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  62Questions62-66are based on the following passage.

  There is plenty of complaints about how social media--texting in particular--may be harming children's social and intellectual development. But a new study suggests that constant instant messaging (IM'ing)and texting among teens may also provide benefits, particularly for those who are introverted( 內向的).

  British researchers studied instant messages exchanged by 231 teens, aged 14 to 18. All of the participants were "regular" or "extensive" IM'ers. In the U. S., two thirds of teens use instant messaging services regularly, with a full third messaging at least once every day.

  The researchers analyzed 150 conversations in the study, and reported the results in the journal Computers in Human Behavior. In 100 of these chats, the study participant began IM'ing while in a negative emotional state such as sadness, distress or anger. The rest were conversations begun when the participant was feeling good or neutral. After the chat, participants reported about a 20% reduction in their distress--not enough to completely eliminate it, but enough to leave them feeling better than they had before reaching out.

  "Our findings suggest that IM'ing between distressed adolescents and their peers may provide emotional relief and consequently contribute to their well-being," the authors write, noting that prior research has shown that people assigned to talk to a stranger either in real life or online improved their mood in both settings, but even more with IM. And people who talk with their real-life friends online also report feeling closer to them than those who just communicate face-to-face, implying a strengthening of their bond.

  Why would digital communication trump human contact? The reasons are complex, but may have something to do with the fact that users can control expression of sadness and other emotions via IM without revealing emotional elements like tears that some may perceive as embarrassing or sources of discomfort. Studies also show that the anonymity( 匿名) of writing on a device blankets the users in a sense of safety that may prompt people to feel more comfortable in sharing and discussing their deepest and most authentic feelings. Prior research has shown that expressive writing itself can "vent" emotions and provide a sense of relief--and doing so knowing that your words are reaching a sympathetic friend may provide even more comfort and potentially be therapeutic.Researchers also found that introverted participants reported more relief from IM conversations when they were distressed than extraverts ( 內向的) did. As Susan Cain, author of Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can't Stop Talking, wrote recently for TIME: Introverts are often brimming over with thoughts and care deeply for their friends, family and colleagues. But even the most socially skilled introverts sometimes long for a free pass from socializing or talking on the phone. This is what the Internet offers : the chance to connect--but in measured doses and from behind a screen.

  What is the finding of the new study by British researchers?A. Instant messaging will hinder children's social and intellectual development.B. Introverted teens may benefit from constant instant messaging.C. Two thirds of Amebean teens use instant messaging every day.D. American teens aged 14 to 18 are extensive instant messaging users.



  B)。由題干中的new study定位到原文第一段第二句:But a new study suggests that constant instant messaging(IM’ing)and texting among teens may also provide benefits,particularly for those who are introverted(內向的).


  63What can be inferred from the results of the study?A. Teens are more likely to send instant messages when feeling distressed.B. Instant messaging can help completely remove teens' negative emotions.C. Chat via instant messaging services makes participants feel good or calm.D. Constant instant messaging can help teens control their negative emotions.

  本題共8.2分,參考答案:A解析:A)。由題干中的the results of the study定位到原文第三段第一、二句:The researchers analyzed l50 conversations in the study.and reported the results in the journal Computers in Human Behavior.In l00 of these chats,the study participant began IM'ing while in a negative emotional state such ills sadness,distress or anger.


  64According to the authors of Computers in Human Behavior,A. talking to strangers on the Internet can improve the moodB. face-to-face talk can strengthen the bond between friendsC. people often feel closer to real-life friends than to net friendsD. teens feeling bad can benefit from talks via instant messaging

  本題共8.2分,參考答案:D解析:D)。由題干中的authors of Computers in human Behavior定位到原文第四段第一句:“our findings suggest that IM’ing between distressed adolescents and their peers may provide emotional relief and consequently contribute to their well—bein9.”the authors write…


  65What does the digital commtmication enable users to do?A. Avoid embarrassment and discomfortB. Produce more expressive writings.C. Share and discuss more information.D. Find more sympathetic friends.

  本題共8.2分,參考答案:A解析:A)。由題干中的digital communication和users定位到文章第五段第二句:The reasons are complex,but may have something to do with the fact that users can control expression of sadness and other emotions via IM without revealing emotional elements like tears that some may perceive as embarrassing or sources of discomfort.


  66What does Susan Cain say about introverts?A. They do not reveal their thoughts to friends, family and colleagues.B. They tend to feel more distressed about IM conversations than extraverts.C. They are more skillful at the art of socializing than extraverts.D. They at times desire to socialize or talk via social media.本題共8.2分,參考答案:D解析:D)。由題干中的Susan Cain和introverts定位到文章末段第二旬:But even the most socially skilled introverts sometimes long for a free pass from socializing or talking on the phone.事實細節(jié)題。本題考查蘇珊·凱恩對內向者的即時通訊聊天的觀點。由定位句可知,即使社交能力最強的內向者有時候也會渴望在社交或打電話時能應對自如,故本題答案為D)。A)“內向的人不喜歡向朋友、家人及同事交流自己的想法”文章中并沒有提及,故排除;B)“與外向的人相比,內向的人使用即時通訊會感到更焦慮”,文章倒數(shù)第二段提到,研究同樣發(fā)現(xiàn),與外向的研究對象相比,內向的研究對象傷心時使用即時通訊聊天更能得到釋放,B)的邏輯關系與原文相反,故排除;C)“與外向的人相比,內向的人更擅長社交”原文未提及,故排除。Part VI Translation (30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.67當前我國經濟發(fā)展勢頭良好,經濟增長的內在機制(the internal mechanism)不斷增強,基本做到了速度、質量和效益的統(tǒng)一。但是我們也要清醒地看到,世界上沒有一個國家的經濟發(fā)展可以長盛不衰,永遠保持高速度。中國也不例外。改革開放取得的成就是有目共睹的,但是新的矛盾和問題也出現(xiàn)了,比如,國企(the state—owned enterprises)改革問題、貧富分化問題(the enormous gap between rich and poor)、腐敗問題、金融風險問題、生態(tài)環(huán)境破壞問題等。這些問題都需要我們高度重視,盡快找到有效的解決辦法。填寫我的答案插入圖片 本題共106.5分,參考答案:請參考解析解析:At present our economy is doing really well. The internal mechanism for economic growth has been increasingly strengthened. We have, to a large extent, struck the right balance between speed, quality and economic benefit.


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