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  其中★高概率考點詞▲為重點考點詞●●其他考點詞 ×為永賠詞匯 ※ 97.1

  1.AS a ______ actor,he can perform,sing,dance and play several kinds of musical instruments. A.flexible 靈活的,柔韌的 n.flexibility ★B.versatile 形容人多才多藝的,形容工具用途廣泛的 vers 代表隨時可以變換的 n. versatility DVD = Diaital Versatile Disc ★C.sophisticated 特定領域成就著著的學識淵博的 女性事故的老練的 naive 女性單純的 純真的 naivety n. simple simplicity 單純 ×D.productive 具有創(chuàng)造力的 produce answer:B

  2.There are not many teachers who are strong ________ of traditional methods in English teacheing. A.sponsors 贊助商 ×(閱讀會考)B.contributors 捐款人 捐助人 投稿人 contribution 貢獻 ★C.advocates V 鼓吹 提倡 n.擁護者提倡者 (希臘神話,辯護士,古羅馬的辯護場滔滔不絕的人) ×D.performers 表演者 answer:C

  3.We managed to reach the top of the mountain , and half an hour later we began to ______. ★A.ascend ⒈上升,攀登 ⒉輕薄的東西升起(煙霧,聲音) ★B.descend 下降下山 ★C.decline 衰退 拒絕 下降 (數(shù)字及時間的下降) D.plunge plunge into 忽然墜落或移動 a前綴表示上升 ad前綴也代表上升由C.得depression 經(jīng)濟蕭條 DEPRESSION (大寫專有名詞) jerk 猝然移動(反映) jerk response 快速反映 jerk response 快速反映部隊 ex-sport 極限運動 ex 代表 extreme plunge into in air 撲向空氣 maximum 最大限度 M:代表至高無上得榮耀地位 constant:永久的,永恒的 minimum answer:B

  ★4.Competition,they believe , _______ the national character rather than corrupt A.enforces force 強迫 監(jiān)督實施強迫執(zhí)行 B.confirms affirm 確實 確定 C.intensifies 程度的增強 壓力的增大 intensive 強化的集中的深入的 D.strengthens (strong strength n)v 增強實力 信念 competition 競爭 n competitive adj rather than 句型前面的動詞噓后面動詞的反義詞,極端反意句型 corrupt:消弱崩潰 collapse:解體 corruption:**** bribery:行賄受賄 airfoeces 空軍 intensice reading 精讀 intensive training course 強化課程 answer:C

  5.The accident ________ him of his sight and the use of his legs. A.excluded include包括 clude=shut (關門)包括包含(關在里面)exclude 排除 排斥 拒絕 exclusive n exclusive interview 獨家訪問 B.disabled disable:make sb. unable to do sth. 從身心兩方面?zhèn)δ橙?★C.deprived deprive sb. of sth. 剝奪 搶奪 ×D.gripped 緊緊抓住 the disalbled 殘疾人(只有六級用) the disadvantaged 弱勢群體(美國表示殘疾人) the advantaged 強勢群體 accident 交通事故 incident 蓄謀事件 answer:C

  6.On weekends my grandma usually ______ a glass of wine. ★A.subscribes to 同意 支付款項 ★submit to(六級)提交上交遞交 describe 描述 ★ascribe to 歸因于 歸咎于(無名詞) B.engages in engage 訂婚 engage in 忙于做某事 參加某項活動 C.hangs on 堅韌 堅持(on 漂 浮在空中) D.indulges in 沉溺于 縱情于享受于葡萄酒只能對酌不能獨飲變成名詞時,后綴為 -scription ▲prescribe 開藥方 ▲prescription 藥方 answer:D

  7.The people living in these apartments have free ______ to that swimming pool. ★A.access 中性詞 have access to 自由進出的權利 accession to WTO accession to = have access to (進入某地的權利,美國越長的詞越有文化) ×B.excess多余過剩 excessive adj exceed 超越 A match B A跟B一樣的水平 A exceed B A超越B ×C.excursion 短途旅行 D.recreations create 娛樂休閑(重新創(chuàng)造) entertainment 娛樂 amusement 娛樂 answer:A

