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寫好段首句作文必須注意審清題意,正確理解段首句、寫好擴展句及注意連貫與呼應。 審清題意 段首句作文從題目、段首句可以很容易地判斷出文章的體裁和寫作的目的。

  Pleasures in Reading

  ①I enjoy reading very much. ②Quite often I am so absorbed in a good book that for the time being I forget my surrounding and even myself. ③I think reading can offer me certain pleasures that real life cannot do.④In the first place, reading can disperse loneliness. ⑤In the pages of books I can talk and walk with the wise and the good of all lands and all times. ⑥The people I meet in books are always ready to give me friendship, sympathy, and encouragement, whereas my friends in reality cannot give me these when they leave me.⑦Furthermore, reading can add fullness to my life. ⑧By reading I can travel around the whole world, and lead varied lives. ⑨Through books the beauties of nature, the enjoyment of art, the triumphs of architecture, the marvels of engineering, are all open to my wonder and appreciation. ⑩It can be said those who cannot enjoy reading are poor men; those who enjoy reading most can obtain the greatest pleasure from it. ①主題句 ②舉例說明“我”很喜歡讀書 ③結尾句/過渡句 ④主題句/樂趣一 ⑤⑥具體解釋讀書為什么能和怎樣消除寂寞 ⑦主題句/樂趣二 ⑧⑨解釋讀書為什么能和怎樣豐富生活 ⑩總結全文

  再如,在以Chinese Women 為題的這篇段首句作文中,第一段的核心詞是“l(fā)iberated in many aspects”。因此,第一段應著重闡述中國婦女在哪些方面已獲得了解放。第二段段首句的過渡詞“However”,表示意思轉折,與第一段內容形成對立關系,要求寫婦女沒有獲得解放的方面。展開主題時,應注重事例要典型、突出。第三段給出的句子位于段尾,可視為結論句。其中“more”一詞表示婦女現(xiàn)在的狀況良好,將來會更好。該段的續(xù)寫要簡明扼要地指明婦女目前良好的總體狀況,以便和最后一句自然銜接。請看范文:

  Chinese Women

  ⑴Women in China have been liberated in many aspects. ⑵They enjoy the right to vote; they go to universities; they compete with men in any professional field on equal terms. ⑶They have shown that they are capable of being good leaders and of doing many important things. ⑷Practically, they are “holding up half the sky”.⑸However, there still exist some problems. ⑹Some people think women cannot hold many important posts as men do. ⑺For example, the female college students are often refused to enter into some professions where the male students have the priority. ⑻Besides, women are still treated as the inferior sex in some rural areas. ⑼Their only position is considered to raise children and do household chores.⑽Generally, with the rapid development of our economy, women have made enormous strides in their social status; they get equal position as men do. ⑾In the future, we can expect a more promising prospect for Chinese women. ⑴主題句⑵⑶舉例說明婦女在哪些方面獲得解放⑷結尾句/小結⑸主題句/指出還存在問題⑹問題一⑺舉例證明問題一⑻問題二⑼具體論證問題二⑽總結婦女目前良好的總體狀況⑾展望中國婦女未來的狀況

  最后,再看Project Hope這篇段首句作文題。根據(jù)所給材料和題目,這篇文章的主題思想是,“希望工程”對我國的建設具有重大的意義。第一段的段首句是“希望工程”的定義。要拓寬這個定義,續(xù)寫內容應放在“希望工程”的作用、目的、意義上。第二段主題句的核心詞是“important”。擴展句應從國家建設、教育的角度來論述“希望工程”的重大意義。第三段的段首給出“In my opinion”這一介詞短語,提醒我們這一段應闡述自己對“希望工程”的看法。但要注意緊扣主題思想,避免離題。請看下面的范文:

  Project Hope

 、貾roject Hope is an urgent measure that our government has taken to help poor children in China who cannot afford to go to school. ②The project aims at providing underprivileged children with tuition fees, setting up new primary schools, and supplying poorly equipped elementary schools with better teaching facilities.③This project is of great importance to our country. ④In the first place, it brings great hope to thousands of children who can now sit again in their classrooms and acquire knowledge, which will be very useful to their future. ⑤Secondly, as most children have access to education, it will lead to the enhancement of the intelligence level in our country. ⑥Thus the project will benefit the modernization of our country a lot.⑦In my opinion, the project has a far-reaching influence on the construction of our country. ⑧How well a country is developed is largely depends on how well its people are educated. ⑨Therefore, more work should be done to persuade our people throughout the country to make greater contributions to the “Project Hope”. ①“希望工程”的定義 ②“希望工程”的目的 ③主題句/重要性④理由一 ⑤理由二⑥小結/重申“希望工程”的重要性 ⑦我的意見/看法⑧證明我的看法⑨呼吁人們采取行動支持“希望工程”



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