward 提出;bring around/round 使恢復(fù)知覺;說服
  詞匯辨析bring, fetch:
  bring “帶來”,與“take”相反;
  fetch“去拿來”,與get 意義相近。
  upbringing n. 養(yǎng)育,教育
  一句雙雕I was brought up by my grandma and had a strict upbringing.
  broad adj.①寬的,廣闊的②寬容的,豁達(dá)的 ③明亮的,明白的,公開的
  經(jīng)典例句Fame like a river is narrowest at its source and broadest afar off. 名譽(yù)像條河,源頭最狹窄,遠(yuǎn)處最寬闊。
  詞匯辨析broad, wide:
  broad 寬闊的,廣闊的,不具體的;
  wide 寬的,寬度為……的。
  broadcast1 n.廣播,播音vt.廣播,傳播
  經(jīng)典例句Mexico’s most popular nightly news broadcast showed the video on the night of May 10.5月10日晚,墨西哥最受歡迎的晚間新聞節(jié)目中播出了拍攝到的錄像。
  記憶方法broadcasting station 廣播電臺
  broaden v. 放寬,變闊
  abroad adv.①在國外,在海外②到處,廣泛,在四下流傳
  經(jīng)典例句A lion at home, a mouse abroad. 在家兇如獅,在外怯如鼠。
  考點(diǎn)提要go abroad出國;get abroad(新聞、消息等)四下流傳
  build69 vt.①建筑,建造②建立,創(chuàng)立vi.向頂點(diǎn)發(fā)展,增長n.體型,體格(built )
  經(jīng)典例句It takes twenty years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. 花二十年建立起來的聲譽(yù)可以在五分鐘之內(nèi)完全摧毀。
  考點(diǎn)提要build up 擴(kuò)大,增進(jìn)
  building n. 建筑物,房屋,建筑
  經(jīng)典例句No good building without a good foundation. 基礎(chǔ)不良的好建筑物是沒有的。
  rebuild vt. 重建,改建
  burn (burnt )v.①燃燒,點(diǎn)燃②燒毀,燒掉
  經(jīng)典例句You cannot burn the candle at both ends. 蠟燭不能兩頭點(diǎn)。
  考點(diǎn)提要be burnt out 被火燒光;burn down 燒毀;burn up ①燒掉,燒毀②燒起來,旺起來
  burnern. 燒……的人;爐子,燃燒器
  sunburnn. 日炙,曬黑,曬斑 

  busy adj.忙的,繁忙的
  經(jīng)典例句Let the hands get busy, not the mouth. 手要勤勞,嘴莫多說。
  考點(diǎn)提要be busy at (with) = be busy doing 忙于做某事
  business94 n.①商業(yè),生意②事務(wù),職責(zé)③職業(yè)
  經(jīng)典例句Love and business teach eloquence. 愛情和買賣可以培養(yǎng)口才。
  考點(diǎn)提要get down to business 認(rèn)真著手辦事;go out of business 歇業(yè);have no business 無權(quán),沒有理由;in business 經(jīng)商,經(jīng)營;mind your own business 管好你自己的事,少管閑事;on business 因公,因事;mean business 認(rèn)真辦事
  cabin n.①簡陋的小屋②船艙,機(jī)艙
  cabinet2 n.①內(nèi)閣,內(nèi)閣會議②(帶玻璃門,用來存放或存列物品的)櫥柜
  經(jīng)典例句Members of the cabinet are chosen by the Prime Minister.內(nèi)閣閣員是由首相挑選的。
  calculate2 vt.①計算②估計,推測,預(yù)料③計劃,打算
  calculate 指較復(fù)雜的計算;
  count 數(shù),一個一個地數(shù);
  number 數(shù),一般用語。
  記憶方法calculator 計算器;calculation 精打細(xì)算;calculated 計算的,有計劃的
  calculator n.計算器
  calculation n. 計算,盤算,估計,推測
  call84 v.①稱為,稱呼②叫,喊③打電話給……④召集n.①呼叫,號召②訪問,拜訪③電話
  經(jīng)典例句Time past cannot be called back again. 光陰一去不復(fù)返。
  考點(diǎn)提要call at 訪問某地;call on 訪問某人;call back ①再來②回電話;call for ①要求②需要;call off = cancel 取消;call on sb. to do 請求某人做;so-called adj. 所謂的,號稱的
  一句雙雕You call up Tom and tell him the meeting was called off.
