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來源:考試吧 2017-05-24 9:50:38 要考試,上考試吧! 英語四六級萬題庫

  Part IV Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth) (25 minutes)

  Section A

  Questions 47 to 56 are based on the following passage.

  During sleep, the fatigue (疲勞 ) of the body 47 and recuperation (恢復(fù) begins. The tired mind gathers new energy.

  Once awake, the memory improves, and annoyance and problems are seen in a better 48 .

  Some adults require little sleep; others need eight to ten hours in every twenty-four. __49__ sleep sixteen to eighteen hours daily and, as they grow older, the 50__ gradually diminishes. Young students may need twelve hours; university students may need ten. A worker with a 51 demanding job may also need ten, whereas an executive worker under great pressure may manage on six to eight. Many famous people are reputed to have required little sleep. Napoleon, Thomas Edison and Charles Darwin apparently 52 only four to six hours a night.

  Whatever your 53 need, you can be sure that by the age of thirty you will have slept for a total of more than twelve years. By that age you will also have developed a sleep __54 a favorite hour, a favorite bed, a favorite position, and a formula

  you need to follow in order to rest comfortably.

  Investigators have tried to find out how long a person can go without sleep. Several people have reached more than 115 hours, nearly five days, 55 animals kept awake for from five to eight days have died of exhaustion. The __55_ for haman

  beings is probably about a week.


  Section B

  Passage One

  Questions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage.

  Americans are a very energetic and mobile people, always on the run, rushing from one appointment to another, from a PTA meeting to a social planning committee. They have very little time to spend preparing elaborate everyday meals to be eaten at leisure. In many homes it is rare for the whole family to sit down at supper together. Clubs and commitments force them to grab a quick meal rather than a sit-down supper.

  When they do have the chance to eat at home often the working housewife prefers to prepare meals which can be quickly heated and consumed. It is no wonder, therefore, that America has become a sanctuary for fast food consumption.

  This great transformation occurred after World War II when many women began to work full-time jobs and were spending less time at home with their families. Women, however, wanted to function well in the capacity of home-maker, as well as that of career woman but time became a precious commodity which had to be carefully used.

  Therefore, it was necessary to make her life easier at home in the preparation of the family dinner. Simultaneously with women entering the job market there was also a shifting of the focus of home entertainment from the radio to the television.

  Television became the latest fad in the fifties and no one wanted to miss his or her favorite televised program. The place for the evening’s supper shifted from the dining room to the living room.

  As the customs changed, so did the culture. The immediate solution for this was the invention of the TV dinner. These were frozen meals which were sectioned off into portions of meat and vegetables. They could easily be popped into an oven and prepared within minutes. The tin trays in which they were served were conveniently carried into the living room and dinner was consamed in front of a TV set. Cleaning up afterwards was no problem. The tin trays were easily tossed into the garbage.

  From fast dinners at home the next step was quick eating while on the road. At this time also the love for TV was combined with the fascination for the automobile. It is not odd that with the development of the superhighways America saw the beginning of fast food chains. McDonald’s paved the way with its variety of burgers and shakes soon to be followed by all kinds of other foods. Today dozens of fast-food chain franchises can be found along highways, in modem shopping malls and scattered throughout neighborhoods in America. Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, Roy Roger’s, Burger King and Wendy’s are just a few of the fast-food chains which are now part of American culture. They offer chicken, donuts, tacos and pizza, all quickly produced in great quantities for the masses. These establishments have given shape to the modern lifestyles and diet of the American people.


  57. Why Americans cannot eat elaborately prepared meals at leisure?

  [A] Because they don’t like cooking themselves,

  [B] Because there are more choices in the restaurants.

  [C] Because they have many things to do.

  [D] Because they can do nothing at leisure.

  58. Americans have been the consumers of fast food since

  [A] many women began to work full-time jobs

  [B] the invention of fast food

  [C] few women would like to be homemakers any more

  [D] the great reform after World War II

  59. Americans began to have supper in the living rooms because of

  [A] the attraction of the radio

  [B] their preference in fast food

  [C] the shift of home focus

  [D] the attraction of the television

  60. The fast food chains began to flourish with __

  [A] the development of the shopping malls

  [B] the development of the superhighways

  [C] the beginning of fast food chain franchises

  [D] the change of Americans’ lifestyles

  61. The main topic of the passage is __

  [A] the beginning of fast food chains

  [B] the changes of Americans’ eating customs

  [C] the transformation of lifestyles

  [D] the dieting of the American people

  Passage Two

  Questions 62 to 66 are based on the following passage.

  Car crashes are the leading cause of injury and death among U.S. children, and though most of us now think of car seats as standard baby equipment, about half of all children under the age of four who died in vehicle accidents last year were not restrained. It is calculated that only about two-thirds of children aged five to fifteen buckle their seat belts.

  Moreover, the traffic-safety agency estimates that even among parents who always strap their children in, 85% are not doing it properly. They often don’t know where best to place the kids, don’t use the proper restraint for their age and weight, or don’t install the safety seats properly. Despite the reports about front seats collapsing onto back seats when certain car models get in accidents, the safest place in the car for any child up to the age of 12 is still the back seat. Babies up to 9 kg and one year old should ride in rear-facing infant seats.

  Never place a child under age 12 in the front seat with a working passenger-side air bag. These devices are discharged at 320 km/h and can be triggered by low-speed fender benders. They have killed 77 kids in the U.S. since 1993. If you must place a child in front, make sure the passenger-side bag is switched off.

  Children over age one should ride in forward-facing safety seats with a five-point harness system. A child who weighs at least 18 kg or at least lm high can graduate to a booster seat that elevates her so that the standard shoulder and lap belt fits properly.


  62. What does the author mainly discuss in this passage?

  [A] How to avoid car crash.

  [B] How to design safer baby equipment.

  [C] How to educate children properly.

  [D] How to properly secure children in the ear.

  63. Which of the following is NOT among the "improper ways" mentioned in the passage?

  [A] They don’t know where best to place the child.

  [B] They don’t have the safety equipment for the child.

  [C] They don’t use the proper restraint for the kid’s age and weight.

  [D] They don’t install the safety seats properly.

  64. Which of the following is the best seat for the children under 12?

  [A] Forward-facing seats.

  [B] Rear-facing seats.

  [C] Front seats.

  [D] Back seats.

  65. The author indicates that a passenger-side air bag __

  [A] might not be dangerous if switched off

  [B] is designed for the safety of children

  [C] is discharged at 320 km/h and will not triggered by other factors

  [D] is not working ifa child sits in the seat

  66. What does the word "graduate" (Line 2, Para. 4) mean?

  [A] Finish schooling.

  [B] Change to something else.

  [C] Collapse.

  [D] Stand.


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