  ★8.At the party we found that shy girl ________ her mother all the time. A.depending on (depend on 不能用于進行時態(tài))independent 獨立的不依賴的 ★B.coinciding with (coincide 兩個以上物體面積輪廓相似,事件同時發(fā)生意見一致巧合) ★C.adhering to adhere to 粘住; 終于 堅持; 遵守法律法規(guī)(adhere to ,comply with ,conform to <符合需要及標準>) D.clinging to 抱緊掌握 answer:D P169 2000.06 66題 When you put up wallpaper, should you ___________the edges or put them next to each other? A.coincide (兩邊對齊,墻紙有重疊) B.extend (拉伸以后貼上去) C.overlap (over 蓋住 lap貼一張) D.collide (碰撞,2個物體相碰撞) answer:C

  9.When a psychologist does a general experiment about the human mind , he selects people ________ and ask them questions. A.at length (at last finally(六級) 【完整地,全部地(四級)】 B.at random = randomly 隨意地,偶然地【第50題 deliberately 存心地 故意地】 C.in essence 本質上地,實質上地(essential 實質的本質的) ×D.in bulk 散裝地 psychologist 心理學家 psycho——有關心理地前綴 therapy——療法 psychotherapy——精神療法 obesity,anxiety,insomnia,hypotension心理緊張(tension緊張) answer:B

  10.I think she hurt my feelings _________ rather than by accidents as she claimed. A.virtually B.deliberately 存心地 故意地 ▲C.literally 逐字逐句地 毫不夸張地 liter = language literature 文學 illiteracy 文盲 exaggerate 夸張 ★D.appropriately 適當?shù)?適合地(approximately 大約地) rather than 句型 by accidents = at randome answer:B

  11.Even though he was guilty , the _______ judge did not send him to prison. A.merciful 使人擺脫懲罰和痛苦地 使人獲得心靈安慰的 人道主意的 (mercy 仁慈 grace 恩典) ★B.impartial 不徇私情的 公正的 part 部分 partial 片面的 impart 傳授教授 C.conscientious 良心 有責任心的認真的(con sci en tious) ×D.conspicuous 明顯的顯著的一人注目的 不擇手段讓人出名 guilty 罪過 罪孽 sin 罪惡 original sin 原罪 even though 轉折 answer:A

  12.The education __________ for the coming year is about $4 billion, which is much more than what people expected. ×A.allowance 皇帝給寵臣的零花錢,政府頒發(fā)的津貼,經(jīng)費(享受國務院津貼的教授)【subsidy 補助費】 ▲B.reservation 預定(酒店)(六級每次都是開會酒店滿了……) C.budget 預算 D.finace 金融(banking 銀行 security 保險 insurance 證券 foundation 基金)教育預算 answer:C

  13.They had a fierce _______ as to whether their company should restore the trade relationship which was broken years ago. A.debate 辯論 【(正方,反方)對等力量】 B.clash 沖突(民族沖突,巴伊沖突)(和某人吵架把杯子【摔了】) crash 墜毀(飛機) ×C.disagreement 不一致 分歧 D.contest 斗爭競爭 (斗牛士與牛之間,校際比賽,學院內(nèi)部的比賽) Cambridge and Oxford fierce 激烈的 severe 嚴重的嚴肅的 as to 為了 restore (store 存儲)the relationship 恢復關系 recover 恢復(身體,力量 恢復) answer:A

  14.They tossed your thoughts back and forth over an hour, but still could not make ________ of them. A.impression 感染力 impressed 被某類事務所感染 B.comprehension (adj. comprehensive 廣泛的統(tǒng)一的全面的) C.meaning D.sense ×tossed 拋,扔 ▲bounce 彈跳 反彈 bounce shot 籃球從地上反彈到空中的扣籃 rebound 籃板球 ▲make sense of 理解弄懂 could you make sense?你理解了么? make full sense of?充分理解 answer:D

  15.The politician says the will __________ the welfare of the people.(短語題) A.prey on 掠奪 折磨 B.take on 開始從事某件事情 C.get at = that means 意思是 D.see to = pay attention to ,look after 強者照顧弱者 farewell 再見 tata(音)最時髦的再見用語(西班牙語)(沉默羔羊2) toll 鳴響(教堂的鐘聲) arms 武器 the sun also rises 太陽照樣升起 welfare 福利 pray 祈禱 prey 動物世界的弱者 predatior 強食者 over predatior 滅掉你響滅掉的人 pray ;prayer 祈禱者 answer:D

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