  recall 10 v. ①記起,回憶,回想 ②召回,撤銷,收回
  經(jīng)典例句A word spoken is past recalling.一言既出,駟馬難追。
  so-called adj. (常作貶義)所謂的,號稱的
  camp n.野營,營地vi.露營,宿營
  campaign4 n.①戰(zhàn)役②運(yùn)動vi.參加運(yùn)動,競選
  campus8 n.大學(xué)校園,學(xué)校場地
  經(jīng)典例句This is the first time in my two years here that I have seen so little studying on campus.這是我在大學(xué)兩年來第一次看到校園里的學(xué)習(xí)如此輕松。
  champion n.得勝者,冠軍 v.碰上了,偶然發(fā)生
  經(jīng)典例句You become a champion by fighting one more round.When things are tough,you fight one more round.(James Corbett)
  canal n.運(yùn)河,溝渠
  channel5 n.①海峽,水道,溝渠②渠道,途徑③電視頻道
  candle n.蠟燭
  經(jīng)典例句No one can hold a candle to him when it comes to playing the guitar.說到彈吉它,誰也比不上他。
  記憶方法candlelight 燭光;candlestick 燭臺
  kindle v. 點(diǎn)燃,燃燒
  經(jīng)典例句A little wind kindles, much puts out the fire. 適可而止,過猶不及。
  詞匯辨析kindle, light, ignite:
  kindle 指花大力氣把某物點(diǎn)燃并使之燃燒;
  light 指有目的的點(diǎn)火,通常是為了照亮或取暖;
  ignite 指用一點(diǎn)火苗就能使某物燃燒起來,通常指使易燃物燃燒。
  candidate n.候選人,報考人
  經(jīng)典例句What's the big question US presidential candidates should be asking themselves? 美國總統(tǒng)候選人應(yīng)該問自己的最重要的問題是什么呢?
  詞根記憶cand (白)+id + ate 白色的人古希臘穿白袍候選候選人
  candy n.糖果
  考點(diǎn)提要like taking candy from a baby形容某事易如反掌
  記憶方法sweets 糖果;sugar 食糖
  capable19 adj.能干的,有能力的
  經(jīng)典例句 To be what we are,and to become what we are capable of becoming,is the only end of life.(Robert Louis Stevenson)
  詞匯辨析capable, able:
  capable 既可表示褒義,也可表示貶義,表示的能力沒有able 強(qiáng)后接of;
  able 只表示褒義;后接不定式。
  詞根記憶~=cap(to take)+able(詞尾)
  capability n. 能力,才能
  capacity11 n.①能力,智能②容量,容積③身份,職位
  經(jīng)典例句Strength does not come from physical capacity.It comes from indomitable will.(Jawharlal Nehrn)力量并不來源于體力,而來自于不屈不撓的意志。 ——尼赫魯
  incapable adj. 無能力的,不會的 

    Practice Test 3
  1. The mayorthe police officer a medal of honor for his heroic deed in rescuing the earthquake victims.
  A. rewardedB. awarded C. creditedD. prized
  2. The native Canadians lived in with nature , for they respected nature as a provider of life.
  A. coordinationB. acquaintance C. contactD. harmony
  3. Mass advertising helped to _______ the emphasis from the production of goods to their consumption. A. varyB. shift C. layD. moderate
  4. I know you’ve got a smooth tongue , so don’t talk mebuying it.
  A. awayB. down C. outD. into
  5. We don’t any difficulties in completing the project so long as we keep within our budget.
  A. foresee B. fabricate C. inferD. inhibit
  6. Modern forms of transportation and communication have done much to the isolation of life in Alaska.
  A. break down B. break into
  C. break out D. break through
  7. Could you take a sheet of paper and write your name at the top?
  A. bare B. vacant C. hollowD. blank
  8.I found it difficult to my career ambitions with the need to bring up my children.
