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  答案:[A卷昂立  新東方  文都   恩波  B卷]   在線估分

  試題:[A卷:考試吧版   B卷:考試吧版]

  點評:[文都名師點評   新東方名師點評]

  下載:[四級A卷下載   四級B卷下載]

  Section A

  Short Conversation

  11. W: Just imagine! We have to finish reading 300 pages before Monday! How can the professor expect us to do it in such a short time?

  M: Yeah, but what troubles me is that I can’t find the book in the library or in the university bookstore.

  Q: What does the man mean?

  12. M: Do you think I could borrow your car to go grocery shopping? The supermarkets outside the city are so much cheaper. I’d also be happy to pick up anything you need.

  W: Well, I don’t like to let anyone else drive my car. Tell you what, why don’t we go together?

  Q: What does the woman mean?

  13. M: Forgive the mess in here, we have a party last night. There were a lot of people and they all brought food.

  W: Yeah, I can tell. Well, I guess it’s pretty obvious what you’ll be doing most of today.

  Q: What does the woman think the man will do?

  14. W: What time would suit you for the first round talks with John Smith?

  M: Well, you know my schedule. Other than this Friday, one day is as good as the next.

  Q: What does the man mean?

  15. W: I was so angry yesterday! My biology teacher did not even let me explain why I missed the field trip. He just wouldn’t let me pass!

  M: That doesn’t seem fair. I’d feel that way too if I were you.

  Q: What does the man imply?

  16. M: I really can’t stand the way David controls the conversation all the time. If he is going to be at your Christmas party, I just won’t come.

  W: I’m sorry you feel that way, but my mother insists that he come.

  Q: What does the woman imply?

  17. W: You’re taking a course with Professor Johnson. What’s your impression so far?

  M: Well, many students could hardly stay awake in his class without first drinking a cup of coffee.

  Q: What does the man imply?

  18. W: Have you ever put a computer together before?

  M: No, never. But I think if we follow these instructions exactly, we won’t have much trouble.

  Q: What are the speakers going to do?

  Long Conversations

  Conversation 1

  W: What sort of hours do you work, Steve?

  M: Well I have to work very long hours, about eleven hours a day.

  W: What time do you start?

  M: I work 9 to 3, then I start again at 5:30 and work until 11, six days a week. So I have to work very unsocial hours.

  W: And do you have to work at the weekend?

  M: Oh, yes, that’s our busiest time. I get Wednesdays off.

  W: What are the things you have to do and the things you don’t have to do?

  M: Uh, I don’t have to do the washing-up, so that’s good. I have to wear white, and I have to keep everything in the kitchen totally clean.

  W: What’s hard about the job?

  M: You are standing up all the time. When we are busy, people get angry and shout, but that’s normal.

  W: How did you learn the profession?

  M: Well, I did a two-year course at college. In the first year we had to learn the basics, and then we had to take exams.

  W: Was it easy to find a job?

  M: I wrote to about six hotels and one of them gave me my first job, so I didn’t have to wait too long.

  W: And what’s the secret of being good at your job?

  M: Attention to detail. You have to love it. You have to show passion for it.

  W: And what are your plans for the future?

  M: I want to have my own place when the time is right.

  Q19. What does the man say about his job?

  Q 20. What does the man think is the hardest part of his job?

  Q 21. Where did the man get his first job after graduation?

  Q 22. What does the man say is important to being good at his job?

  Conversation 2

  W: Now you’ve seen this table of figures about the pocket money children in Britain get?

  M: Yes. I thought it was quite interesting, but I don’t quite understand the column entitled change. Can you explain what it means?

  W: Well, I think it means the change from the year before. I am not a mathematician, but I assume the rise from 70p to 90p is a rise of 25 percent.

  M: Oh yes, I see. And the inflation rate is there for comparison.

  W: Yes. why do you think the rise in pocket money is often higher than inflation?

  M: I am sorry I’ve no idea. Perhaps parents in Britain are too generous.

  W: Perhaps they are. But it looks as if children were not better off in 2001 than they were in 2002. That’s strange, isn’t it? And they seem to have been better off in 2003 than they are now. I wonder why that is.

  M: Yes, I don’t understand that at all.

  W: Anyway, if you had children, how much pocket money would you give them?

  M: I don’t know. I think I’ll probably give them 2 pounds a week.

  W: Would you? And what would you expect them to do with it?

  M: Well, out of that, they have to buy some small personal things, but I wouldn’t expect them to save to buy their own socks, for example.

  W: Yes, by the way, do most children in your country get pocket money?

  M: Yeah, they do.

  Q23 What is the table of figures about?

  Q24 What do we learn from the conversation about British children’s pocket money?

  Q25 Supposing the man had children, what would he expect them to do with their pocket money?

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