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來源:考試吧 2015-11-27 9:02:44 要考試,上考試吧! 英語四六級萬題庫
第 1 頁:模擬試題
第 5 頁:參考答案

  Passage Three

  Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage

  Among all the animals, the ape is most like human beings. Both people and apes have the similar brain structure, the similar nerve system, and the similar kind of blood.

  There are four kinds of apes: the chimpanzee(黑猩猩), the orangutan(猩猩), the gorilla(大猩猩), and the gibbon(長臂猿). They live in the deep forests and warm tropical regions of Africa and of Southeast Asia, including Indonesia.

  All apes are covered with brown, reddish-brown, or black hair everywhere on their bodies except their faces, feet, and hands. Their hands each have four fingers and a thumb that helps them grip things the way our thumbs help us. But they also have a thumb on each foot instead of a big toe. Thus they can hold things with their feet also. Having short, weak legs, apes do not walk on the ground very much. However, their arms are very strong. This enables them to swing from branches and travel very quickly from tree to tree.

  These animals live in small family groups that move from place to place in search of vegetables and fruits. They also eat eggs, small animals, nuts, and insects. When they are tired, they build nests in the trees. But they rarely sleep there for more than a night or two. Then they move on to look for more food.

  There are some differences among the following three kids of apes. The gibbon is never more than three feet high and weight only about fourteen pounds. The gorilla grows to be six feet tall and weight up to 600 pounds. The orangutan is smaller than the gorilla. It stands three to five feet tall and weight up to 200 pounds.

  Chimpanzees are the smartest of all apes. They can be taught to sit at a table and eat, to dress themselves, and to do things that human children can do.

  11. What does the first paragraph tell us?

  [A] The ape looks like human beings most.

  [B] People and the ape think alike.

  [C] People and the ape behave alike.

  [D] The ape is the most intellectual animal in the world.

  12. Which of the following sentences is TRUE?

  [A] All apes are brown or black.

  [B] All parts of apes' bodies are covered with hair.

  [C] Apes have weak legs but very strong arms.

  [D] Apes' arms are strong enough to swim.

  13. Apes build nests in the trees but seldom sleep there for more than a night or two because ________.

  [A] They like to live in small family groups

  [B] They like to move from place to place in search of more food

  [C] They like to eat eggs, small animals, nuts and insects

  [D] it rains too often in the deep forests

  14. Among the three kinds of apes, ________.

  [A] the gorilla is the biggest

  [B] the gibbon is only three feet high but it is heavier than the orangutan

  [C] the orangutan is smaller than the gorilla and cleverer than the gibbon

  [D] the orangutan can stand up to a great height, but others cannot

  15. The last paragraph tells us that ________.

  [A] chimpanzees can do better than human children

  [B] chimpanzees can do many things that human children cannot do

  [C] human children can do many things that chimpanzees cannot do

  [D] the intelligence of chimpanzees is similar to that of human children

  Passage Four

  Questions 16 to 20are based on the following passage

  A weather map is an important tool for geographers. A succession of three or four maps presents a continuous picture of weather changes. Weather forecasters are able to determine the speed of air masses and fronts; to determine whether an individual pressure area is deepening or becoming shallow and whether a front is increasing or decreasing in intensity. They are also able to determine whether an air mass is retaining its original characteristics or taking on those of the surface over which it is moving. Thus, a most significant function of the map is to reveal a synoptic picture of conditions in the atmosphere at a given time.

  All students of geography should be able to interpret a weather map accurately. Weather maps contain an enormous amount of information about weather condition existing at the time of observation over a large geographical area. They reveal in a few minutes what otherwise would take hours to describe. The United States Weather Bureau issues information about approaching storms, floods, frosts and all climatic conditions in general. Twice a month it issues a 30-day "out-look" which is a rough guide to weather conditions likely to occur over broad areas of the United States. These 30-day outlooks are based upon an analysis of the upper air levels which often set the stage for the development of air masses, fronts, and storms.

  Considerable effort is being exerted today to achieve more accurate weather predictions. With the use of electronic instruments and earth satellites, enormous gains have taken place recently in identifying and tracking storms over regions which have but few meteorological stations. Extensive experiments are also in progress for weather modification studies. But the limitations of weather modification have prevented meteorological results except in the seeding of super?cooled, upslope mountainous winds which have produced additional rainfall on the windward side of mountain ranges. Nevertheless, they have provided a clearer understanding of the fundamentals of weather elements.

  16. The observation of weather conditions by satellites is advantageous because it_______.

  A. enables man to alter the weather B. makes weather prediction easier

  C. gives the scientist information not obtained readily otherwise D. uses electronic instruments

  17 . One characteristic of weather maps NOT mentioned by the author in this passage is

  A. fronts

  B. thermal changes C. Frost

  D. wind speed

  18. The thirty-day forecast is determined by examining_______.

  A. daily weather maps B. upper air levels C. satellite reports D. changing fronts

  19. At the present time, experiments are being conducted in_____

  A. 30-day "outlook" B. controlling storms

  C. controlling weather D. determining density of pressure groups

  20. Artificial rainmaking has been most successful in the_______.

  A. lake area

  B. western slope of mountains

  C. grass lands

  D. windward side of mountains


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