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來源:考試吧 2015-12-02 14:58:35 要考試,上考試吧! 英語四六級萬題庫
第 1 頁:模擬試題
第 4 頁:答案及解析

  Question 36 to 40 are based on the following passage .

  Disney World , Florida , is the biggest amusement resort in the world . It covers 24.4 thousand acres , and is twice the size of Manhattan .It was opened on October 1 , 1971 , five years later Walt Disney’s death , and it is a larger , slightly more ambitious version of Disneyland near Los Angeles . Foreigners tend to associate Walt Disney with Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs , and with his other famous cartoon characters , Mickey Mouse , Donald Duck and Pluto , or with his nature films , whose superb photography is spoiled , in the opinion of some , by the vulgarity of the commentary and musical background .

  There is very little that could be called vulgar in Disney World . It attracts people of most taste and most income groups , and people of all ages , from toddlers to grandpas . There are two expensive hotels , a golf course , and forest trails for horseback riding and rivers for canoeing . But the central attraction of the resort is the Magic Kingdom .

  Between the huge parking lots and the Magic Kingdom lies a broad artificial lake . In the distance rise the towers of Cinderella’s Castle , which like every other building in the Kingdom is built of solid materials . Even getting to the Magic Kingdom’s is quite and adventure . You have a choice of transportation . You can either cross the lake on a replica of a Mississippi paddle-wheeler , or you can glide around the shore in a streamlined monorail train .

  When you reach the terminal , you walk straight into a little square which faces Main Street is late 19th century . There are modern shops inside the buildings ,but all the decades are of the period . There are hanging baskets full of red and white flowers , and there is no traffic except a horse-draw streetcar and an ancient double-decider bus . Yet as you walk through the magic Kingdom , you are actually walking on top of a network of underground roads . This is how the shops , restaurants and all the other material needs of the Magic Kingdom are invisibly supplied .

  36. In which year did Walt Disney die ?

  A)1971 B)1976 C)1966 D)1900

  37. The main attraction of Disney World is _____.

  A)the Severn Dwarfs B) Mickey Mouse C) Donald Duck D) The Magic World

  38. Reaching the Magic Kingdom is _______.

  A)Adventurous B) dangerous C) difficult D) easy

  39. When one visits the biggest amusement in the world , one will find _____.

  A)it is relatively cheap B) it is very expensive C) it just wastes his time D) it is vulgar

  40 .Why is Disney World the most famous amusement resort ?

  A)It is funny B) It is interesting C) It is the biggest one D) It is the most expensive

  Part III Vocabulary and Structure (20 minutes )

  Directions : There are 30 inco9mplete sentence in this part . For each sentence there are four choices marked A) , B) , C) , and D) . Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence . Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center .

  41. The number of _____ species increases every year as natural habitats disappear .

  A.dangerous B .serious C. endangered D. hazardous

  42. Aluminum as well as most metals _____.

  A.is a good conductor B. is a good insulator C. are good conductors D. are good insulators

  43. Outline are used most often to ______the contents of long complex papers before the actual writing begins .

  A.sketch B. illustrate C. draw D. describe

  44. There are ten on the list , so you are _______.

  A . an eleventh B . the eleventh C . an eleven D . eleven 45. To get a high score ______.

  A . working hard is needed B . one must work hard .

  C . working hard is very important D . requirement is what needed

  46 . “ I’m tired , but let’s go” “ Why ____ rest a while ?”

  A.let’s B. not let’s C . not D . let’s not

  47. I shall never allow you to marry the poor girl and you are not may son if you _____.

  A . have B . married C . do not D . do

  48. He is _____ of a musician .

  A . anybody B. anyone C . somebody D . something

  49. William the Conqueror built the Tower of London to protect himself from_____ he had conquered .

  A . those B . each other C . them D . it

  50 . I probably know him _____ but not _____ .

  A . by the sight …By name B . by a sight … by name C . by sight … by name D . by the sight … by the name

  51 . I want an assistant with _____ little knowledge of French and ____ experience of office routine .

  A . the … a B . the … an C . a … the D . a … an

  52. She killed him not because she loved him less but ______.

  A . she loved the country more B . loved the country more

  C . loving the country more D. because she loved the country more

  53. Then _____ of that time when he was cowboy .

  A . Comes the memory B . came the memory C. the memory comes D . the memory came

  54. Busy ____ he is , he can fulfill the task ahead of schedule .

  A . because B . as C . no matter how D . although

  55. No sooner had he found his purse missing _____ he cried and shouted loudly .

  A . when B . than C . before D . while

  56 . Children , we have to _____ what we have now and it is for you to get better things in the future .

  A. make up for B . run away with C . do away with D . put up with

  57. Mr. Jack _____volleyball in the afternoon , but now his leg wounded , ____ in the evening .

  A . used to play … is used to taking a walk B . used to playing … is used to take a walk

  C . was used to playing … used to taking a walk D. was used to play … used to take a walk

  58. I wonder what the boy will ____ such a sum of money .

  A . do up B . do with C . do for D . do to

  59. Do you object _____with you tonight ?

  A . that B . for my staying C . to that I shall stay D . to my staying

  60. We must ____ the telegram arrived in time .

  A . secure B . assure C . ensure D . certify

  61. If only I _____ the books on the reading list before I attended the lecture .

  A . read B . have read C . had read D . could have read

  62. While crossing the mountain areas , all the men had guns for protection lest they _____by the local bandits .

  A . be attacked B . were attacked C . must be attacked D . would be attacked

  63 . He burned all the important documents ____ that they should fall into the enemy’s hands .

  A . unless B . for fear C . until D . so

  64. Up went the prices , ______.

  A . down the living standard come B . the living standard came down

  C . came down the living standard D . down came the living standard

  65. Although he is more serious _____ his studied than I am , my grades are better than his .

  A . with B . for C . about D . at

  66. People can _____ new ideas which nobody ever considered before .

  A . came into B . come up with C . come out D . come along with

  67.During their first teacher-training year , the students often visited local schools for the ____ of lessons .

  A. observation B. observance C. investigation D. inspection

  68. Old men sat on the park benches , waiting the village youths ____football .

  A. play B. playing C. to play D. played

  69. The science of medicine , _____ progress has been very rapid lately , is perhaps the most important of all science .

  A. to which B . with which C. in which D . among which

  70. They were just going to give up the question , _____ suddenly they found the answer .

  A. when B. after C. unless D. unless


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