  A. consolidateB. amendC. reconcileD .intensify
  9.While a full understanding of what causes the disease may be several years away, leading to a successful treatment could come much sooner.
  A. a distinction B. a breakthrough
  C. an identification D. an interpretation
  10. The fire was finally brought under control, but not extensive damage had been caused.
  A. afterB. beforeC. sinceD. as
  11.Eye contact is important because wrong contact may create a communication.
  12.There is supposed to be a safety which makes it impossible for trains to collide.
  A. applianceB. accessoryC. machineD. mechanism
  1.B題意:他由于營救地震遇難者的英雄壯舉而獲得市長授予的榮譽(yù)勛章。 本題是形近詞辨析題。要在A.reward “酬勞,獎賞”和B.award“授予”之間進(jìn)行辨析,由于賓語是榮譽(yù)勛章(medal of honor),所以只能選B.award(授予)。常用句型為:award sb something / award something to sb.。C. credit,把……歸功于……;D.prize珍視。
  2.D題意:加拿大人與大自然相處和睦,因為他們視自然界為衣食父母。本題是固定搭配題, 考查對介詞短語in harmony with…(同……和諧、融洽)的掌握。A.coordination協(xié)調(diào),調(diào)和;B.acquaintance相識,熟人;C.contact接觸, 均為不正確搭配。
  3.B題意:大眾傳媒有助于促進(jìn)產(chǎn)品生產(chǎn)到消費(fèi)的轉(zhuǎn)化。本題是一道動詞詞義辨析題,考察對shift詞意與句型的掌握。shift from … to …的意思是“從……移到……”為正確選項;干擾項C.lay emphasis后面應(yīng)接on (強(qiáng)調(diào)……);A.vary、D.moderate的意思分別為“變化”、“緩和”, 與題意不符。題干中mass advertising的意思是“大眾傳媒”。
  4.D題意:我知道你能說會道,但是別勸我買它。本題考查固定搭配,答案要選擇into,talk sb into doing something 說服某人做某事。
  5.A題意:只要我們不透支,在完成這個項目時,我們預(yù)測不會有任何困難。foresee.vt.預(yù)見,預(yù)知。fabricate.vt.編造(謊言,借口等),制造;infer vt.推斷,猜想;inhibit.vt.抑制,約束,常接介詞from,如:Fear of cancer may inhibit him from continuing to smoke.
  6.D題意:現(xiàn)代形式的通訊和運(yùn)輸大大突破了阿拉斯加的孤立生活狀態(tài)。本題考查的是一組詞組意思辨析。break down失靈,失效、停止運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn);break out 突然發(fā)生;break into闖入,侵入;break through突破、突圍。只有D最符合題意。
  7.D題意:請你找一張白紙,將你的名字寫在頂部好嗎? 這是一道考過數(shù)次的近義詞辨析題。blank指(紙張等)空白的;bare指物體的表面沒被覆蓋的;vacant指(日程等)空的;hollow指容器空的。
  8.C題意:我發(fā)現(xiàn)很難將我的事業(yè)雄心與撫養(yǎng)孩子的需要協(xié)調(diào)起來。reconcile vt. 調(diào)解, 調(diào)停; 使相協(xié)調(diào); 使和諧, 使一致。consolidate v.鞏固;amend v.修正, 改進(jìn), 改正;intensify 加強(qiáng),強(qiáng)化。
  10.B題意:大火最終得到控制,但已造成了重大損失。因為had been cause發(fā)生在前,即重大損失造成后,大火才得以控制。not before即after。因此B是正確答案。C“因為,自從”;D“因為,當(dāng)……時候”意思均不符。
  12.D題意:應(yīng)該有保障安全的機(jī)制來防止火車相撞。近義名詞辨義。A. appliance意為“(裝在較大的機(jī)械設(shè)備上的)設(shè)備,機(jī)械,裝置”;B. accessory意為“附件, 零件, 附加物, 從犯, 同謀者”;C. machine意為“機(jī)器,機(jī)械”;D. mechanism意為“裝置,機(jī)械,結(jié)構(gòu),程序”。
  開 心 一 刻
  If the day in the future
  This love will become true
  I've never change my mind that I will love you forever
  I love you, loving you
  as the mouse love the rice
